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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Admiral's Log - Now Open For Business
on: December 16, 2009, 02:07:08 am
Unfortunately, there is currently an interdiction on archery weapons hewn from oak. Horrific elven dark magicks seem to have an affinity for such wood when archery weapons are produced.
I can assure you, however, that if a remedy is ever found for this problem, I shall begin stocking such weapons!
Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: Looking for Skilled Taxidermist
on: November 06, 2009, 01:27:03 am
In response to the above two taxidermy requests, whilst I possess the skills for such work- due to recent taxation and ongoing booze costs, I cannot afford the specialist tools needed for it.
If you are willing to cover the costs of said tools, or provide the tools directly, I shall be happy to perform the work for you.
*on letterhead stating "The Admiral's Log"*
In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Grenadier Meeting 7pm Sunday 18/10/09
on: October 16, 2009, 10:40:00 pm
The holding of this meeting last week pretty much killed repair hour.
If this is going to be regular, please reschedule this to another time, as it clashes with the weekly repair hour which has had a 7pm Sunday slot for a very long time.
*this message appears to have been carved into the wall- an angry looking squirrel glares at you*
Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Re: Carpenter required to repair the Forge and Loom
on: September 20, 2009, 07:59:47 pm
*a message, carved into a plank, is nailed to the bottom of the above note - there appears to be a letterhead reading "The Admiral's Log" at the top*
Mr Finebroth, Being a carpenter of great skill, I'd be happy to help you repair the Forge & Loom.
From a cursory examination of the building, I believe you would be looking at about 10,000 gold pieces to fix. This would cover additional labour, and the necessary wood.
Given the high costs involved, I would be happy to discuss a loan of some sort with the steward on your behalf.
"Admiral" Maibaum Holzfee, "The Admiral's Log"
In Character Boards / Old Events / Dock Repairs - Tuesday 18/08 8PM GMT
on: August 17, 2009, 12:37:11 am
BY ORDER OF THE STEWARD: Carpenters, lumberjacks, & other woodworkers are called on this day to aid in the cleaning and repairing of our towne's docks, which suffered some battering during the recent Vesperian strike. Attendees can expect to be paid in food and ale, and shillings. Report at Cove's docks at 8PM.
Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Re: [Commoner Trial] - Maibaum
on: August 15, 2009, 11:43:20 pm
In Attendance: "Admiral" Maibaum Holzfee "Midshipman" Manuel Calavera "Boson" Penny Freckletip "Cannoneer Cabin-Boy Rupert" Raiden Morana "Kraken" Geralt Swift "Ensign" Quinn Hawkins Railen Morana Hiroshi Shin Theoden Westaman Cu'ien Tasartir Joseph Bradford And another stranger