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1  Element boards / Citizen Board / Re: Shillings Reward IN-BOX [PR] on: August 28, 2010, 11:11:28 pm

I wish to purchase the license for a pack animal.

Geoffrey Allis.
2  Element boards / Citizen Board / Selling Hats! ...And supplying Covian businessmen on: March 18, 2010, 05:24:13 am

Today I received a call for work by a troubled man. He had no clothes! Well he came to the right man when he called me. I made him the finest clothes out of the finester bright orange cloth. When he told me he wanted to stick out in a crowd I knew just what he needed and I lunged into action fetching material from my family home.

I thought to myself how lucky I was to have my lovely children and my beautiful wife, Esmertilda... Oh, how I love them so. So tender. And my children look up to me, they're proud of me. They say to me before I leave for work every day:
"Daddy, we love you" and I look at them and smile. Kissing my wife I walk out the door wondering how I'm going to find enough work to stuff those adorable faces... Everyday I worry.. But I tell myself:
"worry is for the wa-pl-ves-sad lonely peasant farmer, and that's not me, oh no! I'm one of Cove's finest hat salesman and I'm going to make it big in this world, oh yes!"

As I fought my way out of the loving grip of my family and our family pet, Mittens, I ran as fast as I could back to my waiting customer and immediately began work on the most stylish clothes at the time. Convincing him to buy a few of my hats for just a few coins extra I threw half a box in there and wrote him a "thank you".

Collecting my pay and a notably sized tip, I walked only a few steps into my next customer! It was a profitable day indeed.

Geoffrey Allis

3  Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Re: Help needed: Tailor or Blacksmith Required on: November 01, 2009, 09:12:02 pm

Geoffrey Allis, Hatsmen of Cove
4  Element boards / Citizen Administration Board / Geoffrey Allis - Commoner [35] on: August 19, 2009, 06:27:58 pm
Name: Geoffrey Allis
Occupation: Salesman
Current Standing: Commoner
Current Shilling Count: 35/500
Shillings Awarded For:
Tailoring Cloth Uniforms
Hat sales
Pack Animal License (-40)

Citizen task board tasks:

Cultural Events attended:

Adding to the Covian culture:
Other / miscellaneous tasks:

TRIAL: Not passed
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