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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman Trials ~ Kennit Tel'var on: August 12, 2010, 01:37:41 am
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: 8/01/10 Hunt to Tokuno Mines on: August 04, 2010, 07:16:32 pm

That Guardsmen With An Axe Looks Mighty Familiar To me

3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: -report- Cove & Yew Training on: October 18, 2009, 07:10:02 am
I like ale battered fish!

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / -report- Cove & Yew Training on: October 15, 2009, 11:40:04 pm
As followed is the report for the Cove & Yew training session.


Commander Raiden Morana
Jenifer Feather
Aliryl Trefynwyd
Darek Milako II
Kal ShadowHand
Keane Wakefiled
Kennit Tel'var
Keitaro Kazami
Aliryl Trefynwyd
Celuvian Hap

As arranged those of us chosen to attend gathered at the barracks for the Commanders words, And he didn't disappoint telling us somewhat about the Yewish and their "special" qualities that make them suitable allies. Shortly after we made our way to the Moongate for the journey to Yew, There seem to be many brigands and Gypsies loitering and making a nuisance of themselves on the road to Minoc, While my fellow guardsmen ran straight past ignoring them, I choose to stop and deal with them to make it less likely of some innocent traveller being robbed.

At the Gate, We were told to Disarm, A measure of goodwill i believe towards the Yewish who had as far as we know rallied their full might for the training session, And thus outnumbering us, which is to be expected in their own Keep.

Upon arriving a Yewish "waywatcher" promptly had us remove our armour and some of our clothes without even a welcome or moment to catch our breath, And had everyone par a very old looking goat of a man and our own Kal Shadowhand make a line either side of what was the Yewish attempt to create an "arena", It did the job and we then were all made to run from one side to the other while they attempted and "mostly" failed to hit us with a war hammer and a war fork.
Regardless of us believing we were to be training and not playing strange Yewish schoolyard games, It was very good for keeping people on their toes and away from the danger, It was in the end the Infamous mr Walker of yew who was felled first, and shortly after the rest of us now short of breath soon were beaten and bloodied to the ground too.

As the session moved on more and more spectators arrived to watch us all, One of our scouts decided to have a bizare and unexpected emotional brake down and went on to cry and act a tantrum because she wasnt chosen on her preferred team, A slightly embarassing situation but hardly noticed thank goodness.  We were taken aback when the Yewish Captain choose to snub our commander and his guests and walk off to deal with other things, One would expect that after coming all this way he would at least attend the very session he was hosting, It was Edward in the end who was left standing and he was given the humorous if not outright impossible task of running through two lines of Covian and yewish guardsmen, he ran the other way but was still struck down, I hardly blame him though against those odds.  Soon after we moved on to something else that we could call being closer to training and operated as three groups attempting to keep each other standing and fall the others, Afterwards the waywatcher seemed to think we should rampage and destroy the Yewish Tavern which we ALL unfortunately did when two teams of mixed covian and yewish fighters fought each other, smashing bottles and windows in the fight, The evening ended with a Covian and Yewish last team standing battle, Most of our team being Covian Scouts, they were hardly able to put their skills to use in a closed space, which is exactly what the "waywatcher" had planned i believe, and the Yewish were the winners ... On our departure a large group of armoured horsemen blocked out path on the road, So we moved through the Yewish woods to the moongate and eventually home.

5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Kennit's Journal on: October 13, 2009, 07:24:00 pm

Well, Its been a very active and enjoyable few days, despite the occasional spook and whisper of witchcraft, stranger yet young teenagers conjuring fireballs in the palms of their hand is even stranger.

