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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman Trials: Garrison Hawke on: November 25, 2018, 02:30:16 am
Task Two: Talking to the Troops (Preparations for me drills)

Feelin' a but rusty on my drill commands I decided to look about the barracks and see if I could find me a manual or two on Parade and Battle drills. I dug around the bookcases, flipped through more manuals than I knew was 'round. Picked a pile a books from the ground a leafed through 'em afore finally findin' some old dusty manuals.
 Figurin' it'd be frowned 'pon ta take 'em I settled in and started ta copy 'em, not big on writin' meself but reports a given meh some practice, s'  funny, readin''em books is one thing but havin' ta copy 'em made me think on 'em more then I had. Anyways, I finally finished copying the manuals, even added some orders from other books I found on drill commands. Cleaned everything up and went lookin' fer me son Alexander. Figured he could help me go through the drills. Good practice fer me and 'em.

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Garrison Hawke, Watchman

2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman Trials: Garrison Hawke on: November 21, 2018, 05:28:48 pm
Task Three: Studying your Stabbing (part one a three)

Garrison Hawke, Watchman


Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist
Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
Alexander Hawke, Recruit
Morgana, ?

*Special note, Leanne Martin, Regular Scout did not come along but she got the ball rollin' and gave up doin' her trophy hunt so's I could start me trials. Many Thanks Leanne!

 A few days ago I heard tell there was a trophy hunt goin' on. Had never been on one so I headed fer the barracks. Got there ta find Regular Scout Leanne Martin waitin' on the steps. She said weren't 'nuff a us ta do her hunt but maybe we could round up a few more Covians and I could get goin' on me trials. I nodded some and said me son was supposed ta be along soon. Junior Grenadier Styx soon joined us. I asked Leanne what she thought was hard ta kill and why and she answered dozens a Drow. I told her I think it was supposed ta be somethin a bit easier ta find then drow. She mentioned the Terathan Keep in the Lost Lands and showed me her left hand as reason t'why they was difficult. Leanna left sayin' she'd ask her cousin Ilyana ta join us, make it easier ta get around seein' as we was lookin' fer uncommon beasts ta kill. WhenSenior Drachen joined the Junior Grenadier and I, I thought it was a good chance ta seek there advice on what they found a challnge ta hunt and why. Junior Styx mentione giants and titans but the Senior said they'd been hunted and weren't all that hard ta kill. Tyrael brought up Balrons and I asked why they was a challenge (little knowin' I'd find out first hand shortly), he said they figured out how ta get around our Arkay maneuver! Also brought up the dungeon a ice as a difficult spot and I took some notes.
 A lady name a Morgana showed up and Senior Drachen seemed surprised sayin' she put out word lookin' fer Arcanist. Mogana said she was good with a bow, which I said was always handy, and Tyrael made some mention she looked better 'en a arcanist...he then did a few laps 'round the barracks at Drachen request.
 The sun had set and people grew weary a me askin' 'em about what ta hunt and we still waited on me son, who I later found out was fight'n his way through mud and freshly fallen snow...
 When Recruit Hawke finally showed up I said we'd try the Terathan Keep. Tyrael reminded everyone ta check their kits and Ilyana magiked us ta the Lost Lands.
 I don't think I ever been ta this keep afore, and walkin' up it didn't seem like much but afore I know it we were set upon by these half spider half ugly things. Seemed like they just popped out a no wheres. We had ta stick together tight ta fight off tha buggers, seemed every step we took we had a nother terathan jumpin' in ta fight us. It was strongly suggested we get inside tha keep but I nay knew which way ta bloody go ta get in. Ilyana pointed tha way and we got inside, still fightin'!
 We went down some stupid feckin bloody rope ladders that easily tangled the unsuspectin' feet a some. We went down a few levels and at first it seemed empty but then a more a the terathans popped up. So we smashed 'em. Seems like with these Terathans its best ta keep tight ta gether, healin' one another, while stabbin' 'em a lot, or magikin' and shootin' 'em with arrows and what not.
 Not knowin' the place I lead us North down a narrow hallway. We'd only gone a few steps a fore the door at the end busted open and a Balron charged at us. Tyrael was right 'bout how tough the bloody black daemons is. The Hall seemed ta work to our advantage though, the Balron was tight against the walls allowin' me and the recuit ta block it from tha rest a our group as the rained hell down on it's head. Once it was properly stomped upon we came out inta some halls and a broken wall showin' a big room. We could hear the slithering a some large snake like things all 'round us. We only went a few steps afore some feckin' half snake half ugly things called ophidians tore inta us. Don't know whys so many thing in this place was half and half, maybe its somethin' in the water. We ducked inta the large room only ta find more a these ophidian things, of a wide variety a looks about 'em, and a nother bloody Balron.
 Apparently I got knocked again, maybe twice but I don't remember fer sure, and things got a bit fuzzy fer me. We was able ta kill another Balron or two, which for the record are much easier ta fight in a hallway or some narrow space then in a bloody big room with half snake people. Also a note Balorns gots sticky fingers and will take yer gold and bandages if given the slightest chance.
 At some point Morgana had ta leave us and after the second or third Balron we marched back tha way we had come. Don't know hoe smart them terathans are but as we discussed headin' back ta Cove they charged us again and again. We hauled ourselves up the stupid bloody ropes to the ground level, fightin' all the way, where Ilyana was able ta magik us back ta Cove.
 Tyrael told me ta note we need a full Covian huntin' party ta go back ta the Keep and thin out the monsters there. We were able ta gather 13,465 gold coins (would'a been more 'cept fer the bloody balron stealin' me coins while I was knocked out.) With each Covian donating their share of 3,366 ta the coffers.

