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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadier Trials: Junior Arkonios on: August 11, 2005, 09:05:56 pm
 Part One:


*Arkonios takes a small note out of his pocket and reads the first couple of lines carefully.* Blood Elemental eh? Ill do that first. *Standing up he folds the note back up and stuff it into his pocket.*

I went to Moonglow where a kind cartographer showed me a map of how to get to this "Shame" place. From the map it looked as though it would take forever and if i wanted to reach there by nightfall i would have to move fast.
 After hours of continuous trekking through mountains, hills and forests I can to a gaping black hole in the side of a looming mountain.

The Dungeon Shame. I walked inside with caution and came upon a problem. It was pitch black.

With my torch lit i moved on through the darkness. I was told to look for the Blood Elementals lair some floors down. So i immediatly set about finding a way down into the depths of the dungeon. But it wasnt easy. I encountered many dangerous foe.

I rounded a corner and finally i saw the portal leading down to the second level.

The second level had even harder evil beings than the first. But i managed to battle through. On the floor about ten minutes of walking i saw a most nasty sight.

I quickly moved on not wanting to hang around long. Dead ahead i saw the light of another portal to the next level!

I started running as it was getting lighter an i didnt need my torch anylonger. I moved down the next few levels when i came across another find. Blood Pools!

I though i must be very close so i set about finding one as quick as possible. I heard a noise like the water flowing and saw a big blood red figure approaching me. I armed my bow and cast the spells i needed to aid me.

I kept shooting my arrows into its body and it seemed to be weakening rapidly.
With a final hard blow to its torso area the figure burst and formed a large pool of blood on the floor.

I had done what i had came here to do. So i quickly perfomed a transporting spell and was taken of to the barracks to rest

Signed Arkonios Junior Guardsman

OOC: Hope this is OK! Stay tuned for my other tasks! *Grins*
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The adventures of Tiberius! on: August 09, 2005, 08:58:49 pm
Ye Salty Sea Dawg!
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadiers Recruiting!! on: August 09, 2005, 04:24:05 pm
*Signs name on the Paper*

Arkonios Junior Guardsman
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Daemon Temple... on: August 02, 2005, 08:10:26 pm
Set By: Arc Arcane Sergeant Objective: Collect 10000 Gold [Completed]

We ad' just finished our battle practice in the town and gather'd at the bank to hear the results from Arc. He anounced the Red Team whom i was leadin' ad won and that I was to carry out a hunt. He summoned a portal to our destination and I let the men through. I recognised through the gate...The dreaded daemon temple.
 We assembled outside and I gave the order to Follow into the temple.

We marched up and advanced on the temple.

All seemed to be fairly quiet but suddenly we heard the rumble of dragons and daemons. Coming towards us was a Daemon and a Rather small but fierce looking dragon. We formed up and soon the two monsters lay dead.

We climbed the stairs to the roof of the temple where two daemons were waiting.

He hurl'd majik toward us but we formed together, healed and bought him to Justice.
But as fast as we killed them they spawned again and again!

The pile of red bodies in front of us started the stack and the amount of gold we looted from the monsters increased.

As we started to get ontop of the daemon spawn a Dragon appeared from thin air and advanced on our formation. Archers shot arrows in the body of the beast and warrior hacked away at it. It was no match for us and fell to our witches fatal Energy Bolt.

We ad' reached our weight limit and ad' slain huge amounts of monsters so we headed back out of this cursed temple.
I congratulated the men on how well they had fought, healed and worked as a team.

Our Mage laid a portal back to the Barracks and the men went home for the night.

Signed Arkonios Junior Guardsman

In attendance was:

Arkonios Junior Guardsman (Leader of the Hunt)
Cor'Ari Ta Junior Guardsman
Corliss Guardsman Recruit
Erik Arkay Guardsman Recruit
Garand Guardsman Recruit
Achaetes Witch Hunter
Ben Radau Guardsman Recruit
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadiers are recruiting on: August 01, 2005, 11:38:54 am
I would like to join also.

Signed Arkonios Junior Guardsman
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman Trial: Arkanois on: July 21, 2005, 04:15:01 pm
I looked at the map and studied the position of the farm. South West of Spirituality Moongate. So i kitted up at the Barracks and headed out there. I followed the mountain edge and sure enough South West of the Moongate was the farm.

The place looked like it hadnt  been used for decades.

I looked around the house and the fields then sat down on the bed and studied the list. New tools was at the top, so back to the moongate I went and transported myself to Moonglow where my Dad knew a farmer that owned a famer's produce shop.

