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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Combat Pilgrimage - Cleansing The Shrines on: May 19, 2008, 09:24:24 pm
The Pilgrimage To Sacrifice.

Led by:

Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Attended by:

Takeamada, Watchman
Marcus Tel'var, Junior Guardsman
Justice, Watchman
Delferium, Guardsman Recruit
Marvin Grimpblad, Guardsman Recruit

*Note for Army Administration: Marcus Tel'var-Junior Guardsman,
Justice- Watchman, Delferium-Guardsman Recruit
Marvin Grimpblad-Guardsman Recruit donated 3,500 coins to the coffers

This eve we set for clean the territory of sacrifice shrine. We start at the barracks and then headed to the Minoc moongate.

When we got to ilshenar we decided to kill some brigands and ratmans. As for brigands, we kill them with no problems. And we didnt killed ratmans because someone did it before us.

Our next aim was Meer settlement and there we checked some buildings, found nothing in it.

We ran to the road pass gypsy camp and reaches Spiders Cave. Inside it we have a great battle-many corpses of spiders are in a cave after our great Covian expedition.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Exercise session-report on: April 17, 2008, 09:45:22 pm
Exercise session!

At the barracks arena.

At 8.30 pmt, 17 of April 2008.

Commanding officer:
Kelly Sanderson, Sergeant
Tiberius, Senior Guardsman

Jeremy Forsyth, Guardsman Recruit
Takeamada, Guardsman Recruit
Jon Trent, Junior Guardsman
Marcus Tel'var, Wathcman
Flina Trix, Regular Grenadier(left before sparrings)
Marvin Grimpblad, Guardsman Recruit

We started at the barracks with checking our kits: torches and bandages.

After that Tiberius took commandment under himself... He wanted to perform a real training session that can help us in the combat.
We took off our armor and arms and run to the Town Gates. There we had a sparrings(at first nor armed, second-we used all our equipment)

After second sparring i was injured but not too seriously.
Our next task was... swimming. We swam around harbour and i think fishers were very suprised!

When we returned to the barracks we had a last man standing battle. The winner is Marcus Tel'var. Congratulations!!


3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Raiden's Recruit Cadre 14/04/08 on: April 15, 2008, 05:35:12 am
* Signed *
Marvin Grimpblad,Guardsmen Recruit
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: April 12, 2008, 08:27:39 pm
Patrol to the Town gates and  the Altmere.
Attended by:
Marvin Grimpblade,Guardsmen Recruit
Jeremy Forsyth,Guardsmen Recruit

I met Jeremy Forsyth near the Covian Barracks and we decided to check the situation near our great town. We headed to the gates and all was clear-we didn’t met anyone. After that we headed to the Altmere-there we met a few monsters which were killed. When we arrive to the Altmere the situation was the same as at the gates-no one. We went upstairs to have a beautiful view and then headed to the barracks.

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