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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Whats this about the new king being an elf??? on: January 23, 2009, 01:09:16 am
Grd are dealing with it quite fine.

Complete denial that the elf is a true king.

Um..... that make them Rebles now?
2  Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Blacksmith Needed. on: January 16, 2009, 05:49:32 am
    I, Sir N. Dawning, have come across an issue. I am prepairing For a jousting leauge, and we have no Lances! the leauge will be supplying Dull point lances so that no, Intintional harm is done to the riders.  I NEED someone to Make Fifty lances Total, With Dull tips.

-Twinty five Shadow Iorn Lances
-Twinty Five Golden Lances

Will pay one thousend per Lance.

3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Picture Thread - "More Pics, Less Babble, Replies With Pics Only"™ on: January 16, 2009, 04:51:25 am
Here is the Evil behind my charicters.... BUM BUM BUM

4  Element boards / Citizen Administration Board / Nate Dawning- Commoner (75) on: January 16, 2009, 02:19:33 am
Name: Nate Dawning
Occupation: Retired Knight
Current Standing: Commoner.
Current Shilling Count: 75/500.
Shillings awarded for:

Citizen task board tasks: 1/3
-Ready for the Worst (75)
Cultural Events attended: 0/1

Adding to the Covian culture: 0/1

Other / miscellaneous tasks: 0

Events led: 0 (if applies to your rank)

TRIAL: Not passed
5  Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Re: Ready for the worst! [PR] on: January 16, 2009, 02:05:37 am
  After reading that items were needed, I went to Delucia to an old freind of mine who owned a ranch, i asked him, and he said i could take what was needed, I was able to gather 56, Beef Ribs, 50 slabs of Pork, and  13 Chicken Bodys, and some wool.

     After my freinds ranch i went to moonglow and aided a Wheat farmer, who had broken his leg. he let me keep half the wheat i got for him for a Total of 10 Bundles of wheat

All items were turned into a Mr. Striker,

 Sir Nate Dawning

6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Pluckin' the feather heads. on: December 18, 2008, 09:55:46 am
Lead by: Kathrine, Recruit Merc.

Attended by: Raven recruit Merc, Hoagie Merc Sargent, Torrak Keres Merc

Aquired: 1050 Feathers, and 1081 Gold for coffers (From Kathrine)

After some Long time i make this report swift befor i head to bed. We came we saw we slaughtered.

*tossess a few pictures in*

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Recruit Bearing Fur on: December 17, 2008, 07:31:35 am
Lead by: Kathrine
Assisted by: Marcus

   As i Stumbled Walked happily out of swaggers it was still bittercold and the night only brought breaking wind thats when i noticed it.... a Crate.... sitting in the middle of the road.... Some merchent left it there after the Festival... i looked around and opened the crate... to my surprise it was filled with WONDERFUL furs! now.... Honestly The first thing that came to my mind apon seeing the fur boots.... was.... how much i love shoes... But i desided all the fur in there would serve beter use to the Army... so I called Marcus Kobra, he came with a packhorse and we Escorted it to Cove.

Things learned:
-Deadys break easyer when frozen
- Throwing a snowball at an Oger makes it angry...

  Hope all is Well,
      Kathrine, Mercinary Recruit

*in the file with report is some pictures*

8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: My Return Pending on: December 17, 2008, 03:58:44 am
I hope you recover Quickly Kal
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Snow!! on: December 17, 2008, 03:52:34 am
Kathrine's Sneak attack,
Victems: Kas and Marcus

-Cove beware ill be waiting in the shadows-
10  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Kathrine on: December 16, 2008, 03:43:55 am

Age 20
Hair: Brown
Eyes Brown

Her aditude tword men who try atmidiatly get her to fall for them usualy turns out bad for them
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: December 14, 2008, 09:22:34 pm
Sir Dawning ‎(3:03 PM):
where can you buy gold online?
James ‎(3:03 PM):

I know now... Hoagie is loaded get gold from him *checklist*
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