A couple of nights ago i spent some time eating a meal in the Green Goblin, The Elfish Minstress is a swift cook who prepared my meal in no time at all! very impressive! either some special method is being used or they have it already cooking ready for me, I believe the latter is more likely given the subtle comments on my increasing chubbiness it seems.
Hurmrmr, I had the fortune to meet the Captain Hoagies Daughter, a miss Scarlet, She at first insisted on making a nuisance of herself but later seemed to get her act together, and it turns out shes quite an intelligent young lady, full of attitude and charisma too, Even better was her grasp and knowledge of things i wouldn't of thought her capable of, She can ignite fire out of the air around her, I wish i could do such a thing, It would come in handy on the long patrols or expeditions in dark places and tunnels. The arrogantly ignorant Miss Elaine of Vesper has insisted on visiting the Green Goblin around the same time as me recently, I thought very highly of her at first but it seems first appearances can be very deceiving indeed. And its frustrating if anything, I don't believe I've met anyone who considers themselves either accepted, better than or just plain above us common guardsmen OR the people of Cove, Who does she think she is to look down her nose at them so? The way she snubs people is disgusting! I cant understand what on earth the Captain was thinking of letting that Viper into his bed, worse yet letting her wrap her gangly legs around him, In all her strutting and snobbery she failed to realise that although she is the mother of his child, his OTHER child was sitting in the room present when she sought to shout as us just exactly what happened, A lack of guilty conscience maybe, There must be some matter of truth the gossip the other Guardsmen talk about. I cant understand why she insists on pestering the poor man as its been made clear he doesn't want to see her or have anything to do with her, One would suspect there is more to her frequent irritating visits than meets the eye, She neither wants to claim any support for her child nor come to an arrangement with the man, as was made clear by her while i was eavesdropping *scribbled out* listening to her outside the barracks So why does she insist on bothering him?  I've not the foggiestwhat motivates such a person, Maybe lack of attention? I'm sure theres plenty of soldiers who would be quite willing to give it to her, heh heh

On a better note i had the good privilege to share a bottle of liquor with a Vesperian who was bringing a message in the Goblin, I cant understand half the nasty rumours that are circulating. The Baron himself came to see us parade before the freedom festival, I was worried the dock was going to collapse at one point under all the weight and armour, Fortunately it didn't.
The Parade and Barons speech were going very well and was most enjoyable until something VERY disturbing happened, It seems some ill-bred, swag bellied, hedgeborn lout in armour decided it appropriate to mystically appear in the middle of our Barons speech and interupt him, I Can certainly see why the Ye-wish are viewed as paunchy, yeasty faced, rump fed fools when it comes to showing respect to their betters and allies, Although from the reception the other soldiers gave them i would hardly say any of them consider the Ye-wish friends, with the exception of one or two who have frequently visited us and provided entertainment and good companionship, After listening to the other guardsmen it seems many consider the Ye-wish to of risen to the occasion of exploiting the Covian Army's protection of their borders and that it is time for a change and a very independent Cove. The Ye-wish didn't at all seem to appreciate the moment in which all Northern forces could celebrate a general feeling of liberty, And stormed off when the Vesperians arrived to join in the merrymaking!  It was a good night even so and i finally bested my Cousin Markus in combat, though i believe it had something to do with his wife distracting him. 

Spent one whole night lost down some tunnels in which Wakefield led us on a roaming hunt of sorts, among the many other things we've done. We were forced to kill many strange red creatures in long damp dark tunnels underground, We found a strange oasis too, Ill return another time to get a better look around.
I would think the Scouts would train their men and hopefulls better so they don't get us lost as has frequently happened, I believe it was Wakefields own sheer grit and thinking that saved us and no amount of training from the Scouts, Either way we're clearly in safe hands with him.

6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: October 08, 2009, 05:38:06 pm
Circumstances of last night

