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1  Guardsman Boards / Recruit Duties / Re: Recruit Duty ~ So, What's Yer Name..? on: July 21, 2011, 11:05:06 am
Name: Tyrionis Beldorn
Age: 21
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Birth: City of Britain

Born and raised in the City of Britain into a family hard working father who took care of the stables and mother that was a tailor. When I could walk I followed my father to work each day and watched how he did things. He took care of the Royal mounts and the Army mounts making sure they were well fed and cleaned eash day. I soon started work with my father taking over some chores as cleaning the stalls and making sure all the horses had plenty of water.

When I turned seventeen I hoind the ranks in the army and took the role of patrolling the City each night. All was going well for me now and my mother and father were proud of me for what I was doing for the City and that I was making a name for my self. I was soon getting bored with what I was doing after a fail relationship ended rather quickly. I retired for the Britain army at ninteen and moved on after burying my mother and father.

Aftrer leaving Britain I took up the profession of Lumberjacking to earn an honest living and with my ship I could sail lumber to different markets selling it at top price to anyone who needed it. Did this job now till I was twenty one and finding my self in Cove registering there as a Commoner and now a Guardsman Recruit. Cove is a nice place and I think I will be here for a good while.
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