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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Nottingham CoRe meet! on: September 12, 2006, 08:32:22 pm
A BoC meeting and piss up in my home town, nice !!
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Leaving UO and BoC on: January 01, 2006, 03:52:29 pm
To all within the Baronship,

This will be my last post, as I have decided to leave the Baronship and Ultima Online  altogether. This decision has not come lightly, and despite a lot of thought on the subject, the decision remains the same.

Among my Christmas presents this year, I have been blessed with the knowledge of a third child on its way, combine this with the raising of my two other children, and a demanding work pattern, my time is too far stretched to continue with BoC sadly.

My 5 houses, 3 of which are within the lands of Cove, and all my in game assets have been turned over to my real life freind Althalas, Im sure if you ask him for assistance, he will readily turn over a building or two, to needful BoC members, as was my parting wish.

With relation to the Union stocks, they too are within his posession now, and I can only assume he will, as per my instructions, turn those over to Eason on request.

As for all you Civilians and those of the Crafters Union, I can only hope that my replacement cares as much for your wellbeing as I have, and also has the balls to go against Command as often as I did, especially whenever their ideas for the Civvie's suck. 

Lastly, to those of you whom I counted as friend, I wish to thank you all for making my time within the Baronship enjoyable, in particular Althalas, Jevonia, Eason and Kazuo whom I enjoyed talking to on and off the game.

Farewell to you all.


aka Banedon

3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Writing "in character" on: December 15, 2005, 06:34:16 pm
I agree with Smedley for the very same reasons.

Anything I do with Banedon in the game and on the boards, is as smedley quite rightly said, an extention of my character. As such, Banedon writes as he speaks.. phonetically.

4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Mondain's Legacy on: December 10, 2005, 07:39:12 pm
There is currently 9 items being sold on Ebay, with the seller accepting paypal.
Not sure if this is any use to you both.

5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Assault within the Crafters Union. on: November 29, 2005, 11:25:16 pm
* With vision clearing, Banedon awoke to find himself lying on the floor of the Crafter Union, a victim of an attack by two unknown assailants. Fighting the pain in his body, he struggles to a seated postion in the nearby chair, before once again passing out from the pain ...

Regaining conscious took some time, but nevertheless his old  training still served him, and his body began to fight the effects. Sufficiently recoved Banedon takes stock of his belongings, sure enough he was 200 Gold less than he should have had. At this, he takes a quick walk to a secret compartment within the confines of the Union room, within this compartment lies a Sword, one that Banedon believed he would never again wield.

Wrapping his hand around the hilt, he playfully swings the sword, his arms having never forgotten the feel of it. With a snarl, he recalls the events leading to him being attacked. *


An unidentified customer who having agreed a price of 2000 Gold for his stock, sought to change the price to 1800 upon completion, claiming the delay was unacceptable. Banedon refused to accept the new price, as a contract was binding.

On hearing the refusal, the customer made threats that suggested physical harm both to Banedon, the Union and its Staff if the payment was not accepted, all the while his companion was glaring at Banedon in a threatening manner.
Call it foolish bravado, but Banedon refused again the price, telling the pair to "eat shit" claiming he would never be bullied by the likes of these people.

An assault entailed, with Banedon being beaten badly, but still conscious...

Once again the reduced payment was offered, insisting more pain would follow if it was not accepted. Despite the fact his mouth tasted of blood, Banedon once again uttered the words " Eat Shit ".

Expecting death, Banedon readied himself for another attack, instead the customer for no apparent reason chose to pay the full agreed rate.
On reciept of the correct payment, Banedon handed over the herbs, and watched the customer and his companion head for the door.

As they were leaving, Banedon turned round to put the gold in the chest, then realised his mistake as the same incantation was being sounded. Darkness overcame Banedon shortly after....


* Shaking the images from his mind, he once again takes stock of the situation. He had been robbed of 200 Gold, his ego and pride dented. With a blood curdling scream, he swings his sword, taking out his anger on a chair, splitting it from top to botton *

" Ill Konni Chewer ye, yer B'stard "

6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Cove is rocked by a second explosion* on: November 27, 2005, 02:42:07 pm

List recieved on behalf of the Crafters Union.

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Buried Treasure ?? on: November 24, 2005, 10:37:05 am

*Extracts taken from the private journals of the Crafters Union Leader*

22nd Day of the 11 Month

"Staring at these mounting piles of soddin' paperwork, I can but sigh.
Already we be called upon tae supply wood, iron, cloth, food and rare exotic herbs tae all o’ Cove, and em supplies are again running low. Cloth in particular ‘as become an issue.

All the ready cloth ‘as gone, leavin’ cotton ‘n’ wool tae work with, and they are in short supply. We currently only ‘ave one tailor on our books, two if I counts meself, so if we dinnae find some more tailors and cloth soon, or at least the means tae make cloth, we could lose potential contracts.

This will nay do…
Still, Gamblin tomorro' might get to win some supplies...."

23rd Day of the 11th Month

Gamblin' Night
The joys o' 'avin no Churchies tae stop it !

24th Day of the 11th Month

"I find meself looking at this ‘ere map I won last night.
Tha' fella I won it off, wus losing greatly, and offer'd up this map as is payment, claimin' it wud lead to somethin I meself wit' the Union would benefit from. 

Puzzled me 'ow e' knew what I might need, and 'ow 'e knew I was part o' the Union. Still,  the dice were nay friend tae im tha' night, cus e' lost again, and I got 'is map. Poor sod lost it all tha' night, yet still left smilin ?
Despite being sceptical to its true nature, I can nay pass up on it, if it does mark the location of somethin' good, I can nay dismiss it.  Must admit, would be easier tae decide if I actually knew what it contained, afore I make a puddin’ o’ meself, draggin guards and civvies on a fools errand.

