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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ.
on: February 04, 2005, 07:35:46 pm
i have not mocked the Church. I put forward a view that it seems the church has not shared since its founding, a perfectly valid answer to all mages being put upon because they may be 'evil' in the use of their powers.
I merely point out that While you focus on a class of person that has as much chance to use their powers for evil as many other classes of people... For yes, i have seen an Evil Paladin stalk the streets of Trinsic... you seem to forget that All men are capable of great evil, regardless of where their strengths may lie.
To me it seems a little like you focus your attentions unneccisarily.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Purity of essence. Spellcasters READ.
on: February 04, 2005, 03:54:45 pm
Do you not know the same magic that you seem to want to limit also created such creatures as Unicorns, Fairies and Wisps. All of these creatures are not only highly magical, But extremely good!
So perhaps you should Widen your minds and Expand your thoughts on perhaps embracing magic, and not putting it to the side and shunning it as the tool of an Evil mind.
After all, Are brigands and murderers not well known for using normal Weapons as well as magic?
Signed, Cyril Hendrake
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Moving Away
on: February 03, 2005, 10:46:29 pm
I'm Sorry, but i wont stand for it anymore.
I am, as the spokesperson for my family insulted and appaled at the recent aimings that the guardsmen, and the church of Cove are taking. My family have been around in cove for many a decade now, and i was personally there for the re-starting of our 'powerbase' while we were allies with vesper.
but i am disgusted at the actions taken recently.
I am outraged by the sudden turning of our town by people referring to mages who have lived in and around Cove as 'Wytches' that are somehow unclean, or 'wrong' in the eyes of the people, and the Church.
I find it insulting that such actions and threats are being made on mages on the whole such as Burning!
Mages have been, are and will be an integral part of sosaria and the church have no right to promote such hate mongering among a class of people that not only helped made cove safe, but were an integral part of its cleaning out.
I am Afraid that i am taking my family and that we are to be making our home elsewhere, where we will not be insulted in such a barbaric way as this. I am utterly, utterly upset that i am forced to leave a town that has been my families home for over a century, but i see NO other choice, as a boycotting of the church or indeed, any speaking out about it will just cause an uproar and a hunting down of myself and my family.
On another note, i would just like to point out that you are all starting to seem -very- much like the guardsmen militia of yew that are plaguing us right now.
And so, i leave this message as a farewell to my friends who i once called my brothers.
I am, eternally... Cyril Hendrake.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Lady Mavis has Departed.
on: January 09, 2005, 11:45:07 pm
The woman who most know as Captain Mavis... the woman who i myself grew up with as a friend who i knew simply as Mavis... Has departed.
She asks me to let you all know... her reasons for not letting people know herself were not said but i beleive i know why she did not wish to speak for herself.
As we grew up, while i stayed at home learning magic from books and scrolls Mavis longed for something more. she is, and allways will be a wanderer until she dies. She came back to cove not long ago, as you all know. in our hour of need to help rally the troops in the assault agaisnt Cove.
But now the orcs are gone and her old friends and family safe... i saw the look in her eyes once more. her familier red eyes had grown pale, like the white of her hair and i knew she had to find others to protect. others that needed her support.
She tells me another of her old friends, Lord Twothumb has asked for her help. it seems that in her eyes vesper will soon need the help of a wanderer such as herself. Mavis has allways been able to predict danger like that i suppose.
Lady Mavis is a follower of Virtue and while she may be with vesper now... please remember that she has been our friend in our time of need.
Do not judge her too harshly, i beg of you.
In service of Cove, Cyril Hendrake Councillor of Cove
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Clean up cove
on: January 07, 2005, 07:18:43 pm
As people can see our city of cove is... fulll, of the detritous of war... As a part of cleaning up our fair home, i will pay 100 gold for each barrel removed and given to me from the walls of the city. These barrels will, in turn, be taken apart to help with the rebuilding of our people's Home.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Civilians
on: January 06, 2005, 02:45:31 pm
Do what i do. call people sir or madam until they correct you Or, refer to them by name if they have introduced themselves.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Ailric's Quest for Junior Irregular Rank
on: January 03, 2005, 07:41:35 pm
Ailric's quest is as follows... To work his way into Cove, upon which he must find out the tribe which is leading the attack on our home. After discovering this, he is to 'despose' of 10 orc lords silently and without attacking any other orcs, so as to sow dissent and mistrust among them. He must do this in a different location each time, as to allay suspicioun.
After this, he is to visibly kill a orc brute alone, taking out any other orcs he wishes at the time, and to bring me a trophy of the brutes ears...
In Character Boards / Old Events / Fan Dancer's Dojo
on: December 30, 2004, 09:32:28 pm
It seems that some people near a building called the 'fan dancer dojo' are having trouble with the fan dancers... i have offered the help of the Covian Guard in exchange for supplies and other such resources that we may utilise for the defence of our fair home.
Lady Mavis will be leading an expedition to this place to 'deal' with fan dancers on saturday the 1st at 8pm (GMT)
Your assistance is required.
Thank you.