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1  Element boards / Citizen Board / Selling Goods To The Needy on: January 01, 2011, 11:20:20 pm

Well! Blow Me Down & Whip Me With A Cat O' Nine Tails

Tis been a eventful first week in this Cove,  After arriving ready to supply my services to the local shipping and maritime forces but finding any such real organized outfit quite lacking, I decided to put my own good ship ta'use and sell some excess supplies to the needy,

Having a hold full of non' perishables food stuffs is no good to anyone! especially me! So after having a chin wag with some Yocal' northern yewish peasant fella, I figured the goods could fetch a pretty silver there!  An' right i was by thunder!

The Night' fore i was due to sail em round' tha northern coasts i visited the local biscuit crunchin' establishment ta wet mi' throat and get some kip,  But Alas, was greeted to a frightful and odd sight in such a established place, seems tha' discipline has fallen frightfully far for the soldiers in such an Isolated place, they was all standing around some scanty clad wench with their jaws on the ground an'their tongues out like a pack' o salty sea dogs, If things are as desperate as this on'tha land,  None' o them would last a week out on tha' Sea!! Ruddin liability to even get on a boat with em' I say!  So i headed to'bed right away

O' course, I wasn't bout ta' go sailing the sharp northern coasts on mi'own Ima' only used to the cool calm o'tha south, An sea shipping isn't a widely practiced thing up ere' in the north, I had to enlist the aid o' one of thelocals! An that i did,

Me' An the abra kadraba casting Kas Valentine did cutter out way to Yew, With Im' using his hocus pocus to blow away any Shark' bait that got in our way!!  We made good time an soon found ourselves dealing with the infamous Hornswogglers, The Yewish!  These Barnacle biters almost tried to cheats me of my goods!  But thanks to the timely intervention o' Mr Valentine we made away with much silver in our purses and the satisfaction of leaving the Yewish with a few crates of goods I stole bought from Haven, 

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2  Command Boards / Mariner's Guild Head Office / Re: Company Registration on: December 30, 2010, 08:38:49 pm
Owner .. Ingen Jegger
Ship Captain .. Ingen Jegger
First Mate: Kas Valentine
Crew - Open
Crew - Open

The Riptide Is Trading Holk, With No Noticeable Weapons, Although its colors seem to suggest a skeptical past
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