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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *A poster on walls, doors, trees... you name it* on: October 09, 2009, 02:19:50 am
Brothers and sisters, I have nay been a resident of Cove for long, but I have good friends here, people I've known for years.  Although I do nay know Olchafa personally, I have known him to be a well respected and relevant man to Cove.  It is, then, that I must show my utmost disgust at the treatment of this man at the cause of paranoia, namely from the elf Aliryl.  Her actions have pushed our good man to the drink, and that is a sorry state indeed.

Currency does not grow on trees, all towns have their taxes; it is a necessary procedure to keep the economy running like clockwork.  Why, then, is this good, decent man being persecuted for this perfectly normal position?  The elf is insulting us and the good baron by stripping a well respected member of the community of their job, who's only concern is to keep the town running smoothly.

Now, I have nothing against elf folk in general, infact I'm all for diversity in community.  However, Cove is Cove, and should always remain that way.  Do we want Cove to slowly transform into Trinsic?  Absolutely not.  Let us cast out this meddlesome fracture to our town, and reinstate the good Olchafa.

Jackal Verilax.
2  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: A notice of concern. {Task} on: October 09, 2009, 01:52:04 am
Brothers and sisters, I have nay been a resident of Cove for long, but I have good friends here, people I've known for years.  Although I do nay know Olchafa personally, I have known him to be a well respected and relevant man to Cove.  It is, then, that I must show my utmost disgust at the treatment of this man at the cause of paranoia, namely from the elf Aliryl.  Her actions have pushed our good man to the drink, and that is a sorry state indeed.

Currency does not grow on trees, all towns have their taxes; it is a necessary procedure to keep the economy running like clockwork.  Why, then, is this good, decent man being persecuted for this perfectly normal position?  The elf is insulting us and the good baron by stripping a well respected member of the community of their job, who's only concern is to keep the town running smoothly.

Now, I have nothing against elf folk in general, infact I'm all for diversity in community.  However, Cove is Cove, and should always remain that way.  Do we want Cove to slowly transform into Transic?  Absolutely not.  Let us cast out this meddlesome fracture to our town, and reinstate the good Olchafa.

Jackal Verilax.
3  Command Boards / Thieves' Den / Re: (OOC) ICQ thread! on: October 08, 2009, 06:34:00 am
Jackal Verilax 497 870 443
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