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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Chain of command... on: March 08, 2006, 02:48:30 pm
I can't see how not following orders is being special.
Gah, is my English so bad nobody understands it... *sighs*

The Official Chain of Command for the Baronship Army is and will always be... Recruit - Watchman - Junior - Regular - Senior - Veteran - Officers... No matter the squad, you cannot disregard rank...
We brought in squads to further the diversity of the Covian Militia, but it always worried us that there might fule up rivalries between squads and cause anarchy within the ranks. It seems this worry is becoming a reality these days. If it continues to elevate into something more, you may very well expect to see certain squads involved simply dissolved.

As I said, I know the chain - but nevertheless always thought of it not being correct - as I said, MY opinion as an active soldier...
But nevertheless, I wanted other opinions, I got them, and therefor it is useless to continue this discussion, for it seems nobody sees it the way I do.
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Chain of command... on: March 08, 2006, 12:18:16 pm
Regarding punishment: Delc will certainly punish quite harshly any disobedience in the covian army, just because I think it's the only logical way to respond to insubordinance in an army.

Forget the punishing think, that is not the question, especially for you are an officer and have the task to punish to keep the discipline.

The question is: do we want a mixture of the squads, the one might ask if different uniforms and especially speciallized leaders are necessary....
Again, just my thoughts, I think we havenīt done the specialization of the Army branches completly. And for RP-things: the scouts are said to be a "special", some say "strange" bunch. That Ben didnīt follow the orders of a dragoon is something special and hasnīt completly to do with the problem.
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Chain of command... on: March 08, 2006, 09:03:40 am
First Point: Squad is irrelevant in regard to rank. Either ye are a junior or not. And then you can be ordered around by any superior regardless of squad.

Thatīs what we do right now, but I still think it is not correct. Maybe it is because of the used phrases. In my opinion squads are usually used to describe platoon-equivalents, and a platoon is rarely fighting alone, the usual command level for squads is the company (sorry for the maybe wrong or complicated sentences, but I am too lazy and too long out of school to do it better right now). So when I hear "squad" I see for example the platoons of an infantry company. But we use squads for different troups, like in RL tanks, infantry, air cav and so on. And in my way of thinking an ordinary soldier of a tank company CANNOT order an soldier of for example armored reconnaissance for he isnīt trained to understand the ways a scout fights, and - even more important - thinks. Only officers and NCO are trained for joint and combined leadership.
What would that mean for us: as long as youīre not a commanding member of the squad you shouldnīt be allowed to command another squad soldier. Exceptions: you are leading a hunt, training or whatever...
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Chain of command... on: March 08, 2006, 07:37:16 am
Hiho everyone!

Just a few thoughts about our beloved Covian army:

1. I understand that the squads are too small and therefore we have no real separation in the chain of command, for example only the squad corporals or OC can command their squad, and the "ordinary" guardsmen" have to follow the orders of the superiors. But nevertheless I think it would be correct that way. Else a Highlander Regular *waves to Thomas* can order a Junior Scout, thought they have different ways of fighting and thinking IC, and therefor troubles can be expected.

2. Discipline: in the armed forces NOBODY ever dares to punish someone while their shared superior is present. The correct way is to report an incident to the actual leader, else he would loose his authority. Of course you might call it "nitty critty", but we have a lax behaviour in this thing, and I donīt thing itīs correct that way.

3. Ben will NEVER follow the order of a dragoon, he is busy keeping himself from trying to kill him for being among the "beard-pullers" ;c) Dwarven hate burns hot and long....

5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua on: March 08, 2006, 07:28:38 am
[OOC: I think that post by Ben is IC thing, not a post]

[OOC] One of those who got it ;c) Sorry Thom, that I did it this way, but I wanted to get something solved that isnīt correct for an army in my opinion. Look on the OOC-boards... [/OOC]
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Kals Speed Killing Tournament on: March 07, 2006, 12:50:22 pm
Hiho Kal!