As fer me notes, with the terathans we handled 'em well with tha five a us, and we had a nice mix of shields and ranged and one archanist but I feel like ye got ta meet 'em with numbers as they'll just keep swarmin' ye and I think its much tha same with them ophidians. We did well fer what we had but there was never much time ta catch yer breath.
 The Balrons ye have ta keep 'em busy with some shields and use superb team work. Archanist Drachen kept me son and I on our feet with timely healin' and curin' magik while our two archers made a pin cushin outta tha first Balron. In open space it was hard ta even' get at the bugger it jumped 'round so much and then them ophidains jumped in ta keep us busy as the Balron would charge in and out ta the fight. I know fer the second and third balrons it was more credit ta Senior Drachen and Junior Styx and that Morgana as the recruit and I had trouble gettin' close ta the balrons while dodgin' the broken rubble and all them ophidians.
 With tha balrons havin' sorted out a answer to the Arkay maneuver I can't says I have a sure fired way ta fight 'em. If yer lucky ye can box 'em in, but mostly it comes down ta good team work and thats always ta be expected a Covians.


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Garrison Hawke, Watchman
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Training with Vesper on: October 30, 2018, 02:07:50 am
Led by:
           Ilyana Drachen, Senior Arcanist

           Marcus Kobra, Officer Cadet
           Garrison Hawke, Watchman (Reportin')
           Alton Aldwin, Recruit

           Esca Flowne [-V-]
           Piper Vale [-V-]
           Garrofi [-V-]
           Tiolas Amildor [-V-]
           Rimeny De Blaze [-V-]
           Kasper Kendall [-V-]
           Kral Visla [-V-]
           Ayseh [-V-]
           Justin Xiang [-V-]
           Levi [TSB]