After eating a large dinner cooked fresh at the green goblin and walking and carrying out many foot patrols of Cove and the town main, Nothing was overly odd, And all seemed well ..  I was agasted to find a piece of paper on the floor withy some very troubling things written on it, Using my iniative i set out to find the officer on duty who i was told was mr Kal Shadowhand, Alas i couldnt find him and what took me the better part of twenty minits searching Cove, asking for his location i returned to the goblin on a whim having seen both him and Guardsmen recruit Heather rubbing noses earlyer that eve, My instincts were correct as one fellow subtly told me he was -NOT- here, The man must of been simple if he really thought i was going to believe him with a tone and attitude like that, Another fellow, I believe a local baylif was most helpful and told me he was "upstairs" To which i thanked him and moved upstairs to report this, To my suprise after knocking twice on each door there was no answer from any, So i sought the help of one Miss-Raiden who promptly almost knocked down the door with a scandalised look to her at the thought of a Guardsmen renting a room "By the hour"  Mr Kal Shadowhand emerged looking beraggled and somewhat short of breath, where as Guardsmen Recruit Heather came out with eyes full of tears,  I will not speculate what they might of been doing or "How" badly one might of been doing something. But i will make it clear that see'ing as no other guardsmen saw fit to assist me in carrying out my duties nor actually doing any REAL work perhapes the responsibility of command has yet to come to master Shadowhand if he would rather kooch around in the Green Goblins rooms with younger recruits than be avalible for reports or trouble, A man of such rank holds much influence and it should not be abused or put to waste.  Master Kal Shadowhand thanked me and told me a job well done to his merit and my gratitude and left the Goblin.
Soon after Guardsmen Recruit Katlyn joined me and we discovered a fellow in a wide brim straw hat dropping papers which included "Elf Liberation Front" And "Long Live The Duke" papers both with what seems propaganda like work on them, Having done nothing wrong except found them i asked the man to follow me for some questioning, Soon after he bolted into the woods, Being in a set of armour i was unable to catch him up, While the man hadnt done anything wrong, His behavoir is certainly suspicious and i shall be arresting him if not knocking him down if he attempts to flee again, I know his face and will draw a sketch of it soon ..  It should also be noted that a Yewish Guardsmen with a bright red beard and red hair decided to visit and join us in the barracks, Having been told to welcome the yewish and with no one senior enough to countermand the order, i let him stay and assist us in examining the papers,  I will be handing the papers into the next senior guardsmen ..

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Posted on doors, trees, notice boards, and public places* on: October 08, 2009, 02:53:27 am
*Walking Past, Kennit Stops and unbuckles his leggings to urinate on a tree*

*Kennit Looks Up And See's The Poster Blinking*

Kennit Then Proceeds To Urinate All Over The Poster making it soggy and unreadable

One Less To Worry About
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Kennit's Journal on: October 08, 2009, 02:39:36 am

Well, The past two weeks have certainly been exciting and eventful if not downright disappointing as well, It would seem my long hours of work have been noted as i have been promoted to the rank of watchman, I'm almost certain my uncle has nothing to do with it, Seeing how much work iv put in recently in keeping the barracks secure if not the local town.

Stranger yet is the increasing feeling of insecurity surrounding the church, I now have SEEN with my own eyes the radical and backwater attitude of the clergy here, It is one thing for a man to be found guilty of heresy, It is another to flaunt it like some sort of carnival playshow, It was almost like the pantamine in Britain, NO, it was BETTER than the pantamine in Britain, Except it wasn't a wooden sword to the heart, It was real flames engulfing some fellow while he screamed and shouted out loud. I'm certain this torch waving maniac called Roland, the local "Templi" I'm told, is mad.  He was like a schoolboy aflutter, skipping and jumping around the pyre like a Orc dancing to the beat of a drum, Crying Hay'shay and Words of encouragement to the Guardsmen present, The funniest part is that he was attacked by a local mercenary who was swiftly put down, Pity the other guardsmen didn't wait a moment for the Church man to be gutted like a fish. Poor Thomas could of at least had a good honest hanging that way .. .. .... ........ .. .....

