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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / tackling the invasion and more! on: May 11, 2008, 09:39:53 pm
event :- fighting the invasion
attending  -  watchman takemada
recruit - noxarian
leading -  by default watchman justice forum

i am sure that it will be reported elsewhere but  earlier we had a somewhat unsuccessful raid in cove on the invaders.
anyway we were feeling a little low and sargeant sanderson had forbidden us to return to cove so we 3 mustered in the inn and discussed the evenings events.
sarge sanderson had told us we must not face the invaders unless under the command of a covian officer. we sat and discussed events. nox was feeling bad hearing the screams from the town.
we nay wanted to upset the sarge but decided that to be outside would not be in contravention of the order so we went to the watch tower and quickly ascertained that the invasion had been beaten back. with no enemy in the town i took the decison that to enter the town would be ok as the invaders were not there. so we proudly entered the town in line and ensured all was clear. takemada however noticed that we were being followed by a brigand. we eventually decided to confront this brigand. As he had no feasible reason to be following us i offered him the opportunity to leave cove under his own steam. after he made various comments towards me i told nox to take his arm and lead him out. nox did this perfectly but the critter kept acting suspiciously and as we reached the gates he made  a break for it. takemada took him down in the fields so we then forcibly removed him to the town gates and kicked him out!
well done to noxarian and takemada
and its a reminder that these may be hard times in cove but we must watch for our traditional foes
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 09, 2008, 08:36:46 pm
It seems the captain is exploring other lands so I handed the package to sargeant Hoagie and bravely hid while he opened it in case of explosion. The sarge then started talking about giant rats! i whispered to Marcus to find out if the sarge may have been in the inn. it seems i whispered too loudly as the sarge told me he hadnt and if i dared to smell his breath he would beat me to a pulp. i naturally withdrew to a safe distance.
seems the package also contained and evil mineral called blackrock.  In my absence from the army to discover more of arcanism i had seen this material before and seen its destructive properties.
I dont really know how to store blackrock but the sarge was very insistant that i took it away so i did so and stored it in nujelm bank packed in ice (far away from cove)
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 09, 2008, 08:26:59 pm
In the absence of the capn i passed it to sarge hoagie
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 09, 2008, 06:39:32 pm
Strange noises and a sort of energy are eminating from it now
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 09, 2008, 11:50:20 am
Today i received a very heavy package from my uncle. Along with a note saying that the package could only be opened by the captain and i was to say to the captain that he may not think the item useful at the moment but it would be of use in the future. Nearly put my back out carrying the damn thing.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recon of MAGINCIA on: May 07, 2008, 09:04:40 pm
No no i saved magincia! or at least part of it is on my roof
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Pilgrimage To Humility. And an annoying Lichy Thing. on: May 07, 2008, 09:02:58 pm
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Pilgrimage To Humility. And an annoying Lichy Thing. on: May 07, 2008, 08:08:51 pm
I was there too *hand up*
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 05, 2008, 04:23:54 pm
Captain i received a pigeon today from my uncle Kain whom you met earlier this year i believe? he is currenly on a crusade to a far away land but here is a short piece of what he wrote.

Justice, I am still very surprised that you are A. In an Army  and
B. they let you in

Our crusaders have recently seen some strange and evil beings that are believed to be after complete sosarian domination. let me name some of them for you.
The first is a Vanguard, this thing seems to be in charge.with him are an assortment of undead  and creatures made form ore it seems along with brigands.

They also seem to wear and arm themselves with some strange things. the first part i noted one  was wearing a cloak of shadows that is not dissimilar to the cloak of corruption that i gained in the rift.
carrying an Obsidian blade that just seems to sap the life from you along with other things.

If you have and language experts i have also noted some of the things said but to me they are gibberish but if you do have an expert let me know and i pigeon what they say.
These are worrying times indeed but as a soldier i am sure you will be in the thick of it.

Good luck Jus
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Disturbing news on: May 04, 2008, 06:42:06 pm
Should be taken seriously sir as hes seldom wrong
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Disturbing news on: May 04, 2008, 12:43:11 pm
It is with some concern that i must report something i have heard from a friend.
My friend is a mystic and he says that the man sosarian moons prophesies a great war that he is calling the war of shadows. He goes on to say that there will be an invasion from a very stronge and mysterious force and that the attacks will be mainly on delucia, Nujelm and COVE! worrying indeed as most of his prophesies come true.
12  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Training with Vesper - 8:00PM - Thursday 1st May on: April 27, 2008, 10:28:49 pm
*coughs* any swaggers staff attending?
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *A small, hastily-written note is placed on Captain Morana's desk* on: April 26, 2008, 05:33:15 pm
task : to relieve a town under siege that may already have fallen

purpose : to Liberate the town

Captain i have received a letter from a friend. It appears his town is under siege and was going to fall imminently.

Though he is not a soldier himself i have visitted him at the town many times and the people are both warm and amenable.
Poor non-combatant people should be defended.
sir, submitted for consideration of a unit of our skilled covians to relieve the town of Mistas. I feel that a unit of perhaps 4 or 5 can retake the town

14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Justice absence on: April 20, 2008, 08:38:52 pm
Justice applied to sargeant hoagie to take some leave to study arcanery.
in my travels as a student of arcanery i have found some amazing things. i have seen arcanists do some things that frankly shouldnt be allowed. to animate the dead is surely not good and made me question my fellow arcanists but i did finally find something so strong in arcanery it too my breath away! a strange portal created by the most famous arcanist of all, kronos. he apparently died creating this portal in moonglow.  i took a peek in and found evil things beyond my comprehension and many strange spells and one in particular. a spell called 'armageddon' purported to be the strongest spell in the lands. i learned the encantation for this spell but i dare not utter it due to its destructive abilities. i cannot encant these words for fear of what may happen
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Caravan from Skara Brae to Britain felucca on: April 10, 2008, 08:39:11 pm
event - the first bi-weekly trade caravan from skara brae to Britain

Purpose - to protect the caravan from thieves on a well publicised route

lead by - Paidric -helper of the young

details - As usual I was late! The caravan had moved off prior to my arrival so i looked around and finally found another army lined up, The guardmen militia so I being a cunning little minx slid in at the end of their line. we do look far smarter than them so i was a little surprised that only one person raised their eyebrows at her. We then set off to rescue the caravan as they had fallen into difficulties. The screenshot is a little competition, spot the Covian!

Many battles then ensued and I was bewildered at the amazing properties of some of the items people wore and such amazing colours and spells flying around at a stunning rate and of immense power. When there was a lull in the battle, I stepped over bodies to reach my poor unsuspecting new Guardsman militia friends. Their commander then ordered a forced march west which surprised me  as to her it was completely the wrong way so as usual i did the opposite and set off east!

Turns out east was the correct way and I met up with the caravan and battled to Britain and then even more surprisingly they then decided it would be good to return to Skara Brae. Most were mounted on strange see through beasts and beast of many coloured armours and I was left behind very quickly. many evil looking people came into contact with me but most let me be, maybe because they fear the wrath of Cove.

We all mustered on the quayside in Skara Brae and fought off repeated attacks before the leader said we may all leave and thanked us.
The Militia however were never seen again!

Justice Forum
Watchman with aching feet

OK SPOT THE COVIAN? the winner gets a week old muffin

If you look carefully at the right of this one you can see me about to sneak in to the end of the militia line!

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