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1  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Kindling the Baronial Court. on: September 09, 2009, 11:10:38 am
For men have marble, women waxen, minds,
And therefore are they form'd as marble will;
The weak oppress'd, the impression of strange kinds
Is form'd in them by force, by fraud, or skill:
Then call them not the authors of their ill,
No more than wax shall be accounted evil
Wherein is stamp'd the semblance of a devil

Dear Brothers,

I can not help but notice that our dear Baron is still looking for a suitable bride. Perhaps playing the matchmaker in this situation may gain us some advantages in the near future.

Kiran is the Bailiff, but I doubt he has the skills nor means to get the most delicate political secrets like a woman can; we all know the power of "pillow talk" I believe.

All we need  is a puppet that will have the attitude, means to be able to woo Baron and bring us the information we need. Preferably someone who is not smart enough and easy to intimidate....and expendable if push comes to shove.


2  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: Brother, where art thou? (OOC chat!) on: September 08, 2009, 04:20:13 pm
I am not sure if this is the right place for this to be but it says OOC so here i go :

The Grand Heist

I was having a thought about this....Considering our current feud with Thf and what not. Perhaps to gain some upperhand with a Grand Heist planned out carefully ?

My original thought about is ; having some sort of a Banquette/Ball whatever in Cove. And as the peace lasts ; get the other major guild leaders and their posse over to Cove.

They will come armed and well guarded, leaving their towns lightly guarded. Will give us a lot of room to move.

The idea of this is *not* petty theft; but more the case of stealing valuable information, papers...You know the drill information->knowledge->power.

Some of the details I have thought about :

How do we have a reason for the Ball ?

Baron's still single. One stone 2 birds. Let's find him a bride that's going to be Brotherhood puppet. Also expandable so not a sister preferably. If she doesn't do what we like, oopsie accidents happens.

Also this gives another awesome opportunity to get our hands into Royalty business.

Synchronised Theft ? Won't it be reported ?

No petty theft. We are aiming for things that are not suppose to be in possesions of certain people. E.g. Battle Tactics of Militia from Vesperian Vault. Can't really expect Vesper going out openly making a complaint about this information being stolen can't they ? As they would need to explain how they have it in the first place.

Synchronised - means breaking in at the same time ; so not enough time for the targets to call in help and so on.

Why ? Can't we just err pvp ?

Sure! be my guest. But I thought this would be super cool - the way we set it up; we invite Thf over as well to Baron's Ball. If Thf are present at the ball. And they clearly didn't steal it who would it be ? Brotherhood. But no evidence left behind.

In my opinion this should be our signature too. No sign left behind. No boasting, no evil cackle. No evidence...No tearing down buildings. We are professionals. We can do it without waking up the neighbours.

This is the general idea of it. It took me like a week to summarize here but hey. I am lazy. I am also aware of having to have deep and secretive OOC conversations with leaders of the other guilds in order to actually steal important things such as stated above.

So whatcha think ?
3  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: Heard it on the Grapevine... on: September 07, 2009, 06:41:25 pm
Last night after I left the Goblin Office; I ran into Meiko leaving Goblin Warehouse...Right after her, the young boy I had seen in Stonekeep came out.
4  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / To Kiran on: September 05, 2009, 04:37:07 pm
*A sealed letter left on the Goblin's Office desk addressed to Kiran*

Dear Kiran,

I know I haven't given you a detailed report regarding to my abduction, lost eye and Mr.Smith; and you have been unexpectedly kind and understanding to my situation. Although if I wait for my damaged dignity to heal - then i will have to wait until I plunge my fingertips into the eyesockets of that drow harlot and pull out genitals of that creepy Faust with my bare hands...

Me abducted : I was abducted by 3 male humans and 1 drow female. Their leader which I found out later when they took me for hostage - is Mr.Smith.

Speaks in slightly strong accent, very distinguished. He is sinister, cold blooded and he carries a quiver. Although he proved me he is no stranger to up close and personal combat; when he smashed my ribs.

Faust - He was in his stinking armour all through my abduction and the next time we met too. He seems to be favouring blunt weapons of sort like a mace. And definitely into women....especially to the drow; which seemed repulsed by him.

Drow - She seemed to be too humane than expected from a drow. Yea she gave me a clean operation by separating me from my eye however, she seemed to be somewhat kind when we met again. Which - is fishy to me.

Scruffy Looking one - He was using magic. Very high level of magic. Although had the usual behaviour of the arcane addicts. Can not really tell whether a genius or insane.

Attacking Goblin and the Ruins : When they came to rob Goblin; knocked Kelban out; beat the crap out of the Keres brat and rest of the guards who tried to stop them they were larger in number and seemed much more competent than before. Oh yes, Smith was using alias to refer to them as colours.... Red, black and such.

The scruffy looking arcane addict wasn't with them. Instead they had a Tokunese with them. He seemed to be quiet, and master of shadows rather than hiding in it; and extremely strong. They also had two females with them. One of them being slightly daft and wandering off constantly to prod animals around the Ruins that they took me to.  So if I am to give you a number, the attempt to burn Goblin down after robbing it - there were six of them.

I have informed you about what Smith requested of me while Faust broke Mischief into pieces like a glass pitcher. He still hasn't contacted me yet for time of that meeting. I believe he has forgotten about me.

And I am still insisting on that Elaine has some relations to this group . Males are either father candidates of the bastard she is carrying or she is some sort of a daft informant for them. Either way, despite of her being absent in either of the situations - I am quite certain that she is somewhat involved with them and the attacks that you are the target of. Because Smith and his rainbow have roughed me up good the first time; second time, they did not lay a finger on me  - simply explaining to me that they were hired to give me a good .... loving from a mutual friend.

On another note, as you have requested I have spoken to Olchafa about setting up a trap for Madsen however I am not so sure if I could lure Madsen out of Yew even if I wore nothing but my bare skin after what has happened. Should I still proceed with "Operation Black Widow" or simply let it go for the time being as I heard Sabal gave him a good beating?

5  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Deers & Queers on: September 03, 2009, 11:29:46 am
Monday, 31st

New owner of The King's Deer held a tavern night, which I had dropped by to see what they were up to. I believe I have come across with interesting....observations.

The Staff - Instead of hiring the locals, this owner Francis Bluth, takes the length of handpicking immigrants of some sort. I believe we should look into it. Also, they seemed to be convinced that King's Queer Deer is cheaper, cleaner than Goblin.

The Patrons - It seemed a fairly ordinary evening to me, the local guards chit chatting about the bagball and all that - except for this young man who was munching into an apple.... I could only notice right before I was leaving, quiet and peculiar I'd say as he wasn't there when I had arrived. I didn't get a good look at him; though here is a sketch of him below from what I could remember.

The Madsen - He clearly had a message for Kiran. All in all, I was adviced that we prevent this guy from entering Goblin by his buddies. Perhaps we should... Just for the sake of doing so and not even for insulting Kiran and Baron.

6  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: (OOC) ICQ thread! on: August 31, 2009, 06:06:19 pm
Lacrima: 575- 846-669
7  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: With friends like this.... on: August 22, 2009, 12:17:13 am
Mmmhmmm well we have met with Madsen....he is desperate to get into my trousers. Set up a trap ... I will lure him; gladly.

8  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / The King & His Deer. on: August 14, 2009, 06:11:43 pm

Last night I paid a visit to Stonekeep to call in some favours. Unfortunately the one who owed me favours was nowhere to be found so I had a chat with Leo Madsen instead. Seems like the Tavern had been bought by a man in a suit and his name is kept anonymous except for the officers.

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