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1  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Re: [Commoner Trial] - Edith on: October 27, 2009, 08:04:29 pm
Task One: Truth

My lecture took place this evening at five o'clock, which i had scribed earlier in the day. Here is a copy of the general outline of my lecture:

“My aim of this lecture shalt be to remind all females and children of Avatar of thy roles in society. In addition to society, the Church itself.

I shalt advise ye on appropriate dress, communal and public conduct, occupation, marriage and ye purpose of being. Males, ye shall be made aware of thy female’s expected attitudes towards thyself and their general conduct.

Dress is a crucial aspect all ye females must respect as children of Avatar. Ye shalt nay use dress as a means for “wooing” inappropriately, nor making thyself stand out to a crowd – This applies especially to a crowd of the male variety. Females should dress respectfully, as ye would in front of His presence. If ye nay follow His wishes, punishment shalt be faced by ye.

Thou shalt always conduct thyself appropriately. Any fellow males shalt also encourage this mannerly behaviour within their wives and female colleagues. Poor use of language and blasphemy can and shalt be deeply frowned upon and punished.

Occupation hath remained of the utmost importance within Sosaria, and ye shall obey to His wishes to be hardworking and respectful females – Ne’er undermine a male, for females are the lesser sex. Also, ne’er undermine ye position in society: Ye are blessed to be unpunished for ye sex alone. I recommend grasping attempts at becoming a seamstress, nurse or scribe as being great occupations. Be wise, Chyld.

Thy matrimony to a male is accomplished by all of the above. An honest male and the Avatar Himself is thy only hope of becoming a trustworthy female as Avatar’s Chyld. Ye shalt always be faithful to ye spouse, and any form of adultery shalt be punished to extremes: It shalt be the Pyre for ye!

Thy purpose of being on this here soil is to serve His greatness and serve Him well. Daily prayer and hard workmanship is the path to your life as a female. I hope ye follow the path of the Virtues, and that is spoken to both sexes!"

One young female had many questions, and I advised her of what she should do regarding her blasphemies and dress. The lecture seemed worthwhile.

*Signed in small letters*
-Sister Edith
2  In Character Boards / Old Events / Tuesday 27th October - 5pm - Gather in the Church on: October 27, 2009, 01:09:06 pm
Good Morning to ye all,

Each chyld of Avatar around the perimeters of Cove at the fifth hour of the evening are advised to cometh and sit with me in thy Church.

Thank ye,

*Signed in small letters*
-Sister Edith
3  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Re: [Commoner Trial] - Edith on: October 19, 2009, 03:05:42 pm
Task Two: Love

I set to scribing the tome the other eve', describing our great Cove and the Church within. Here is the tome I scribed:

"The Avatar's followers hath returned to the Covian Church!

Ones true path to salvation be determined by their faith in the Avatar, and thy attendance to weekly Church Mass. The Avatar be kind to those of his children who follow the path of the Virtues! Ye must preach the word of the Avatar to all those strayers who have an ear to lend.

Friars and citizen followers of His word around Sosaria should be informed that the Covian Church is seeking new faithful faces, and ensure a life of fulfilment and forgiveness to those who choose the path of the Virtues."

I then travelled to many a moongate to spread the word of the great Avatar.

After this deed had been completed, I produced some larger banners within the walls of Cove, New Haven and Britain. They were rather large and difficult to carry with just one female alone, but I managed with some perseverance.

*Signed in small letters*

-Sister Edith
4  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Re: Recruitment Supplies on: October 12, 2009, 02:25:40 pm
To whoever it may concern,

Today I found time amongst my prayers to serve some thought to the good-willed Militia men's requirements.

I hath placed a sum of fourty leaflets within the pouch this day. I hope they shalt help with the Military's needs.

