Task One: Truth
My lecture took place this evening at five o'clock, which i had scribed earlier in the day. Here is a copy of the general outline of my lecture:
“My aim of this lecture shalt be to remind all females and children of Avatar of thy roles in society. In addition to society, the Church itself.
I shalt advise ye on appropriate dress, communal and public conduct, occupation, marriage and ye purpose of being. Males, ye shall be made aware of thy female’s expected attitudes towards thyself and their general conduct.
Dress is a crucial aspect all ye females must respect as children of Avatar. Ye shalt nay use dress as a means for “wooing” inappropriately, nor making thyself stand out to a crowd – This applies especially to a crowd of the male variety. Females should dress respectfully, as ye would in front of His presence. If ye nay follow His wishes, punishment shalt be faced by ye.
Thou shalt always conduct thyself appropriately. Any fellow males shalt also encourage this mannerly behaviour within their wives and female colleagues. Poor use of language and blasphemy can and shalt be deeply frowned upon and punished.
Occupation hath remained of the utmost importance within Sosaria, and ye shall obey to His wishes to be hardworking and respectful females – Ne’er undermine a male, for females are the lesser sex. Also, ne’er undermine ye position in society: Ye are blessed to be unpunished for ye sex alone. I recommend grasping attempts at becoming a seamstress, nurse or scribe as being great occupations. Be wise, Chyld.
Thy matrimony to a male is accomplished by all of the above. An honest male and the Avatar Himself is thy only hope of becoming a trustworthy female as Avatar’s Chyld. Ye shalt always be faithful to ye spouse, and any form of adultery shalt be punished to extremes: It shalt be the Pyre for ye!
Thy purpose of being on this here soil is to serve His greatness and serve Him well. Daily prayer and hard workmanship is the path to your life as a female. I hope ye follow the path of the Virtues, and that is spoken to both sexes!"
One young female had many questions, and I advised her of what she should do regarding her blasphemies and dress. The lecture seemed worthwhile.
*Signed in small letters*
-Sister Edith
My lecture took place this evening at five o'clock, which i had scribed earlier in the day. Here is a copy of the general outline of my lecture:
“My aim of this lecture shalt be to remind all females and children of Avatar of thy roles in society. In addition to society, the Church itself.
I shalt advise ye on appropriate dress, communal and public conduct, occupation, marriage and ye purpose of being. Males, ye shall be made aware of thy female’s expected attitudes towards thyself and their general conduct.
Dress is a crucial aspect all ye females must respect as children of Avatar. Ye shalt nay use dress as a means for “wooing” inappropriately, nor making thyself stand out to a crowd – This applies especially to a crowd of the male variety. Females should dress respectfully, as ye would in front of His presence. If ye nay follow His wishes, punishment shalt be faced by ye.
Thou shalt always conduct thyself appropriately. Any fellow males shalt also encourage this mannerly behaviour within their wives and female colleagues. Poor use of language and blasphemy can and shalt be deeply frowned upon and punished.
Occupation hath remained of the utmost importance within Sosaria, and ye shall obey to His wishes to be hardworking and respectful females – Ne’er undermine a male, for females are the lesser sex. Also, ne’er undermine ye position in society: Ye are blessed to be unpunished for ye sex alone. I recommend grasping attempts at becoming a seamstress, nurse or scribe as being great occupations. Be wise, Chyld.
Thy matrimony to a male is accomplished by all of the above. An honest male and the Avatar Himself is thy only hope of becoming a trustworthy female as Avatar’s Chyld. Ye shalt always be faithful to ye spouse, and any form of adultery shalt be punished to extremes: It shalt be the Pyre for ye!
Thy purpose of being on this here soil is to serve His greatness and serve Him well. Daily prayer and hard workmanship is the path to your life as a female. I hope ye follow the path of the Virtues, and that is spoken to both sexes!"
One young female had many questions, and I advised her of what she should do regarding her blasphemies and dress. The lecture seemed worthwhile.
*Signed in small letters*
-Sister Edith