She showed me a bag of tools that she had for sale. I pulled out my gold bag and exchanged some coins for the tools.

Back at the farm I set out all the tools in the house. 

Right...Now to fix those damaged fences. It seemed like almost all the fences were broken somewhere along the line.

After using endless bits of wood the posts looked as good as new. Now for the house. The outside looked like a perfectly respectable farm house but on the inside it looked like the pig stys outside. This was the most tedious task. I worked hard for over an hour, filling over 10 sacks of rubbish and dirt from the floors.

Right, Next job plant some new crops in the crop field. I planted a fine array of tasty vegetables and crop such as Corn, Barley, Carrots and Potatoes.

Once the beds were full of new crop I took a well earned rest. I went up to the house and had a nap.

Gah! Ive slept to long! Its almost dark. And theres still another job on the list. Get animals to the farm. Cows,pigs, sheep and horses it said. I thought I'd try to get some from the Animal Trainer in Skara Brae.

They offered my a small flock of sheep, a horse and a pair of Cows and some pigs. Without a doubt i took them up on this offer. Now ALL I had to do was get them back to the farm.

Now the farm is fully functional again. All the fences fixed, animals swarming the place and farm supplied with all the tools it needs my work here was done.

*Arkonios rolls up the parchment, seals it and puts it by the Office Door*

Signed Arkonios, Watchman.
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Expanding Coves Borders... on: July 20, 2005, 05:39:03 pm
OOC: IF you attended please add your name. I lost me list AGAIN.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Expanding Coves Borders... on: July 20, 2005, 05:19:02 pm
Shadwell sent the word round that tonight we were to expand our Covian borders by building a blockade at the Vesper Crossroads.

We assembled outside and Shadwell gave to order to march. We head through the thick forest East and finally came to the familiar dirt path.

 We assembled on the road and waited for the stragglers. All together we moved of down the road following it in a South Easterly Direction. After just a few minutes of walking we came to the Covian borders and the crossroads. The pack horse was tied to the tree and started to be unloaded. We paired off to do a patrol of the immediate area. All groups came back and gave the all clear and building the Blockade commenced.

Shadwell split the remaining soldiers not building into groups to scout a wider area to secure our Blockade. Shadwell lead a group to the North and North East.

 All was clear apart from the odd Mongbat. So we headed back to base to help.
Shortly after our return the other scout groups came back giving the all clear also. A group of Soldiers were sent to find raw hides to seal the walls of the Blockade.

The Structure was getting stronger as the hides started coming in.
  Finally after what seemed like hours of building the Blockade was finished and the finishing touches added.

I sat in with Arc and Shadwell and took down some notes of the evening so far. As everything was basically finished Arc pulled out two bottles of Ale for himself and Shadwell. Sentries were stood protecting our entrances.

Suddenly there was a disturbance outside and alot of shouting. We were under attack!
But swiftly Archers took down a familiar figure. Eben Roichar of House Falconberg. When he was shot down his friend retreated and we lost track of him.

I led him back to the cells with a group of soldiers and slung him into prison.

He wouldnt bother us further. We stood guard of him for a while, while the others came back from taking down our Blockade.

This expedition to expand had been a sucess.

Well fought by all.
Signed Arkonios. Watchman.

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grenadiers are recruiting on: July 19, 2005, 07:18:07 pm
*Looks at notice* over Junior only aint it?
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Wherever the road takes me... on: July 12, 2005, 11:08:42 pm
I started out on a small journey today..Looking for new places.
I stood outside the barracks and checked I had all the essentials.

Then i headed East out into the dense forest. I walked for what seemed to be about Ten Minutes before coming across a run-down old graveyard infested with Undead Minions. I felt I ad' to do my duty and clense this evil place.

I wiped down my trusty bow and decided to move on before more trouble came my way...North east was my path this time...again through thick green forest. I could barely see my arms length infront of me.  Suddenly out of no where a huge ogre stomped toward me makin' the ground and trees tremble as he moved. But e' did not prove worthy against my bow and was dealt with by a swift few arrows to his thick skull. He was felled immediatly.

Lootin' what gold the monster had i moved on back into the forest. Finally, I came to a dirt track...It lead east or west..I chose to follow it east and carried on my journey. I walked along the dirt track for what must have been the best part of half an hour before comin' to a three way crossing of roads. There was a sign on the corner. Minoc pointed straight on..I was intrigued, I had heard alot of miners stories about Minoc so I staggered on.