*Signed in small print*

Sister Edith
5  Element boards / Citizen Task Board / Re: Acquaintances New and Old on: October 07, 2009, 10:58:47 pm

Sorry it is short and concise, but I am afterall describing a rather plain woman.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Posters put up on the church door and other places around Cove* on: October 07, 2009, 02:14:28 am
*Sister Edith wanders past the church, seemingly horrified at the posters. After quite a while, she manages to drag them down and put them somewhere out of sight. She then goes in search for any other evidence of vandalism, and the search is still ongoing.*
7  Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Re: Things That Go Boom! on: June 23, 2008, 12:01:26 am
*Edith walked by the Town Hall and started rummaging amongst the various advertisement leaflets and tasks bulked into bunches upon the board. Eventually, she came across a screwed up task... One that she could give a helping hand with. She hastily set to work, reading the task carefully...

The letter and sketches attached are neatly and accurately written in a very professional manner.*

Dear Mr Morana,

I plucked this task from a heavy pile of paper, which seemed to be abandoned for many a day. However, I have seen that the Baron's Grenadiers now have their resources. I would usually not make such offensive produce, but if it is for the Army's well being, I can make a slight detour in what I would normally do. I got in contact with Grenadier Corporal Thenasa, and we set a price of 12,000 coins for both of the kegs, which the gold would of course go towards the Church fundings.

Making these potions took quite a while, as the kegs I used were extra large.

After I had made the potions, it was a day or so until I saw another Grenadier. The Grenadier I came across was that of Marcus Tel'var. You may enquire with him regarding the whereabouts of the potions. I have not yet recieved payment, and that should come either off yourself or Miss Thenasa. If you wish to pay less, I am willing to negotiate a fair price, as I thought that 12,000 coins was a fair bit too steep for a mere two kegs of this produce.

If any of the produce is faulty or if you find yourself in need of bottles, please do not hesitate to contact me in Mr Shadowhand's workshops.

I thank you for your time in reading.

*Signed in small, neat print*
-Sister Edith

These potions are of the best quality and strength, so please use them with great care.
8  Element boards / Citizen Board / Covian Hospital on: June 14, 2008, 02:20:54 pm
To all Covian Citizens and Army Members,

The Covian Hospital is now open, after many a long and tiresome a night attempting to build it! Myself and Mat Shadowhand have spent a long time constructing this building, so we hope you shall make great use of it when in need.

Myself and Ileana Leontine are the two present nurses in practice for the Hospital.

However, if anyone has any skills that could be made useful for it then please do not hold your peace! We shall take on board all the help we can possibly gather. I thank Mr. Mat Shadowhand for working with me for this long and tiring duration to make the Hospital a success.

*Signed in small, neat writing*
-Sister Edith
9  Element boards / Citizen Board / Making a Market on: June 14, 2008, 02:18:59 pm
To help with one of Miss Axiana Masteen's markets that was to be held in Cove, I spent a couple of hours planning ahead and making her some produce for said market.

Drinks, Food and Furniture were supplied for the market, which was a success.

*Signed in small, neat writing*
-Sister Edith
10  Element boards / Citizen Administration Board / Edith, Cleric (515) on: June 14, 2008, 02:18:25 pm
(If there are no objections, this character shall be taken through the roles of a Citizen, beginning with Commoner.)


Servant of the Church, Nurse, Alchemist, Scribe, Seamstress.

Current Standing:
Cleric (Commoner)

Current Shilling Count:

Citizen task board tasks: 3/3 COMPLETE
*Things that go Boom
*Aquaintances New and Old
*Recruitment Supplies

Cultural Events attended: 1/1 COMPLETE
*Covian Markets

Adding to the Covian culture: 1/1 COMPLETE
*Covian Hospital

Other / miscellaneous tasks: 6
*Cleansing Honesty
*Supplies and Resources
*Leaflets Stocked
*Making a Market
*Grenadier Trials: Takeamada
*Preparations: Baronial Dinner

Events led: 0 (if applies to your rank)

TRIAL: Not passed
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