Turns out the fellow who's name was Thomas had freed a prisoner from the local cells who's name is "Mischief"  Honestly! These people giving themselves such sweet little alias, Its almost as if they don't want to be remembered at all for all their hard work .. Or maybe they just don't want to be recognised .. Either way it is of little importance, Freeing a prisoner is a heavy crime and given the circumstances, a guardsmen springing someone from the very cells he is suppose to guard is even worse!  Such a man is not fit to wear a Uniform..  I've also come to the conclusion that a fellow I've seen recently, I believe his name is Delferium suffers from some sort of problem, Given what i have seen and heard myself including rocking backwards and forwards on a stool in the middle of the woods muttering to himself, shouting and gibbering random and incoherent words at people, Also shouting crude and petty insults at anyone who doesn't acknowledge him, And not including his obviously lust for blood when he spat and shouted with a fury i thought only a rabid dog capable of at the unfortunate Thomas fellow, It turns out he himself is a member of the Grenadiers my Uncle was once a member of, The man obviously suffers from dementia or some other disease of the mind, either that or he was beaten fairly often as a babe, So i can only feel a strong sense of sympathy and tolerance for his wild ways, They are to be forgiven, Which also leads me to believe that he is tolerated out of pity if not for his fighting prowess as i learned at the Armsmaster tournament, He would be a useful man to have around in a battle, Maybe he can be encouraged with scraps of food or a bottle of ale here or there to be where i need him in the worst of times ... Or maybe not, Despite his jittery exteria i suspect a measure of intelligence remains

Speaking of which, This Edward fellow, A Guardsmen Recruit, must be one of the best shows with a crossbow I've seen in my life, The man is not at all fit or able of body but he is certainly a talented archer, I could learn allot from this man so i will be sure to keep an eye out for him and seek his wisdom on the use of a ballistic weapon.

Aside from my foot patrols of the local area, cleaning of rubbish and sorting of unruly civilians, I ran into an obnoxious and deliberately subservient woman in the barracks who carried the posture but certainly NOT the grace of a noblewoman, I can only take a guess that this is Coves attempt at a ruling elite, She was sat in the barracks with the look of sour milk reading a book and sniffing her fingernails in a odd way.  Given my express orders are to allow NO civilians and NO strangers into the barracks, I asked her who she was, to which she resorted by sniffing her nose and throwing a book at me! Either she wanted me to read it or she was insulted by my question, I am unaware of which it was!
Given after a good five minits she hadn't answered my question, She picked her rump arse up and tottered over to the door at the same time as another veteran guardsmen came in, She woman explains in a huff the situation and she was being ousted, When in truth i hadn't done anysuch thing!  I followed the other guardsmen lead of flattery and careful slow explanation and acknowledge of the lady, Who seems to think wearing a pretty dress and allot of gems excuses her from the law that every other civilian in cove is bound by, Turns out shes some sort of "head" merchant and has the ear of the baron, If that's the case i feel VERY sorry for the baron, And can only guess that it is people like her that have contributed to the problems that many folk speak of involving cove recently, I am however quite certain it is more than her trading skills that he likes to put to use ... He He He

Either way .. I'm well used to dealing with uppity nobles and the like, Often the best method is to let them humiliate themselves, Especially when they are looking for a reason to complain or make a problem, Even the worse of villians and snobs is smart enough to know when to call it quits, The Veteran gave me a firm pat on the shoulder and lightened my mood by telling me that he had complete faith i would learn the "Political" dance of the local politics, I hope so ..

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II on: October 04, 2009, 08:52:08 pm

Ten Banners, Ten Gates

why do people make purple runes to cove?

10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: October 04, 2009, 06:48:15 pm
A report on today's events including a patrol of the roads west towards Britain and yew,
Attending were

Kennit Tel'var - Guardsmen Recruit
Rita Whalebiter - Junior Watchman
Larinya Angalae - Guardsmen Recruit

We carried out a patrol of the roads north by west towards Yew, Upon which many a beast and foul creature where to be found among which numbered two ogres, three giant spiders, And a harpy

We came across a group of Gypsy's loitering around and after politely asking them to move on to another area off the road, a band of eight brigands attacked us, We generally assumed this was all part of some trap and swiftly cut them all down and took their obviously stolen gold, Among their camp we found a chained woman who it turns out was from Cove, As is out Duty we then escorted her home to safety and put out total collection of three thousand gold to the Barracks, I too placed the extra eight thousand gold pieces i had accumulated over the past week on the piles meaning a total of over eleven thousand pieces were stored, To be put to good use. We then spent some time recovering from the long walk in the Green Goblin where we were lucky enough to have a old, veteran guardsmen give us a very long and wise talk on the Yewish and about the importance of always keeping a knife close to hand when they are around, An insurance against their sneaky and treacherous ways it would seem.

