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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Rate the song above you thread.. on: October 07, 2011, 11:09:03 am
Symphonic power metal, huh? I guess it sounds okay. 4/5.

Here's something nice and friendly: Finntroll - Trollhammaren
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: June 09, 2011, 04:35:39 am
Every memory fragment related with Cat Corax still makes me shudder.
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Junior Trials ~ Ilyana on: October 27, 2010, 08:52:16 am
Good work so far. Keep it up and you'll finish your trials in no time.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Junior Trials ~ Ilyana on: October 01, 2010, 11:46:34 am
Well, well, well... Tha' cheeky, always hungreh vesperian lass ain't dead yet, huh? Proves she's usefull, Sir, aye? Should we just hand her teh Covian belt seeing she's one of teh Arcanists, Sir? Oh... erh... I forgot 'bout ye' mixed feelings 'bout this brilliant squad. Alright, alright, I'll make her trials as difficult as possible.

Task 1: Food & Healthcare

Being the reason of most of the Covian food deficit problems, you might actually know something about food and healthcare. You're to hold a lecture for peasants and army types about healthy and unhealthy food, alcohol and various diets. Be sure to finish you lecture with nice feast for the rabble.

~ Lead a food & healthcare lecture people of Cove.
~ Make it spectacular and interestiong one.
~ Finish it with a feast.
~ Provide a full report below.

Task 2: Shipyard workers

Rumors are that roaylists are expanding their battle fleet and you're to make sure Cove can withstand their possible attack. You're to talk with civilian and army types in Cove and make a list of people who know something about shipbuilding and those who can import essential for shipbuilding parts and resources. Provide the cost and needed component list as well.

~ Talk to various Covian citizen and craftsman.
~ Make a list of people proficient in shipbuilding.
~ Make a list of components needed and their approximate cost.
~ Provide a full report below.

Task 3: Avatarian Humility blah-blah-blah

Returning of the Church might be somewhat dangerous for Arcane Company and thus we're to make sure they aren't paying too much attention for us. Best thing for it is to prove we're humble and respectful. You're to lead a hunt to Dungeon of Doom, kill large number of foul Guardian creations and collect a decent amount of coins all of which you're to donate to local Covian Church.

~ Lead a hunt to Dungeon of Doom.
~ At least 4 other guardsmen must attend.
~ Collect at least 15,000 coins.
~ Contact Church official and deliver him a full amount of coins collected.
~ Be polite and humble while talking to churchies.
~ Provide a full report below.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Rate the song above you thread.. on: October 01, 2010, 09:50:08 am
Strange one tbh. Not brilliant one, but not bad either. Thus 4/5.

6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Rate the song above you thread.. on: September 23, 2010, 06:24:54 pm
Not exactly my type, thus only 3/5.

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Watchman Trials ~ Graum Trolle on: September 15, 2010, 08:55:51 pm
Trolle, Trolle... Is he somehow related tae trolls, Sir, eh? Well... Judgin' from his appearance, his grandmother had some sort of kinky business with one of 'em. Bwahahahahahaha! Erm... Alright, he isn't that hideous. As ye' say, Sir. I'll see if we can make 'im dea... erh... I mean promoted.

Task 1 ~ Discipline or Death

Discipline isn't that good as it was in the past with all these new recruits being cocky and cheeky. We could just flog them to death, but army would become quite a lonely place to be in. My brilliant idea is to make you increase their moral and discipline by holding a lecture!

~ Lead a discipline lecture for army personnel.
~ At least 3 other guardsman must attend.
~ Make sure their discipline level increased drastically.
~ Provide a full report below.

Task 2 ~ Shoulder to shoulder

One of the most effecient ways to win a battle is to fight alongside the trustworthy partner. Improving guardsmen fighting skills is essential and your task is to make sure they're working on it.

~ Lead a training focused paired combat.
~ At least 5 other guardsmen must attend.
~ Provide a full report below.

Task 3 ~ Befriending scouts

Light Company isn't in the best shape, watchman, and I want to you to give them a friendly hand. Your task is twofold. First, you need to get one thousand of feathers good enough for making arrows. Second, get one hundred of greater poison potions so they could play with it.

~ Lead a hunt to the location of your choice and get 1000 feathers.
~ At least 2 other guardsmen must attend.
~ Contact civilian alchemist and convince him to make one hundred of greater poison potions.
~ Provide a full report below.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
8  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / [Letter] Folded parchment delivered to Kiran on: September 10, 2010, 08:01:35 pm
Mr. Bailiff, I reckon copy of this letter might be interesting for you.

