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In Character Boards / In Character Board / [REPORT] sentry at entrance to Glenmore highlands and patrol.....
on: April 09, 2011, 12:53:16 pm
On this day Saturday April 9, E.V. Leading: Ilyana Drachen, Arcanist Corporal Attending. Lucas Drachen, Officer Cadet. Jassi Cowin, Junior Guardsman. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman. Janos Audron, Guardsman Recruit. Marcus Kobra, Commoner. On this day, it was deemed apropriate to perform a sentry at the new permanent post at the entrance to the Glenmore Highlands, and a patrol into the orc infested area there, to keep and eye on the orc due to recent incursions into cove, thus we set forth and punished the orc and their kind in the so called fort of theirs. We came, we saw , we kicked a lot of orc buttocks. And returned victorious as always to the barracks, dividing the loot of shinies taken from the orc, which they no doubt had gotten their paws on though ilicit and shady means. Thus all decided to donate their share of 1800 golden shinies, except Recruit Jonas Audron who, as it is usual with green recruits chose to keep his share of the gold for himself and not donate it to the greater glory that is Cove. Here follows some drawings of the deeds this day. By My Hand. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Sentry at Cove Gates
on: March 17, 2011, 10:15:59 am
Thursday, march 17 E.V. Leading: Jassi Cowin, Junior Guardsman. Attendings: Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman. Leanne Melior, Watchman. On this day, it was decided to make a sentry post at the gates into Cove town.... Reasonable enough with all the recent mischieff going on. Thus we made a sentry post, complete with pies and all. A Note to anyone of rank reading this, Do not make this one sing, as one isnt very good at it, which I did demonstrate after Junior Guardsman Cowin, suggested I sing something. Sentry duty advanced quietlike and all seemed well , untill some robed orc, showed up and demanded that we hand over all our shinies, which we ofcourse would not do, and seeing as it was only one and we was three, it was quickly run to ground and dispatched. One must add that Orcs make pretty good objects for jumping up and down on. Here follows a selection of drawings of todays sentry duty. By My Hand Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Hello all
on: March 08, 2011, 03:59:30 am
Ofcourse Lotro is inferior! There are no Pies there either!! and everyone knows pie is superior and makes everything it touches into a heightened condition of Win.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [REPORT] Punishment detail, to the dungeon Ice.
on: March 02, 2011, 06:43:53 am
Second day of March. E.V. Leading: Atrus, Watchman. Attendees: Leanne Melior, Watchman. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman. Atrus, had gotten the bright idea to go for a trip to the dungeon Ice, to punish the ratmen and the frosty ogres that recide in that place, and steal all their shinies for the greater glory of the coffers of the army. Watchwoman Melior and my self was much in favour of this idea, cause it meant we would get to shoot something. thus we went to the cold place, and kicked much butt and tail end. The shinies gathered amounted to a total of thirty thousand golden shiny coins, my self and Atrus decided to donate our share each of ten thousand gold, to the coffers, whereas Watchwoman Melior, wanted to keep her share, probably need a new dress or something Included below is a selections of drawings made during the trip. By My Hand Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Watchman.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] Training/Instructions in camouflage versus disguises.
on: February 13, 2011, 06:43:10 pm
Thirteenth Febuary E.V. Attendees: Sergio Jarret Regular Scout, leading the training. Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman recruit. Jassi Cowin, Watchman. The Instruction was meant to instruct us in the role and purposes of the various branches of the army, and the difference between disguises and camouflages. One must say that one now has more understanding about the differences between disguise and camouflage, although a bit a bit confusing at first , for they seem the same. as can be seen in my bad drawings below. By My hand. Cal'ain Cui'gnir.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Grand Banner Campaign II
on: February 10, 2011, 12:19:33 pm
Tenth Febuary E.V. On this day , One decided to go for a walk and place some banners here and there, because one found one was a bit at a loss at what to do. Here follows some not very good sketches of ones bannery works. By My Hand Cal'ain Cui'gnir.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / [Report] expedition to shame, to have a "look" at the elementals there.
on: February 07, 2011, 08:31:54 pm
on this day Seventh of febuary E.V. on the instigation of Watchman Leanne Melior, we went to dungeon Shame to have a "look" at the elementals, more specifically the ones of of an acidic nature.
Attendees. Leanne Melior, Watchman Robin Quill, Guardsman Recruit Cal'ain Cui'gnir, Guardsman Recruit
One was at the Barracks when Quill appeared and shortly there after Watchman Melior. The Watchman told she had been nosing through some old reports and wanted us to take a look at the acid elementals in dungeon Shame, and so thus we went there.
Sweeping though the dungeon with ease and speed, nothing could stand against our storm of arrows. Untill coming upon the acid elementals in the deepest part of the dungeon, these too were dispatched with ease.
The Looking concluded, we returned to Cove and the barracks. Where it must be noted that both recruit Cui'gnir and watchman Melior chose to donate their share of the gathered gold to the coffers, and recruit Quill not , giving an excuse on the need for alcohol.
gold donated to coffers: total of Six thousand gold coins, three thousand from each of Recruit Cui'gnir and Watchman Melior
Signed by My hand.
Cal'ain Cui'gnir Guardsman Recruit.
In Character Boards / Old Events / *A poster is hung up across the lands, with the notiable exception of the Yew ar
on: January 29, 2011, 09:36:43 pm
Attention and Greetings to all Spell Casters!
This is a general invitation to anyone that can cast a spell, I do not care what flavor of magic it is!
It is open to all races, all creeds, all religions, all political stand points...
This will be an open conferance to all the spell casters.
The venue will be the Palace of Nujel'n, the date, Second day of the second month, The time 8pm.
Refreshments will also be provided during the talks.
With Regards
Lady Yelena Lockheart, Aeromancer
***OOC*** I really do mean it is open to all, Necromancer, Drow, Rebel, Loyalist it really doesn't matter.