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1  Guardsman Boards / Recruit Duties / Re: Recruit Duty ~ So, What's Yer Name..? on: June 10, 2009, 01:53:41 pm
Name : Kardeiz D'Venci
Age : 25
Hair : Blonde
Eyes : Brown
Height : 5'8
Place of Birth : Luna


Kardeiz's long blonde hair is tied back into a neat ponytail.  He has a short goatie which he keeps trimmed.  His broad shoulders and arms are well muscled due to extensive weapon training with both sword and bow.  Kardeiz is usually seen wearing a skullcap to keep his hair in place and loose strands out of his eyes.  His armour is kept clean and well polished, on his belt is a decorative scabbard in which he keeps a longsword, next to this is a plain scabbard carrying a scimatar.  At his left hip is attached a crossbow.  Over his left shoulder he carries a quiver and longbow.


Kardeiz was raised along with his older brother and younger sister in Luna, it was the tradition of his family that the oldest son joined one of the knight training schools.  Being close with his brother he learnt from him a few things about swordsmanship and archery.  During a tragic raid on the town Kardeiz's brother was killed and so he begged to go into the Knight school in his place.  He took well to his training and excelled in his classes, it was not long before he moved from being a Turcopole to a Squire and then Man of Arms whilst being apprenticed by another Knight.

During a night time patrol they came visited one of the villages that boardered the darker lands of Umbra and the inhabitants were known to harbour criminals.  They happened upon an incident where a young boy was being accused of stealing a loaf of bread.  The knight called for him to be brought forward and asked questions of the boy and the accuser.  After hearing what was to be said he ordered one of the boy's hands to be removed.  Kardeiz was shocked at this severe and very quick judgement and questioned his mentor's actions.  After this Kardeiz began to feel discontented about his mentor and requested several times for a change but was denied each time.  Finally he decided to leave and not wishing to face his parent's disappointment he left Luna all together to find somewhere new to live.

It was then he learnt about the mercenary company in Cove and decided to join up feeling that his weapon skills would be of use and he could make enough money to maybe later move on again and form a better life for himself.  Since then with the company returning to its former roots as an army he decided to stay put and felt better about it.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Moonglow Archery Contest on: May 07, 2009, 10:07:24 pm
I was thinking to pit myself against the Realms archers in the competition.  I was only Covian archer which added to the pressure.  There was many Yew Guardsmen archers, I think they are teaching them all to use a bow perhaps?  Many other colourful people attended most I think from Britain or Luna. 

I am taking my turn, lining up shot, concentrate breathing, let loose.  I manage to get 210 points, is not so bad.

The winner of contest is a Marksmen from Yew, I felt sorry for his surname of Darling.  He scored over 300 points, very impressive.

These are the names of 2nd and 3rd that took part, I was not nearly as close.

The archery end with us all being thanked and then a dart competition began but I was having to leave.

Kardeiz D'Venci
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: April 21, 2009, 09:20:16 pm
I decide today to do my 20 banners.  Was much hard work but saw many peoples.

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report - Vial Ettins Task. on: April 14, 2009, 10:34:02 pm
I tried to lead my first patrol this evening it went well for most of it.  I lead us to Despise to find some potions for the task.  We started on Ettins and then went down to where we could find the Ogre Lords but they did not carry potions.  We then tried the Titans and Cyclops but they did not carry them either.  So we went back to the Ettins until we had enough potions to complete the task.

The first part went well with getting through the ettins and to the steps that lead down to the Ogre.

We managed to kill a large Ogre fairly easily but when we tried to get back out we found the way was mysteriously blocked.  So had to find another way out.  We were also told by some rumour that Titans had potions of which we found they didn't but we killed a few anyway and Cyclops.

I dismissed the others when we returned and then was reminded that we had to count the potions.  In total there was thirty seven as I found another in my bag whilst writing this report.

Patrol Attended by -

Mercenary Recruit Kardeiz D'Venci - Leading
Mercenary Recruit Thomas Aylmer
Mercenary Recruit Xavier Kage
Mercenary Recruit Tsukiyomi Mori

Gold Gathered - 9653

Potions Gathered.

8 Lesser Poison
7 Night Sight
5 Strength
5 Lesser Healing
5 Refresh
4 Lesser Cure
2 Agility
1 Explosion
5  Guardsman Boards / Completed Guardsman Duties / Re: Recruit Task ~ Creative Recruitment on: April 08, 2009, 08:07:09 pm
There was nobody else around other than Elizabeth and me so I suggested we do a task together.
We had to move the cloth around a few times to get the spacing right and it turned out well in the end.  There was one person trying to destroy the banner but someone else helped to stop him.  We had a few interested looks and good comments about the banner.  I wanted us to get a picture of it at sundown but remembered after ten minutes of us standing and discussing life in Cove, that it doesn't go dark in Luna.

Kardeiz d'Venci
Elizabeth Martin

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