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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Hello on: June 03, 2006, 05:40:03 pm
Hello all, don't know if anyone even remembers me but I will be back to playing in a week and a half now that the school year is done with. Look forward to seeing everyone
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Militia Roll Call! on: August 29, 2005, 02:30:26 am
Gregory Grayskye , Watchman

*reads the poster once again* Hope That's all e's lookin fer
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / To hell and back on: August 29, 2005, 02:29:01 am
Roight well I never know how to get these bloody things started so here goes nothing , someitme late afternoon really i aint't gotta clue the seargent wasnt round so i couldnt rightly tell.  When Regular Arcanist Julius decided it was time to lead us on a hunt.

The Corporal was a little to obliged to open up some majik gate to our destination if ye ask me and I was none to suprised in what I seen when I walked through, and then Regular Julius's true intentions came out.

We continued through this dungeon clearing room after room and sometime in there Seargent Arc showed up with Dexius Brutus for some reinforcements, like some twisted game we barged in room after room trying to guess what would be behind each door.

Guardsman attending

Julius Estory (Regular Arcanist) Leading
Gregory Grayskye - Watchman
Vince Valentine - Junior Guardsman
Veldrin Ni'Har - Arcane Corporal
Arc - Arcane Seargent
Dexius Brutus - Guardsman Recruit


Gregory Grayskye
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ONE GLORIOUS YEAR.. on: August 28, 2005, 06:41:44 am
Yay happy birthday , im a say 1 year old is the legal drinking age in uo drinks on me at the tavern
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Biggest slug I ever saw , hairy to. on: August 28, 2005, 06:38:41 am
It was late afternoon er so I guessed by the stink from Seargent Greystone's pits, when Corporal Veldrin ordered us to line up fer a hunt of some sorts.

She led us to the middle of farkin nowheres , then told us we were in the wrong place, at the time i was slightly relieved ... then we showed up to de place we were meant to go and now i need to requisition some new drawrs. We charged into the lair of a huge slug lookin thing older then Grief and started hacking away. It was no easy task that be fer sure cause its babies were everywheres, even had one mutant yeller baby.

We suffered welll .... a few casualties and the bloody thing chased us every which way till we finally got things under control and brought the big slug to his knees under Veldrins command.

The majority of the troops contiunued on under Greystone's command to clear Blackthorne's castle but that aint me story.

Guardsman attending

Veldrin ( LEading)
Ryan Greystone (Grenadier Seargent)
Ahmed Al Maktoum ( Grenadier Seargent)
Gregory Grayskye (watchman)
Fabien (Guardsman Recruit)
Erik Arkay ( Watchman)
Seamus ( Guardsman Recruit)
Kal Shadowhand ( Regular scout)
Drachir ( Watchman)
Marie Leblanc (Watchman)


Gregory Grayskye

[ooc/ If I missed someone think I did please sign below]

6  In Character Boards / Old Announcements / Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05) on: July 17, 2005, 12:51:22 pm
Twas a bright and sunny day, and Grenadier Greystone didn't want us guardsman sittin around and wastin it so he yelled at us to huddle up outside the barracks. After a hard march towards the moongate we gathered in haven to show our might and entice the locals into joining the baronship. We had to meeet a local carpenter there and after a quickparad through we were going to head off to britain.

Once we arrived in brit Ryan ordered ahmed to write some flyers up and distribute them about and for the rest of us to set up the recruiting station.

After a long day of a lot of set backs I'm not to sure we got any recruits but there was much interest ant we spread the name of the baronship well.

Guardsmen attending :
Ryan Greystone Regular Grenadier
Gregory Grayskye Guardsman recruit
Nashiem De'Monti Junior Guardsman
Kal Shadowhand Junior Scout
Ahmel Al Mak'toum Junior Grenadier
Jevonia Guardsman recruit
Kurt Guardsmen recruit
Signed Gregory Grayskye
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Wenches! on: July 16, 2005, 11:32:58 pm
I was in the barracks minding me own business talkin to a civilian when these two women, one of em woulda been pretty cept fer the stink a the sea on er, busted in swords a swinging lookin fer gold. I damn near shat my pants but held me ground till Ahmed showed up quickly by his lordship Hugo and we took the wenches down and into the dungeon. Hugo ordered ahmed to beat them up a lil so as they wouldnt come back to hastily then we let em think bout there criminal ways fer a while in there cells.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: July 10, 2005, 10:34:57 pm
Roight then, I was out searchin for the supposed Rogue Cap'n of ours Shadwell, as so ordered by veldrin when returning from Vesper I saw Calico Lieing unconcious there in front of the church . She wasnt movin to well so I carried her arse back to the barracks and laid her in the cot there. groans2.JPG

She wasnt makin a whole lot a sense but she kept mumbling bout how they got em and about Kaldorians. At one point she yelled they got Val and its all my fault. She still restin in the barracks though

*sighned* Gregory Grayskye
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Orphidian Attack Part One on: July 06, 2005, 05:39:59 pm
*scribbles his name*
I was there.
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt: Orc Fort on: July 04, 2005, 10:36:17 pm
I was th'ar Sir!
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ICQ Roll Call on: July 04, 2005, 04:42:41 pm
Gregory Grayskye
Rank: Recruit Guardsman
icq: 267-691-379
12  In Character Boards / Old Announcements / Re: Recruitment month! Starting from (1/7/05) on: July 03, 2005, 03:50:33 pm
It was Elisabeth who recruited me At brit bank.
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