It might be noticed that all these folks on the roads west seem to only come from the Yewish Road, It might be wise to send a strict if not friendly reminder to the yewish garrisons that they should carry out road patrols to ensure their riff Raff from the large Brigand encampments in the west do not make their way into Covian Lands, If the Yewish are incapable of dealing with the problem or lack the means to destroy them. May'haps the Covian Army might show them personally just how a land is kept safe for the good of all.

11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Arrival In Cove on: September 29, 2009, 05:43:25 pm

Tis been an eventful few days, iv been kept extreamly busy with my duties as well as by my Uncle, also had a frightful nightmare last night, which i put down either to lack of sleep or overwork, I highly dought it is anything more sinister than a bad dream. As always this morning i paid my morning wake up call to the Orcs and had my fun with them, Also since the Green Goblin is now closed, I'v had to resort to other means to brake my sleeping fast, This also includes helping myself *scribbles out* BUYING a delicious meat pie in the window of one of the local houses *scribbles out* SHOPS, Also been kept busy with the often patrols and sentry duties from building blockades to patrolling the local town and woods, Spotted a lovely little minx out in the woods with a strange hat, Most curious indeed. Spent this afternoon showing a new recruit around the barracks and part of the local town, before he needed to go to attend to some "business" hes was a local man from Cove, so im almost certain he knows the area better than me, speaking of which it might do me well to get one of the scouts to show me some of the local area, I got lost in the woods after going out to piss in the trees, Most humilating for one such as i. Met a Gargoyal fellow named Seggalion who was polite and incredibly helpful in writing me up some copies of the Covian recruitment books.

If i am ever in need of a scribe, I shall be sure to look him up in the township of Haven, A strange and suspicious looking fellow in blue was lurking around the Church before i ushered him on, but for good measure i stood a watch on the doors, and not to my suprise he returned afew minits later to his shock to find me waiting inside for him, He assured me his intentions were purely honest but after refusing to let me search him for anything unseemly he bolted for the nearby hedgegrowth, honestly!  as if im going to chase him without reason, Obviously a man who is generally paranoid if not having something to hide. Also ran into the odd little Goblin man who tried to hassle me the other day, Always poking and pinching with his little stick, He was speaking to another of the Guardsman and gibbering at me about something, Asking what he might want and encouraging him to talk he then proceeded to give me a hearty thrashing with his walking stick!  The Shame Of It! I was too lost for words to anything but recoil from the blows, I shall approach small creatures with sticks and the sort with caution from now on .. Also, Ill draw a small picture of the thing in my nightmare for good measure

12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: September 29, 2009, 05:25:16 pm
On Duty
Kennit Tel'var - Guardsmen Recruit
Cadeyrn Drest - Guardsmen Recruit
Keitaro Kazami - watchman

A Brief if not simple report of a excursion to the Orc fort, Also this morning several bandits and what looked like a giant spider with them somehow got close enough to the barracks without being challenged, They were swiftly cut down and the threat was vanquished, it is a little shocking that such folk if not such beasts are able to get so close to main part of Cove ..