Ahead of me a while down the path came a clearin' but a foul sight did meet my eyes. It looked to be an Orc Slaughter Camp. Corpses flung all over the camp. Blood covered most of the camp's ground.

I waited there in the cover of the trees. But the orcs did not return, I felt I need'ed to do something but it was getting late and if i did not find shelter soon I would be lost in the night.

I hurried on along the dirt when finally a group of tents in a clearing. This must be the outskirts of minoc. I decided to see whether I could blag a tent from the gypsies. It must be more comfortable than sleepin' on me bedroll on the floor in the Forest...

A kind Gypsy called Chadwick showed me to a spare tent. I was feelin' pretty tired so decided to cook some grub.

So I ate up and went back to my tent. I stripped down, yawned and got into bed.

That was my journeys end...It was an eventful day.


Watchman Arkonios
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Kill them Green Skins! on: July 11, 2005, 11:31:02 pm
Led By:
Watchman Arkonios
Attended By:
Corporal Arc
Regular Scout Valiro

We left' the barracks and marched down past the church. Outside was a rather large pile of fresh animal hides. No sign of the dumpers, Valiro tried to find tracks but none were left. 

We carried on marchin' to the orc fort. All was quiet on the way. We passed the Cove City gates...nothing. Not even the usual vermin from the docks.

We pushed our way through the forest and emerged at a clearin' where the Orc Fort stood. Suddenly the floor started to tremor and a huge orc brute came hurtling towards us. It took a while but in the end we ended his brutal life.

We carried on into the Fort and took all the orcs could throw in our stride. We cleared the fort room by room but they kept coming and coming. The brutes obviously hadn't learnt thier lesson. The quicker they came the quicker they fell...

We kept goin' and goin' until finally we ad' to leave duties called.

 This trip should old' back the ugly greenies for a while. Next time they invade our town we'll be ready!
A Big thank you to Arc and Valiro *Claps*

Watchman Arkonios
12  In Character Boards / Old Events / Arkonios's Letter Hunt Today! (Saturday) on: July 09, 2005, 12:08:47 pm

This Hunt needs 8-12 people.

The Aim: To collect a number of letters. Unscramble ALL the letters and find the hidden monster name.

There will be a red and green team. Each team will have 7 Bags either Green or Red. Each bag has a letter in it. The bags will be hidden in Deceit dugeon! You can go through doors.(Not hidden ones tho) All bags are on first level.DO NOT GO DOWN Stairs.

Meet at Barracks at 7:00 GMT PM

Sign Name Below If You Wish To Join!

Prizes for winning team.
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Orphidian Attack Part One on: July 05, 2005, 04:01:17 pm

Led by: Ryan Greystone Regular Grenadier.
Attended by: OOC: please post if you attended i lost list.

We fell in at tha' Barracks step and then Ryan led a forced march ta' Minoc Moongate. We then travelled through the strange blue gate and came out in Yew. From ther' we marched across the swamp where we fought some Plague beasts that attack us while we travelled. We all formed together and made light work out of them.
  We carried on onto the Court of Truth. We followed round the snakeing structure until we came to the prison cells. Sir Ryan started feeling around all the walls and then found a secret passage in one of the cells. We all followed him through and we came to a hole in the ground in a small room filled with crates.
  We dropped down into the hole and into the darkness. We lit our torches and explored further into the tunnel. At the end we saw light up in the ceiling and a small rope ladder leading up to it. One by one we all grabbed the ladder and climbed up through. We appeared in a small room. We followed Ryan to a door at the other end. On the other side of it was desert and mountains as far as the eye could see. So quickly Ryan ordered a march and we walked off into the baron land.
Our leader told us we were going to fight some mean creatures and that team work was the key...
   The first monsters we encountered were a bunch of scorpians feedin' off a dead travellers corpse. We took our weapons to the scorpians and within moments they were history. We moved out again.
Suddenly out of no where I head a distinctive war noise. That of an Orphidian Warrior ! The fight was long and hard and they jus kept coming, but after what seems like hours thier spawn thinned out...This is where i left...

OOC: Sorry about no pics.

Signed Arkonios...Watchman
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt: Orc Fort on: July 04, 2005, 10:14:03 pm
Very good report ther' Ahmed. Hope you all enjoyed it!
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrol From Sentry Gate! on: July 04, 2005, 10:12:20 pm
Changed to your name...
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