I just want to state that I never went mad, but always followed YOUR orders, even when you tried to keep me from winning by adjusting your restriction for mages....
But as usual - brain wins over muscles. I have to say thanks to EV and BS, who first helped me with the ugly and fast bunny. The 2nd round I won thanks to Baal, an old friend I have met during my lessons of magery. Though quite ugly, he is a quite nice demon, if you talk to him first instead of trying to slay him. And finally thanks to Snaky, the giant snake, and Horsy, the brave horse, both summoned to assist me in slaying the horrible monster-bunny.
*walks away still counting his price*
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Punishment Duties for Junior Scout Ben Radua on: March 06, 2006, 08:47:51 pm
*walks past the boards and reads the post*
Ha, I will NEVER follow the orders of one of the beard pullers!
*spits on the floor.*
Has the brilliant Dragoon any prooves for his accusations? Who has ever heard of dwarves transforming into ferrets? Gah...
And if I want to poison his ugly transport, I would either use a spell or use a dose that instantly kills the beast. But as far as I could see, the ugly thing was healthy as a fish in the water. All I remember were harsh words by a rude horseman.
*walks away grumbling*
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt To Spiritualty Insundar on: February 28, 2006, 07:58:50 am
How could you miss me? I saved your ass with my magic, gal!!
*grumbles and walks away*
Pah, all non-Scouts are crap!
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The inquisition is back... on: February 23, 2006, 10:24:07 pm
Looks like the madmen are back. Today, after we had fought the GRD and had massacred them infront of the Swaggers, a strange guy clad in black armor appeared. He was obviously looking for Kas - dunno why - but took Watchman Redgar with him. I smell evil without seeing it, and of course your beloved dwarf took a chance and followed the pair.
At the inquisitorīs room he started to threat Redgar, not believing him not to be Kas. When he started to menace with torture, brave Redgar did what every guardsman would do: he told the truth, only to be ignored by the dark fool...

My hate burns deep in my veins, I havenīt forgotten the actions of those freaks before we finally got rid of them. So I paralyzed him, and Redgar was able to return to the safety of the barracks.

So take care, fellow Army members, for the brainless evil seaker are back. I KNOW they fear us, for they havenīt forgotten their fate the last time, and they know we can bear them down with the might of the Covian Army, but need to stay together, and need to strengthen our unity!!
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Dragoons Need You!! *A Picture Of Some Random Guy Pointing At You* on: February 22, 2006, 12:21:45 pm
[ooc: that is a husar.... *sighs*]
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The grudge on: February 20, 2006, 03:42:08 pm
[ooc] that your beloved dwarf is behind those posters might only suggest the Baron, for he recieved the letter. I was simple to lazy to remove my signature below the POST, but on the poster itself there is no hint, isnīt it. *sighs* [/ooc]
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The mighty Mage duels... on: February 20, 2006, 01:26:45 pm
*nods sadly*
If this is the way it was then it was...
Just to correct Kas, though he was quite busy and therefor didnīt get everything:

while I fought the Odenething he suddenly declared to be ran out of reagents. Instead of stoping the duell he simply tried to organize some from them Lym-manling. The fight NEVER stoped! When I finally had him down the Lym-manling interfered, attacked me and knocked me while I was still focused on the traitor Odenething. Odenething NEVER won, but I got the blame, something I couldnīt accept and so quit the tournament.
*the handwriting gets more distinct*
Nevertheless I will get my revenge on the Odenething, soon-ex-manling and restless soul...
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A poster can be found in towns all over the continents... on: February 20, 2006, 08:01:42 am
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The grudge on: February 20, 2006, 06:24:14 am
*a letter is placed on the Baronīs table in his locked private chamber*
after yesterdays tournament and all things connected to Odenetus I decided to eliminate one of my older grudges.
During the next weeks I will try to follow the so called Maestro Odenetus and get behind his secrets. My main target is to get the Maestro itself, and then I will take revenge for everything he did to my new clan, the Baronship, and all the hate he filled in my heart.
I have already prepared the large cauldron in wich I will cook him, first his tiptoes, then his lower legs, his upper legs, and then slowly up. With the help with my magery I will be able to keep him alive as long as possible, so he can smell his own cooked meat, feel his well-done flesh leaving the bones.
I will leave Cove now till I fulfilled my grudge!
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Recruitment at the dark elves... on: February 19, 2006, 08:00:27 pm
I want to keep it short:
today I travelled to the dark elves hiding at the end of Sanctuary. I tried to get some new members there.... but those pointed-ears are too dumb!
Maybe someone else has a chance to convince them, but to your famous dwarf they appear abit... uhm... strange!
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