13  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Kennit Tel'var on: September 27, 2009, 08:05:52 am
Name: Kennit Tel'var
Age: Seemingly 22-23
POB: Ariala
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Race: Human
Eye Colour: Green     
Height: 5:8
Weight:15 and a half Stone

Name: Kennit Tel'var
Age Seemingly 22-23 years of age
Kennit was the firsborn son of the brother of Demarian Tel'var, And the cousin of Markus and Rosette Tel'var  He is a member of the Tel'Var name and as such in his younger days had access to the vast wealth and family fortune, Which has taught him excessive and socially damaging habits. The strict word and discipline mixed with a respect for his Uncle are part of the conditions that have taught him to control these habits. Even with the tragedy at home on Ariala Kennit has spent the greater part of his life in Britain and Trinsic, Especially Trinsic where he was frequently engrossed with his friends in the finer pleasures and luxuries of life, He can be highly antagonistic and takes major issue with Injustice and abuse of ones power, Often using his quick wit to expose and humiliate those who abuse their position. He doesnt often remove his Helmet, leaving those who have seen his face few, However being no stranger to combat as any Ariala born, He has let himself go slightly with his life in the south, And upon reading a dispatch from His uncle demand he make his way north.

And now finds himself enlisted in the covian army.
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Arrival In Cove on: September 27, 2009, 07:26:12 am
Power and Authority often have a way of corrupting people, We are fortunate indeed that we have the guidance of the avatar and his church with their knowledge of the virtues. The sad truth though is that most people who have great power over others don't use it well. Their ambitions are usually selfish, and there is often nobody strong enough to hold them to account for their wrongdoing's. Such is what i often find on the mainland.

After a brief patrol around the local area, I posted myself at the entrance to the Covian town-main and kept a watch on it for a good hour or so, It was hardly exciting and not much happened aside from a pesky small goblin like creature poking me with a stick until i shuffled him on, It would appear such creatures are tolerated in Cove, I couldn't care less in the slightest what they do, So long as they don't cause me any trouble, yet it vexes me as to the hippocritical attitude of it all, For the common gossips and speaking out against such kinds, Many seem overly friendly with them, I can only assume that each person speaks for themselves only.
I decided as is best in the morning to pay a kind and courteous wake up call the Orcs, And gathering what one i could interpret as *tax* from them to the sum of three thousand gold pieces, It was soon after this morning exercises that i went to the Green Goblin to find myself some breakfast, I'd worked up an apatite and was famished.

Upon arriving it was quiet, if not hospitable, though i cannot say i approve of the carefree and *wobbly* attitude of the lass with skinny little ankles behind the bar, She looks like she has a touch of Gypsy in her, Honestly! running around in barefeet!  Has she no shame!? Although she was very pretty, she seemed to have trouble forming sentences, And has a stutter to her words, My sympathies for her were short lived though as it took the better part of three tries for her to get my order right,. When not staring at me with a vacant kind of awe she was staring at her feet if it wasn't the floor, But to her Merit!  Her cooking was delicious!
If not the very best so far since arriving from Trinsic, I shall be sure to see she cooks for me again!

It was not soon after this that a young girl, Seemingly aged between fifteen and sixteen entered the Green Goblin, She was dressed in rags and smelt as if she had just been out to clean out a Pigsty, She reminded me of a Ragdoll, I was a tad shocked at first then my propriety reminded me of my lessons, I was completely unaware that people were allowed to walk around let alone live like this in Cove, I was told to expect lower standards, but for a mere child to not have clothes appropriate to her, Was simple unacceptable and disgusting!An elf soon walked out from a corner i hadn't seen him sitting at and returned with a pitcher of milk for the girl, Most unusual. The Barefooted lass provided the lass with a bowl of soup which was compassionate if not suitable, And seemed to priorities rubbing noses and wispering to the Elf instead of see'ing to the customers!
I demanded then and there that the barmaid take the girl upstairs and wash her thouragly, And Garb her appropriately and set up her in lodgings till the relevant people could deal with her .. Then it occurred to me that it was unlikely that the North had a "minimum" living standards enforced on its people, Nor a fund that pays towards their welfare, after all it would cost the local authority gold to set up an orphanage let alone a Shelter for those less fortunate than myself let alone feed them! The barmaid seemed stupefied if not clueless of my request, I expect she neither is familiar with the benefits of bathing, Which is to be forgiven i suppose. It did turn out that a "Knight" had paid for the upkeep of this girl, including her lodgings and food, As the Elf told me, This "Knight" must be blind if not righteously ignorant in his charity if it did not occur to him to do something worthwhile, I'm sure such is the way with men of standing here, A act of compassion is hardly going to make a difference to the girl, But will certainly charm people and give him a feeling satisfaction, a few meals and a bed are -not- a living nor going to do her any good longterm,  I'm sure it didn't even occur to him to provide her with a pair of shoes at least, Nor possible help her find some work so she might better herself, As promised to my Uncle i headed towards the barracks to set out and put up recruitment banners for the Covian army, Only to find there was little more than four pamphlet's and recruitment books, So i set myself to sorting this and headed towards New Haven to scribe more up, After organising my backpack and completing two bags of them which i later put in the barracks, I set about putting banners up in Haven, Luna, Manioc, Umbra, Yew, Trinsic, Britain And Jhelm, Only finding and speaking to one person myself about the endless possibilities in the service of the Baron, I returned to Cove to repair my Kit, shine my boots and have a smoke of ***** *scribbles out* Pipeweed

