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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / a tough slug match with ogre lords! Lestat on: July 05, 2005, 01:23:16 pm
the grass was moist, and there was a chilling breeze flowing through the barracks, when i was called to the dungeon of despise by malikim. there i joined malikim, griffith and talon. Talon soon left as he had business elsewhere, leaving the three of us. immediately myself and griffith raised out kryss' and began beating our way through ogre lords, with malikim casting magic from the rear. soon enough the ogre lords had the open hand as myself and griffith fell to there power. we fought back with covian spirit and got our revenge!! malikim who by now was chuckling to himself like a madman suggested that we go and take out some anger on the artic ogre lords, myself and griffith both thought the same thing... you madman! but never the less we agreed ad smashed our way through many ice creatures, including artic ogre lords. we eventually retreated to the barracks where we split our gold. was a glorious day!! har har!
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / new recruit no.2 on: July 04, 2005, 07:22:23 pm
i again was at the bank when i met an old friend, a past guildmaster of mine in fact. we caught up and i found out that he had a archer who was keen to join the malitia. i bought him to the barracks to be recruited, he would be well suited to BoCs ways...
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / new recruit on: July 04, 2005, 03:38:02 pm
I was at britain bank asking for some help with my skills, when i met bai canast. he gave me valuable advice on my combat skills, and then helped me by making me grand master weapons free of charge! i offered him the chance to become a covian as he seemed to have all the right characteristics. i brought him to the barracks where he met captain shadwell, and joined the guild.
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