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Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: Just Deserts
on: September 05, 2009, 06:06:40 am
Kelly smiled and chatted with her friend Railen as she filled the order. Her hair thick with flour dust and chocolate splattered all over her dress as the two talked. Kelly placed the order neatly and handed it to Railen with a big smile. Railens' words made Kelly feel quite happy and proud. ...
Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Gathering Stock for the Green Goblin
on: August 15, 2009, 09:59:18 pm
It started with a little list... And three intrepid souls set forth to find the needed food to feed the hungry Covian people... They found their way to a small peninsula with lots of animals and started their gathering... All was going well until the brigands decided to pay a visit. Luckily one of them was a Guardsman!! They quickly loaded up the supplies and headed back to Cove in a hurry, as they feared even more brigands would soon come... The three quickly put away the supplies they had gathered and checked one item off their list... Mizuho Kazami, Dave Williams and Kelly Corvida then sat down for a cold, crisp ale together.
Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: Ledgers of the Goblin. Inventory List.
on: August 10, 2009, 12:45:44 am
As one slow night As I was cleaning and finished early with that, I looked for something to do. I realized we had no inventory of our food stocks. So with a piece of charred wood from the fireplace and some parchment, I filled the wee morning hours taking inventory...
In Character Boards / In Character Board / A terrible loss...
on: July 02, 2009, 02:51:44 am
Ilona kissed Kal lovingly, "We will be fine dear. Mother and Father need to meet their new grandson. I know you have your missions to take care of. I love you."
The ship launched from their home-made dock. Ilona and her two girls waving and yelling their love and missings of their new father as the sails rolled down from their resting places. Ilona's eyes filled with tears as she blew kisses to her beloved husband. She would miss him the most, he was her soul-mate. The first man to truly show her love and happiness. She would wait up for hours for him when he was out on a mission, worried, yet it would all disappear in a flash as he strolled in the doorway of their new home.
Their home faded in the distance, Ilona borrowed the captains' spyglass and looked back towards home, he was still there waving to them. She smiled a little and whispered softly, "I love you Kal, with all my heart."
The warm sun blanketed the deck of the ship as the island disappeared over the horizon. She so badly wished he could have come with them on their voyage, but she knew his duty to Cove was as important to him as his family. Day turned to night as they headed towards Jhelom. The warm air kissed her cheeks as she sat there half asleep against the mainsail next to their sleeping children. Her eyes opened quickly as she groggily whispered out loud, "Kal?" But alas, it was only the wind. Never in her life had she ever felt such love for any man. Checking over their children she sighed happily, "I am truly blessed."
Morning came, but not the sun. Thick black clouds loomed overhead, lightning raced across the clouds, then down. Ilona grabbed the girls and clutched onto "Cory" (full name Cor'Ari Ta) and headed towards the lower deck. Rain spat hard across the deck, the crew racing to their positions to battle against the coming storm. She dashed towards the stairs to the lower deck as a flash of light and a thunderous clap shook the ship violently. She turned towards the flash of light as she hurried the girls down the stairs. Splinters flew everywhere at the mast exploded from the lightning strike, Ilona shielded little "Cory" with her body. The pain raced through her body as the splinters tore into her back, Cory screaming in fear from the noise. Down she stumbled into the lower deck. Isis and Harley crying as they clung to their mother. "Mommy I want daddy!" They both screamed in fear as the thunder rumbled through the ship. Their tears streaming down their cheeks while the ship was tossed to and fro. "Shhh, Daddy always shows up when we need him most, you know that." Oh how she wished he was there with them now, so she could hold him close, to ease her fear...
The storm raged on throughout the day, the seas churned and crashed, yet in a blink of an eye, the storm disappeared, the sea... calm... empty...
Official Report from Jhelom: Search parties sent out to find the ship, the B.o.C TraderHorn have found no trace of the ship, crew or passengers anywhere. Ship is considered sunk, with all on board.
*The character Ilona ShadowHand is no longer. But I thought you all deserved a good story on her behalf*