Still, if it turns out tae be a valid map, and the Town o’ Cove prospers as a result, would mean a lot o’ prestige for the Union.

Only one thing tae dae, ill ‘ave tae get some fella’s together, and find out....."

8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Covian Shire! on: November 22, 2005, 01:46:26 pm
I have recently spoken to the chap who owns the small L shape house outside the city gates. Seems there was a guild within cove before BoC came along, and he was a part of it. Since his guild is gone, and ours took up resisence, he seems to have a particularly strong beef with us.

The guy is clearly a mercenary player, and knows that all of BoC are trying to purchase the house, so he has set his minimum offer at 15 million for the house.
to quote the guy " I get 5 or 6 requests a week from you shits, so clearly you want it bad, so i can afford to set my own price "

Needless to say, I wont be buying it from him.

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Byron Wolfshelm Returns. on: November 17, 2005, 02:42:40 pm
Byron Wolfshelm returns to Cove, weary and battle worn.
His pilgrimage to the Shrines in  far off lands is at an end, now feeling spiritually pure, he returns to find the Church in Cove is empty, Father Hugo is gone, the building itself remains, but of the Brethren, nothing...

Whats more, there is a large hole in the side of the Barracks.

Byron sought out a Soldier of the Militia and discovered that there had been some form of uprising but details are sketchy, something about Hugo being slain, the Baron leaving, and all the Church Brethren leaving Cove, apparently escorted out by the Military folk on the ground of Corruption in the Church. Who made the claim, and in what form this corruption taken place were never discovered..
The barracks were apparently attacked by the Undead following the Brethren leaving Cove for good.

Despite saddened by the loss of Father Hugo, and the exile of the Brethren, Byron is steadfast in his beliefs, he swore an oath in the presence of the Avatar, to protect the Town of Cove, and its people from those seeking to do it harm.
The Church itself was merely a building, the Avatar resides within all men, so its loss was of no conseqence to Byron, who had spent five long years on a crusade, without the use of one.

Byron turned from the soldier, bid his farewell and proceeded to patrol Cove.
Militia backing from the New Commander or nay, Church or nay Church, Byron would not turn his back on his oaths.

He would still protect Cove.

10  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Gold Search! 7 GMT 12/11- Saturday on: November 09, 2005, 10:51:57 pm

Ye all hear tha ?
The trade minister is in need o' two Miners, and 'e is paying yer 10 Shillin's each, just for 'elping 'im out.

This is a Union Sanctioned task, so yer free tae participate.

* As per the Trade Minister's Instructions.*

Signed on behalf of the Crafters Union


Governor of Altmere.


11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Bright yellow bags on: November 09, 2005, 10:13:35 pm
me too.
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / New Serf in Cove. on: November 08, 2005, 12:55:00 am
A new Serf in Cove.

T'was a warm evening in Cove, one so peaceful I couldnae be ruddy bothered tae work, so's I sets off on one o' me walks around the neighborin lands.
I found meself walking around strange towns I aint never bin in.

T'was in one of 'em towns that I spied a Soldier doing a spot o' recruiting fer his lord, so I figures, "why the hell not". So i grabs me axe, take a couple o' quick swings at the local trees, and turns the ruddy wood into a makeshift stall, and subsequently sat on me ass yellin at folks 'bout 'ow good being a craftsman in Cove is. I tell ye, I wus yellin so much, I should o' been in the military !!

Right, after what seem'd like an hour, I finally finds someone keen on listenin' tae me, which kinda makes you understan' how 'em churchies feel all the ruddy time, only this fella was actually hangin' on my every word.

Samuel Ogg was 'is name, a Miner wi' some skills as a Blacksmith, and he was a native o' the local lands. Seems 'e was a little down on 'is luck, so's I offered 'im a tour o' Cove, startin wi' the Crafters Union.

By the end o' the tour, he wus practically beggin' tae join us.
Needless tae say, I signed im up tae the Crafters Union, gave 'im a uniform, and sent im out tae work. *chuckles*

Cant abide lazy buggers, and em 'ills will nae mine 'emselves...



Governor of Altmere.

13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Looking for smoke bombs! on: November 05, 2005, 01:19:23 pm
Try asking at the Crafters Union in Cove.
SE in a direct line from the Barracks, located on the Coastline.
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ROLL CALL! on: October 31, 2005, 10:52:17 pm

Banedon - Governor of Cove.
Byron Wolfshelm - Church Templar.

I aint going nowhere, someone has to look out for the Civvies.


15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Union Work - More Resource Gathering on: October 30, 2005, 03:39:49 pm
* Saddened by the lack of initial interest, Banedon only hopes his example will spur the Covian Civilians into action. Despite his arms and back aching, Banedon writes his report. *

Miss Izzy,

Let me first state my regret in the fact that your newly founded Crafters Union, would seem to 'ave met wi' some resistance, either em buggers just aint readin em' flyers we bin leavin' or they simply don' want work.

Despite this little problem, I 'ave continued to lead by example, and 'ave been over to Yelinda at the Crafters Union, and found out what she is needin',  then I set out again gathering more stock for the Union.

Once again, after a ruddy long days trekkin' and wit' a little 'elp from Draco next door, who made me a magical rune, I managed to go back to tha' same place I wus at a few days ago. Turns out it wus YEW i 'ad found, no ruddy wonder I got lost there, I aint been before. As fer Draco, the sarcastic git ribbed me about tha' all day, I can tell ya.

Anyway Miss, the followin stocks 'ave been delivered to the Union stockpile,  p'raps in due course, they'll be sold or traded fer resources we dont have in stock. You want me to 'ave a word with young Smedley??

Resources Issued to Yelinda:

15,000 Normal Logs
50 wool

Governer of Altmere.
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