15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: September 26, 2009, 03:04:05 am
Area Covered - A Foot patrol Of Cove And A Brief Raid On The Orc Encampment -
* Kennit & Hayden Shephard

Upon waking up, kitting up and leaving the barracks, i headed towards the Green Goblin, and inside came across two Guardsmen who seemed keen on teaching me a lesson in humility, I informed them that one member of the Tel'Var Family name hardly needs a lesson from the likes of them, And was then further accosted by what i can only see was attempted Sarcasm, I have never wasted time using it myself as it serves only buffoons and fools, And those with no common sense at that, Obviously this is what was meant by the North being a land where nobody means what they mean, I will exercises caution when talking to these folks again.
After being politely if not promptly informed that i would be of "NO" use to a pretty little elf in leathers as it was "Grenadier" and "Scout business, I Proceeded to enjoy this moment, and was abashed for it, I politely pointed out that as i obviously wasn't going to be of use, I cant see why i should waste my time attempting to help, And should use the spare time to put myself to use, And not trying to curry favour by either boot licking or honey tongued flattery of my superiors.

Well, Seeing as very few Guardsmen seemed motivated to do much other than sit and grump in the Green Goblin, Another Recruit Hayden and I decided to carry out a foot patrol of Cove and the nearby town and Orc Encampment, The foot patrol went down fine and without incident, Nothing sinister or out of the ordinary. Following this I headed towards the Orc Fort to keep the Greenskins in check and put a few down. Hayden had business at the church to attend to while i did this, My total count was i believe 42 Orcs, Including Grunts/Choppers/mages, And one Orc Brute who did have a decisive and intense battle with, In the end, I emerged the victor, The gold i took from the slain counted just under eight thousand gold pieces, Which i had intended to put forward to the Church as a sign of "good faith" given the reputation for its strict if not "fair" dealing of people.

Alas, As soon as i reached the church, and upon removing my helmet and entering, There was a grizzled and offensive banner stood before me, scratching my head and pondering some, Hayden soon appeared and demanded that i remove the banner from the church and his sight, I believe him to be quite devout in his faith. Being a little clueless as to why someone would bother putting it in there i asked, And it turns out that there is currently a growing civil unrest against the church, Upsetting indeed.

Soon after other Guardsmen did approach and although i can hardly say they were surprised they were disappointed, Well, One woman seemed not to care at all and i would put it, "Casually dismissed" and walked off from the scene carrying what i would assume was a child, and smiling to herself if not to her baby, Highly suspect if one thinks that this is acceptable, Even one like i, Not accustomed to the North wouldn't dare think such a Blasphemy acceptable. I would agree with the recent gossip of forming a church guard, As obviously the current measures being taken are not enough.

After another patrol and checking of the local area for a lass i had seen earlier that evening clad in black roaming around, we returned to the Green Goblin and then to receive more orders from the Commander, and watch what i can only call a "Jest" with a rather pompus fellow in a strange hat following up the Commanders comments with his own Bawdy boasts.

Signed - Kennit

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