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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Tackling Evening Duties
on: April 22, 2008, 09:09:42 am
Nicholas shuffled some papers together. Carefully dipping his quill in some ink, he began to scribe the administration for last eve's duties.Evening Duties: Monday 21st April 2008Supervised by Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired OfficerPatrolling Covian GraveyardLudwik Bloodaxe, Watchman (Leading)Hoagie, Sergeant Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman Takeamada, Watchman Sentry at Covian GatesTakeamada, Watchman (Leading)Hoagie, Sergeant Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman Ludwik Bloodaxe, Watchman I alerted the guardsmen to the Covian Barracks with a good old fashion ringing of the bell! At which point, I woke the somewhat groggy guardsmen up with a quick dash to the gates, and a little bit of drill. For the rest of the duties, Watchmen Ludwik Bloodaxe and Takemada were assigned leadership and responsibility, which they performed excellently. Following a snappy patrol to the Covian Graveyard, and a somewhat interesting Sentry that was attacked by two guardsmen in disguise, we set out for New Haven to spread the word of Cove! I shall organise a separate, and more large scale Recruitment Party for my transfer into the ranks at a later date. Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Where are the borders for the Baronship of Cove?
on: April 20, 2008, 02:16:00 am
An interesting proposal ye've brought forward, Recruit Takeamada!
Its true, there should be borders set firmly in place. There has always been a vague understanding of what is Covian and what is not, however.
With Vesper we have usually enjoyed a casual friendship whereby there was no major disputes in regards to Borders, until we began mining in the Covetous Mountains somewhat closer to the city of Vesper. But you've quite rightly placed the border at the crossroads of Vesper.
In maintaining something of a liberal border set, we do consider the guard post in Altmere as the Baron's Own, and regularly set sentry here. One would assume that when passing Altmere, one is entering the Baron's Country.
Regarding the Northern Garrison idea, I generally like this, and don't see why we shouldn't "landgrab" further north up to the Eastern Bridge. There, we would mostly likely consider the Yewish border to be drawn and ably kept by the Guardsmen Militia. However, admittedly, our manpower is somewhat reduced at the moment.
I shall discuss with cartographers about setting down a clear Border in the Official Baronship Maps.
Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Bashford's Transfer
on: April 11, 2008, 07:07:22 pm
I accept this challenge! Ha! And I present, Day One of my Banner Campaign. A few paintings of the Banners in action! Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log
on: April 07, 2008, 09:10:58 pm
*leaves a brief entry*
Patrol Led By: Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer
Attended By: Guardsman Recruit Takemada Covian Attack Dog Danika
Squad went on a quick patrol to the Covian Graveyard. A mere blitz session really. The Recruit showed exceptional shooting skills, and near saved me from losing my head to a Lich!
Good show!
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Training report for 04/01/08
on: April 01, 2008, 08:45:30 pm
Training InstructorGrenadier Captain Morana Attendance RegistrySergeant Kelly Sanderson (Injured) Retired Officer Sir Nicolas Bashford Watchman Marcus Tel'var Guardsman Recruit Ludwik Bloodaxe Guardsman Recruit Takeamada Well, its been some time since I've trained in any sort of military aspect. And admittedly, I only ventured to Cove to bring dark tidings and what not in the past. However, growing bored of spending many months lounging around in the Green Goblin, I decided to attend a Guardsmen Training session held by Grenadier Captain Raiden Morana. Chopping logs! Was truly spiffing! I felt energised and invigorated following a series of shuttle runs across the Covian Shire to the Vesperian border, some strength logging work, a trip to the Covian Graveyared, and a circuit run around the Altmere Outpost. Sending the Undead on their way! The Training was finished off with a Last Man Standing, whereby Captain Morana and Watchman Tel'var fought till the bitter end! With Captain Morana claiming victory over all! Captain Morana's interesting circuit run.. In other news, whilst shuttling around Altmere Outpost, Sergeant Sanderson sustained an injury.. Ankle, I think it was! Nay good news. One hopes she recovers soon! Sir Nicholas Bashford, Retired Officer Formerly Palace Guards Regiment, Britannian Army Strategic Advisor, Baronship Of Cove