  Word had gotten' round that Senior Drachen was gonna be runnin' a trainin' so Recruit Aldwin and meh showed up and we were quickly joined by Officer Cadet Kobra. The Senior explained we was gonna do some joint trainin' with Vesper seein as we ain't at war with 'em at the moment.
  She magiked us all over ta Vesper, which I ain't very familiar with but it looks a 'ell of a lot differnt then the last time I seen it. We marched over ta some place name a West gate...Did nay look much like a gate ta meh but they's Vespians. The Vespian lass I seen afore was there, caught 'ere name this time, one Piper Vale seemed ta be leadin fer the Vespians. I didn't know most a the faces 'cept fer the fella with the bear hat but they seem'd happy ta see us Covians. Wit' lil' effort we lined up in two rows smoothly and watch'd an' listened as Vale and Senior Drachen told us what was what, s' bit of jaw jackin' from a  vespian but it got sorted out by their Vale. Then we got magicked all the way over ta Serp's Hold.
  Always liked that old fort. Senior Drachen told us we was going play practice attack and defend. Got split up inna two teams. Recruit Alton lead the Green, consistin' a  him, Piper, Tiolas, Levi, Kral and me. The Purples was run by Kasper and the rest listed in it 'cept for Xiang who was kinda 'nuff to be the medic and Senior Drachen who was overseein' it and talkin' between tha two teams.
  I thought Team Green was supposed ta defend first but we ended up attackin'. I was tha only shield on our side and run inta three from the Purple team, once I got woke up I run back over and run meh armor and helm inta a bunch a weapons...next time I woke up I thought different tactics were called fer, so I got poisoned 'his time. The Purple team ended up winnin'. We gathered and them in charge decided we'd switch and have Green defend, at our southern tower, and Purple would attack. Seemed to go a bit better for team Green this time round and after much brawli'n I think we came out a top. Meh head was ringin' some, did nay hear who actually won. Vale fouhgt like 'ell fer team Green but got dinged up some and had ta go. After sum more talkin' we formed teams a two, Officer Cadet Kobra let meh join 'em and then we all got magicked to Moonglow (lotta Islands fer this train'n). We was told we had two minutes to find spots inna south side a 'glow afore we'd fight it out. Kobra lead meh to the 'glow bank and picked a fine spot where our enemies would a had to come single file at us...which they never did. Dun't know 'ow the rest a teh teams did but we nay got a scratch, only seen a sneak or two pop in fer a look a'fore popin' back out. Korba and I went out and tussled wit' a few Vespians who knocked meh pretty good but Kobra lasted a good bit longer. Ended up a pair of Shields from Vesper chasin' some sneaks round and round...Senior Drachen declared the first from a team ta get knocked meant their team lost. Team Rimney ended up gettin' the win!
  For tha last part we got magicked back to Vesper and that gate place for a free for all. Everyone spaced 'em selves out and Esca magiked up a wall, when the wall fell we all brawled. Pretty sure I did nay get knocked first so I be takin' that as a win. On a brightside I got ta watch some grand fight'n. It came down ta a real good fight between Tiolas and Levi with Tiolas takin' the win. Damn fine fight outta both of 'em though! Senior Drachen lined everyone up and she got some cheers for hold'n the trainin' a fore she dismissed us. It was a good experience seein' how others fight an' the tactics they use.

*sketches a the events*

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 Garrison Hawke, Watchman
4  Guardsman Boards / Grenadier Board / Re: Interested in joining the Grenadiers? Post here! on: October 28, 2018, 09:14:51 am
  I'd like ta become a Grenadier.


Garrison Hawke
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] A trip to the mines. on: October 17, 2018, 07:20:59 am

Led by: Officer Cadet Marcus Kobra

Attended by:

Ilyana Drachen, Senior Archanist
A Vespian who nodded off...
Garrison Hawke, Watchman (report'in)

 Officer Cadet Kobra gathered a few a us Covians 'was awake and a friendly 'nuff lass from Vesper at the barracks. Some friendly banter went 'bout as everyone got ready...was some debate 'bout where ta go, much of it I didn't follow, might a nodded a bit as I was still wak'in up..Settled on some mine in 'em tokuno isles...much ado about laughin fiends and such.
 The Senior Archanist magiked us there...I looked 'bout at the mess in front a the cave and waited for the others. S'was apaprently going be a Covian only patrol...well 'nuff. Kobra took us in and we slaughter'd a bunch a them elementals...made a pile of 'em before pushin' on and take'n on some 'em lil red fellas. Loud buggers, some pretty good magik on a few of 'em but the three a us worked good together...I was a bit rusty but with the help a the others it all come back ta me.
 We marched deeper and deeper inna mines til we ran inta some elder somethin or other. A bit a debate between the Officer Cadet and Senior Archanist took place afore she went an picked afight wit the bugger. Lead 'em back to Korba and I and we three knocked it on its arse!
 Cadet Officer Kobra said we'd done what we come ta do and we forced marched outta the hole. Senior Drachen took us back ta the barracks and we piled 30,000 gold from the mines onta the barracks steps. Cadet Officer Kobra asked who was donatin' and who was keepin' the gold and we all three donated 10,000 gold  each ta the coffers, also not a one a us got knocked on 'r arses even once...easy ta see why I come back ta Cove!


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Garrison Hawke, Watchman
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: April 20, 2011, 02:47:32 am

Twelve banners -Watchman Garrison Hawke
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Giving Away a house on: June 23, 2010, 08:36:10 pm
No, still a Covian!, just a little strapped for cash atm and only use that account to hold a house, plus I havn't had time to login for awhile now Sad. Rather see it go to someone in the guild.

