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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Gate Sentry Report on: June 11, 2005, 07:23:05 pm
Leader: Watchman Vlad

Recruit Drachir
Recruit Charon Muriele
Recruit Talon
Regular Hrothgar
Recruit Cor'Ari
Recruit Joey Lanai
Grenadier Ryan Greystone
Recruit Indrid Cold

Details: We started off the sentry by collecting wood to create the barricade. Vlad sent me and 3 others on this excursion, and although none of us were skilled in chopping down trees, we managed to collect enough wood and kindlings to create a sufficient barricade. After we started setting up the boxes, myself and three others were chose to go hunt for some hides to complete the perimeter wall. After enough hides were collected we finished up and started our Sentry duty. First Vlad assigned myself to lead a small patrol through town, the squad consisted of Talon, Charon and Drachir. After establishing the town was peaceful, we headed back and Vlad set up posts for everyone to guard.

After a short while of idleness, we were told to be ready for the master bandit the rabbit was somewhere around. It was not long after this warning that we spotted the rabbit on top of the walls of the city.

A squad consisting of Indrid Cold, Ryan Greystone and Vlad proceeded to chase the criminal throughout the interior of the city. After a long chase, darkness swept over the city, and orders were given to set torches down to locate the criminal hiding in the shadows. After awhile, the criminal was not found, and the sentry duty was completed as we were all dismissed.


Nemo Flac
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A hunt for the Phoenix on: June 08, 2005, 02:17:09 am
*wearily staggers into the barracks and slumps in the stool, rubbing the 2 fresh cuts on his face from the hunt that has just taken place*

Unit leader
Regular Guardsman Arathorn

Recruit Indrid
Recruit Senaria
Recruit Cor'Ari
Recruit Nemo
Corporal Arc

The night started out quiet as any other night. I had just come to the barracks, returning from a short nap when I saw Indrid, Senaria and Arathorn sitting in the room talking. After I introduced myself to Arathorn, Indrid began talking about his origins in a place called Phoenix Rising, and how his hair was a mark of the Phoenix. This sparked our interest in finding a phoenix, for some of us had never seen one before. We met up with Cor'Ari before we left and we headed out to Delucia. We than marched to a nearby cave and prepared fpr the worst....It was at the entrance we met with Corporal Arc, and from there we headed into the heart of the dark cave. After encountering a few monsters, we finally found our target, a room with phoenix birds flying around, above alot of dangerous looking spiders. We formed and decided to take the spiders out first, than hunt the Phoenix birds. Our plan didnt work too smoothly as both a Phoenix and a spider met us simultaneously as we entered the room, and we were forced to fight it out. After all of us had our share of getting knocked down by the birds and spiders, we had cleared out the room, and collected some handsome loot in the meantime. We gathered the treasure and headed back to barracks.

Loot collected:7400 Gold Crowns


Nemo Flac

*walks away from the board leaving a small trail of blood behind on the floor*
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol of Cove, surrounding woods, and Altmere on: June 06, 2005, 09:52:27 pm
Squad leader
Regular Guardsman Hrothgar

Recruit Vandrick
Recruit Arch Stanton
Recruit Morgoth
Wathman Moon
Recruit Cor'Ari
Recruit Ezekiel
Recruit Nemo

The patrol didnt start off smoothely, as two of the recruits got lost from the group and new recruit Howrang was knocked out by a bandit. The bandit escaped and we regrouped in front of cove gate. There we saw a bandit lurking on the top of the wall, and the recruits were eager to go in and capture him. By the time Guardsman Hrothgar showed up the bandit was gone and we began our search. The party was split into two groups, leaving recruit Morgoth and myself with sir Hrothgar and recruits Arch, Ezekiel, Moon, and Cor'Ari to search the northern perimeter of town. After establishing that the town was clear, we moved on to the woods where we encountered a few ghouls and zombies. we cam to the cemetary and cleared it out of the undead plague, after that we headed up to Altmere. On the way, we struck down a wanted priest of the mondain, and cleared out a brigand camp on the path of Altmere. After checking Altmere, we returned to the barracks. During the patrol we collected over 3 thousand gold crowns, 50 feathers and 4 kindlings of wood. A very successful patrol.


Nemo Flac
4  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Nemo Flac on: June 05, 2005, 12:07:08 am
Attributes:Nemo Flac is a very large and intimidating figure. He stands at 6 foot 7 inches and weighs around 230 pounds. He is aged, and one can tell from the wrinkles beginning to form on his face. He has 2 visible battle scars, one on his right cheek and one that goes from his forehead down through his left eye. He has a long beard and hair, which hasnt been touched by age. His eyes are a bright blue that tend to sparkle in the daylight. He always tends to speak in a low, calm tone, and rarely ever raises his voice as he has a passvie personality.

Background:Nemo was born on a small Isle 54 years ago. His father was an ex-knight of Virtue in the Britannia armed guard, and was an expert fencer who had created his won unique form. He taught Nemo how to wield a kryss when Nemo was but 6, and trained him for 14 long years after that. When Nemo turned 20, he decided to follow in his fathers footsteps and join the Britain Guard unit. Here he was tained to become a disciplined soldier, and although he never made it to knighthood, he had served the Guard for 10 long years. After awhile Nemo found himself tired and low on money, so he decided to move away to the city of Cove to settle down. After another 24 years, Nemo grew tired of his job as a fisherman and felt the need to serve the cidizens of the land once more, and that is when fate brought him to meet his half brother Indrid, from his mothers side. together they decided to go join the Baronship of Cove, to serve and protect Nemos home.
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