*copies were sent both to Captain and Commander*

Dear Sir,

As you could know yesterday we've performed a dangerous criminal arrest. We had strong evidences of Brenna Night conspiring against Council members and Covian Bailiff in particular. She was aware of her various relatives assaulting Bailiff, threatening him, torturing him, breaking his nose and inflicting painful wounds to him. Knowing that she did nothing to prevent damage caused to Bailiff. After gathering all of the evidences and taking into account words of various witnesses, I've ordered two finest Arcanist Squad members, Junior Ilyana and Regular Haap, to arrest her, Sir. Upon trying to convince her to follow them peacefully Regular Haap's leg was severely damaged by Brenna's dagger. That's just another proof of her being guilty and treacherous scum. Despite of Regular Haap injury, Brenna Night was shackled, imprisoned and eventually interrogated. Bailiff joined the iterrogation. As he's one of Brenna's relatives victims, that seemed only fair. During her interrogation we figured that Brenna might be just a pawn in the hand of her father, Kal Shadowhand. I've been watching him for some time now and came to conclusion that Kal might be very dangerous to Cove and citizens of Cove. He seems to have a grudge on council and covian army for delaying the decision of his request on returning his original army rank. Being trained assassin he might try to make several murder attempts and assasinate Bailiff and Steward. Army Command might be in danger as well for the same reason. Seems Bailiff shares my concerns as he was threatened by Kal several times and Luke McCloud, Kal's relative, tortured him. We managed to collect various evidences, witnesses and leads about Kal and there's strong belief that he's another threat to Cove itself. I've attached several accurate scetches of Brenna's interrogation.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi

*signed perfunctorily*
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [LETTER] Huge folded parchment sent both to Captain and Commander on: September 10, 2010, 07:59:32 pm
*copies were sent both to Captain and Commander*

Dear Sir,

As you could know yesterday we've performed a dangerous criminal arrest. We had strong evidences of Brenna Night conspiring against Council members and Covian Bailiff in particular. She was aware of her various relatives assaulting Bailiff, threatening him, torturing him, breaking his nose and inflicting painful wounds to him. Knowing that she did nothing to prevent damage caused to Bailiff. After gathering all of the evidences and taking into account words of various witnesses, I've ordered two finest Arcanist Squad members, Junior Ilyana and Regular Haap, to arrest her, Sir. Upon trying to convince her to follow them peacefully Regular Haap's leg was severely damaged by Brenna's dagger. That's just another proof of her being guilty and treacherous scum. Despite of Regular Haap injury, Brenna Night was shackled, imprisoned and eventually interrogated. Bailiff joined the iterrogation. As he's one of Brenna's relatives victims, that seemed only fair. During her interrogation we figured that Brenna might be just a pawn in the hand of her father, Kal Shadowhand. I've been watching him for some time now and came to conclusion that Kal might be very dangerous to Cove and citizens of Cove. He seems to have a grudge on council and covian army for delaying the decision of his request on returning his original army rank. Being trained assassin he might try to make several murder attempts and assasinate Bailiff and Steward. Army Command might be in danger as well for the same reason. Seems Bailiff shares my concerns as he was threatened by Kal several times and Luke McCloud, Kal's relative, tortured him. We managed to collect various evidences, witnesses and leads about Kal and there's strong belief that he's another threat to Cove itself. I've attached several accurate scetches of Brenna's interrogation.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi

10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Late Night "Training", Haap-style on: September 09, 2010, 08:04:50 am
*scribbles more to the bottom*
He was actually promoted by in order to hasten his joining the Arcane Company.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Get your Mentors and Apprentices here! on: September 08, 2010, 09:09:52 am
Watchman Graum Trolle is now my Apprentice. He'll make a fine addition to Arcane Company in case he survives numerous gruelling trainings and tasks with slim chances of survival.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Who missed me!?!? on: September 07, 2010, 07:31:51 am
"Sorry, who are you again?"
Nah, nothing wrong with incativity cause of serious reasons. Srsly, 'tis good to see you're going the right path and having great improvements in the RL. Smiley
13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Getting older? S'a hammerin'. on: September 03, 2010, 05:52:15 pm
I can't remember whether Keres filled all required paperwork for permission to actually get older. Thus, this one doesn't count. Good attempt though. Aside from that, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Keres!
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Letter] Letter sent to Captain and Commander on: September 03, 2010, 01:11:18 am

Last night we were approached by terrified civilian screaming about our Bailiff being attacked by Vesperians at the Swaggers Inn. Regular Arcanist Haap and Recruit Night joined me in travelling there only to find Bailiff all burned and beaten up lying on the ground. We walked inside the Swaggers Inn after we managed to learn the names of the attackers: Trent Edwards and Rhett Quinn. There we were approached by overwhelming number of Vesperian soldier who mocked us upon our demand to hand us these criminals. Seeing no chance to bring the cheeky gits on their knees in such a close area with only three of us, I had to order retreat. These Vesperians are not so peaceful as they try to look, Sir. Next thing they do after greeting and smiling is stabbing us in the back when we less expect it. I suggest we put more efforts in keeping these Vesperians "calm" and "peaceful", Sir. Assaulting Bailiff isn't something that could be left unnoticed. Edwards and Quinn should be brought to justice. Otherwise army's reputation of being able to protect Covian civilians will be ruined.

*signed perfunctorily*
Arcanist Corporal, Bersi
15  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / [Short letter sent to Kiran] on: August 25, 2010, 09:53:07 pm
I was talking with certain someone from my squad about things were were talking earlier. Seems all these evidences made sense to her as that fine lass agreed to support me in our noble struggle against those deceitful fiends. Here're few scetches made during our talk.

*signed perfunctorily*
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