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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: July 14, 2009, 02:08:02 pm
On Watchman Me'an Silen's orders I, Recruit Vincent, and Recruit Kelban accompanied him  to set up twenty (20) banners around all the Wytchgates and some Cities. Let it be known that it was Me'an Silen who set up the banners.
The banners were set in the following order:
1.Minoc  2. New Heaven wytchgate 3. New Heaven square 4. Moonglow 5. Britain 6. Jhelom 7. Yew 8. Trinsic 9. Skara Brae 10. Compassion 11. Honesty 12. Honor 13. Humility 14. Justice 15. Sacrifice 16. Spirituality 17. Valor 18. Chaos 19. Luna 20. Umbra

Vincent, Guardsman Recruit
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Amending Mistakes on: July 14, 2009, 10:42:53 am
Amending Mistakes
When: 13.07.2009
Where: Cyclopses Camp near Valor Shrine (Ilshaner)

Commanding Officer: Vincent, Guardsman Recruit

Guardsmen in attendance:
- Rita Whalebiter, Watchman
- Cor'Vani, Guardsman Recruit (sorry forgot yer name)

The reason for this mission was my stupid mistake - I was hunting alone in that Avatar forsaken Ilshaner. A short walk from the shrine I found a cyclopses encampment and decided to luer some of them out. It was a bad idea for a true Paragon Cyclopse came out running from the camp. I did what I thought was reasonable - I ran and the bloody hing ran after me. So he was racing me all the way to the Valor Shrine and adjusting wytchgate, only after jumping into the wytchgate I understood what a terrible thing I've done - This monster could easely surprise and kill anyone exiting that wytchgate...

So I ran to the barracs in order to bring support with me back to Ilshaner. There I found Rita and Cor'Vani who after listening to me agreed right away to slay the beast. So we travelled to Ilshaner through the Minoc wytchgate. As suspected the thing was awaiting its easy pray near the shrine - but I  bet it didn't expected us! The fight was rather long, the beast's thick hide absorbing most of our hits, but soon it was face daown in dirt.

After short rest it was decided that there was no place for cyclopses camp so near to the shrine and we went to wipe them out.  Things were much more easier from then on - cyclopses were falling one after another as well as other monsters that walked around their camp. We encountered an Elder Gazer paragon but dispatched him without much fuss. I could have sweared that the first time around I saw a titan's head over the treetops but we found no titans - it must've heard or seen our comming and fled.

After that we went back to Cove to see how much valuables we've taken from cyclopses camp. Unfortunately our debriefing was interupted by some scoundrel (probably tried to steal the money) so it was much later that I brought the acquired gold into the coffers.

Amount of gold - something over ten thousand (10,000)

Vincent, Guardsman Recruit
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: July 13, 2009, 01:39:32 pm
Decided to finally join in the campaign. Placed ten banners near wytchgates and in some towns...

Note to Command
We're almost out of those Rune-stones
And leaflets.. I had to copy them myself so that some may remain and my hand now hurts.
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol of Good Will on: July 13, 2009, 10:45:28 am
Patrol of Good Will
When: 13.07.2009
Where: Cave complex in the Serpent's Spine (Despise)

Commanding Officer: Vincent, Guardsman Recruit

Guardsmen in attendance:
- Rita Whalebiter, Watchman (Guardsman Recruit at the time of patrol)
- Kelban Longlief, Guardsman Recruit

(Sorry for bad spelling in "drawings")

During my off time I decided to explore the area to the north of Britain. After some time I have found this cave complex running deep under the mountains. The locals told me that it is a vile place and the guards do not venture inside. Being a little curious i went in and was appaled - the whole complex was infested with different beasts, waiting for the right time to come out and slaughter everything in their path.

So I decided to take the matter into Covian hands and ran stright to Cove to gather a patrol (with a little visit to New Heaven but that was nothing interesting - really). There I found Rita. She immediately agreed.
In front of the barracs we met Watchman Silen who "persuaded" Kelban to join and gave us a valuable tip - before venturing out make shure that Covian lands themselves are secure. After the I briefed Kelban on our mission and we set of to the wytchgate killing anything hostile in our path (unfortunatly we met no vesperians).

We travelled to the area near Britain city and the went North. During that time Kelban, showing his elven heritage, went out os sight many times - only to appear seamingly out of thin air some time later.

At last we arrived to the entrance of the complex. After checking our torches we went in. The first underground level gave us no problems - only Ettins and some walking Earth piles (Rita was clever enough to suggest taking some fertile dirt from them for planting them wytch-seeds). There were many of them - yes, if they'd joined together we would be beaten - but they were all over the place in small groups. In fact it was so easy that someone started to whine about wasting his honed half-elven skills.

But it all changed when we went further in - to the second underground level. At first we were greeted by some Trolls whom we dispached rather quickly but then we entered this huge underground cavern with what looked like a lake in the middle. The moment we entered we were assaulted with stench and sounds which ment only one thing - Ogres. And we met them.. lots of them.. including including not one but four Ogre Lords. Many times some of us went out of fight only to return again. In the end we prevailed and killed those vile spawn of the Guardian. On our way back we decided to inspect an adjusting tunnel where we found some Ettins again.Venturing further we heard some weird language and after passing a corner we saw them - cyclopses. We attacked them without second thoughs and countinued on cautiously - for we knew where are cyclopses there are their masters Titans. And we found one.. a rather weak one becouse he fell down quicker then cyclopses. Hearing some stories about titans alledged immortality i choped it's head off for good measure.

After that we turned around and continued towards surface - our mission done.
At the barracs i deliverd a small speech about our valor and good deeds that will definitely bring more respect to Cove, for we in fact helped those whom we had no obligation to protect.
Unfortunately not all of us shared my thoughs...

After dissmissing Rita and Kelban I've brough what we'd taken from the caves to coffers...

Vincent, Guardsman Recruit

[OOC]-(Sorry for any mistakes)
5  Guardsman Boards / Recruit Duties / Re: Recruit Duty ~ So, What's Yer Name..? on: July 12, 2009, 04:43:10 pm
Name: Vincent
Surname: Unkown
Place of birth: Minoc, but grew up in East Altmere
Age: 20 summers

His mother died after giving him birth. His father - Marcus - then moved from Minoc to Eastern Altmere, settling at the border of the forest near the bay. He never spoke of his past and his wife - Vincent's mother, he didn't even tell his son their family name. The only thing Vincent could tell is that his father was very good with a mace - he single-handedly dispached a group of five Ettins that one day came out from the forest - thus suggesting he was either a soldier or an adventurer.

After that incident Vincent, who was 14 summers then, asked Marcus to teach him. His father agreed without protests (and he even seemed a bit satysfied). During the next three years Vincent was tough the arts of Tactics, Parrying and fighting with an Axe - his weapon of choice unlike his father. He also got a grip on knowledge of human body - Anatomy and Healing.

During his 18th year his father died - returning home from a hunt Vincent just found his father lying in his bed not breathing. He buried him according to the tenets of Church of Avatari - just like his father wanted. Grief being not his thing Vincent just packed up, sold his house and went to Minoc, his birth city, in search of something to do. He didnt stay there and journeyed through a moongate to the city of Jehlom. There he stayed for two years honing his skills until one day he saw a banner fluttering in the wind...
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