8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Giving Away a house on: June 23, 2010, 12:41:32 pm
Free plot! Giving away my little tower down towards the path to the orc fort, not sure what size plot it is, but it is a 3 story building. -Hawke
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 19, 2010, 11:56:07 pm
Orc Fort Patrol

Lead by, attended by and reported by:

Garrison Hawke, Watchman

I packed me gear and hired a ship ta take me back ta Cove. Was glad ta see me home was still in one piece! Unfortunately I had fergot ta ask someone ta feed me fish....all choked up and such over me lose I heard the sound a them stupid orcs being carried on the wind. Went up onta the roof from where I could barely make out the stupid orcs campfires.

Figured it wouldn't be a real homecoming 'til I smashed me some orcs I set off fer the camp, ran past a nice new looking place next ta mine's and then up the trail ta the fort.

The orcsies wer as happy ta see me as I was ta see 'em, we relived old adventures tagether, me kickin' their arse's and even a little of 'em kickin' mine. After abit I left taken a tidy sum of 12,483 gold which I dropped inta the coffers.


Garrison Hawke, Watchman
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Trapped Boxes? on: February 19, 2010, 02:34:39 am
Got it, I'll toss mine. Thanks  Wink
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Trapped Boxes? on: February 19, 2010, 12:08:34 am
Is it still ok to use a trapped box to break paralysis? If not in rpvp can one still be used during pvm?

12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 18, 2010, 12:19:43 pm
Patrol: Homare Jima (Tokuno Islands)

Solo Patrol by Watchman Garrison Hawke

I been spendin' plenty a time in Zento, taking care a some personal shite and such, also makin' nice with a local lass who works inna bar ther...decided ta keep meself busy, and help tha locals, by doin' some patrols...we Covian's had made an impression on 'em tokuno folks with some of our exploits and I figured ta keep 'em impressed with some more Covian Swagger.

Jumped the feck'n moongate to Homare Jima and patroled the settlement around it. Ran inta some little red bastards....yomatsu warriors, or some such...(tough little bastards!)

Killed a mess of 'em and headed back ta Zento....been think'n I be over due back in Cove though, the lass mentioned the "M" word  the other night.....and I don't think I axed anyone ta feed me fish when I left.........Feck!


13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: BoC Loves Gargoyles?? on: June 30, 2009, 11:01:17 pm
They are doing the beta testing with 2d and the new client  Wink
14  Guardsman Boards / Completed Guardsman Duties / Re: Watchman Duty ~ Keeping Track Of Your Progress on: June 30, 2009, 06:28:57 am
Garrison Hawke, Watchman: Administration File
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trial ~ Garrison Hawke on: June 27, 2009, 06:05:03 am
I knows this be out a order, do'n the 2nd task first, but it be a hell'a lot more fun smashing a wyrm then recuit'n!

Report:Claw of the Ancient Wyrm Trophy Hunt

Lead by: Garrison Hawke, Guardsmen Recruit (Donated 2,000 gold to the coffers)

Attended by:

Raiden Morana, Commander
Hoagie, Captain
Kal Shadowhand, Officer Cadet (Donated 2,000 gold to the coffers)
Falconheart, Junior Grenadier (Donated 2,000 gold to the coffers)
Mercy, Company Arcanist (?) (Donated 2,000 gold to the coffers)

Many a meh mates lined up outside the barracks, fer which I be grateful, and it got explained that we's huntin' a ancient wyrm down and bashin' in its head! Then once we did that I be takin' a claw from it ta give ta the Baron as a trophy!

I still be a little rusty fight'n let alone leadin' so's I lucked out cause we had a quality crew on this here hunt! Mercy gated us ta the moongate where we all jumped in an headed fer the compassion shrine in Ilsh. Told 'em all ta head to the gypsy camp...we stopped fer a quick rest at a real large camp afore head'n ta the small crappy one I be think'n of.

From there we entered the neighbor'n valley where'n the rest set-up whilst I marched off ta drag the beast inta our trap! We got slaughtered It took some work, and to be truthful I dun't remember a whole lot a the first half a the fight, 'cept the stupid wyrms firey breath hittin' me, over, and over again!

After we beat 'em down some 'is fire wasn't as damaging. Then we swarmed it! Hack'n and slash'n it 'til its legs gave out! Then we finished it off. I hacked a claw off one of its mits, show'n it off some, then we headed back ta Cove. Capt. Hoagie and I did nay get lost...we just wanted ta kill more stuff!

We eventually made it back ta Cove, divided the spoils, thanked me mates and dismissed 'em...even got ta show off the trophy ta the Baron!

Good Hunt, Thanks Mates!

One Ancient Wyrm Claw
over 14,000 gold (10,530 ta the coffers)




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