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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Militia Roll Call! on: August 29, 2005, 05:56:16 pm
looks at the parchment then signs his name

Robert Fripp, Watchman.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: All at the cadre today - on: August 12, 2005, 05:00:26 pm
I was also there, stinkin like an unwashed orc.

Scribbles his name on the paper
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Ripping Good Fun. on: August 12, 2005, 03:10:03 pm
The date is was August 12, 2005.. The time.. Unknown.

After a training session with Drachir was ended swiftly due to a lack of interest i was ordered by Byron of the Church too perform a guard dutie at the gates of Cove. Being the nice church going man i am, i accepted and proceeded towards the Covian gates.

Looks like im having a great time, dont it!

I kept watch for quite some time... hoping that we would be attacked by undead just so it would wake me up alittle! After i got this thought out of my head i was joined by a few different Covians, Drachir... and Garand... I think. There was one other citizen who's name i did not catch! (appologies)

I am happy to report that it was a quite day and nothing out of the ordinary happened, although sometimes i wish it would have...
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A Knight, a blade, and a dark assassin. on: August 10, 2005, 12:12:18 am
That would be a nice touch. <grins>
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol of Cove Town/Shire on: August 09, 2005, 01:12:13 pm
Tuesday 04 August 2004 - 1:30.

Patrol Squad:

Robert Fripp (Guardsman Recruit)
Katy (Guardsman Recruit)

The main reason for the patrol was to check for any evil or unwanted presence around and within the town of Cove. I was also quite board and wanted something too do. I am happy to report that the town and shire were very quiet and seemed to have no unwanted presence.

Signed, Robert Fripp
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: August 09, 2005, 01:09:23 pm
Tuesday 04 August 2004 - 1:30.

Patrol Squad:

Robert Fripp (Guardsman Recruit)
Katy (Guardsman Recruit)

The main reason for the patrol was to check for any evil or unwanted presence around and within the town of Cove. I was also quite board and wanted something too do. I am happy to report that the town and shire were very quiet and seemed to have no unwanted presence.

Signed, Robert Fripp
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A Knight, a blade, and a dark assassin. on: August 09, 2005, 12:51:31 am
A well written story Clovis, enjoyed it.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / All too much... on: August 09, 2005, 12:42:14 am
Well what a night it's been, im exhausted! Arriving home from a hard faught Kaldorian battle, only to be rudely awaken by the Baron of Vesper and his entire army. So much for us guardsmen getting a well earned rest now we have to be on our tip toe's watching these dodgy characters! After the talks between Baron's had finished and the Vesper folk had decided too head home, but not before leaving us with a few things too think about. These things being mainly, "where did they come from?" and "whats that smell".

Asif a large battle and a town invasian wasent enough for the night we now had a visit from a comepletely different guild, GRD. These came with matters regarding the church and were delt with by Templar Hugo. While the templars were confering the rest of GRD continued up onto the roof of the cove barracks for some training. A few recruits and watchman joined in on the training, it involved team battles, partnered battles and a last man standing. I actually really liked the GRD guild, they seemed like a real nice bunch. To continue with the story, we were interupted during the Last man standing training with news of an Undead invasion! We proceeded into Cove, followed closely by our GRD allies only to find a mass of corpses and defiled remains. It was clear that the undead carried out the attacks on cove, no human could have carried out such attrocites too another human. We proceeded too search the town looking for any clues which would point to the location of our undead attackers. After quite some time searching inside cove and through the shire we decide it would be best to go and search the Yewish crypts and gain revenge on the vile undead. We first cleansed the bodies of the dead and begun burrying them outside the covian gates. After some short prayrs we gathered our forces and headed off too the yewsish Crypts via boat.

....A while passed on the boat, after some amount of wine we arrived at Yew and began pressing towards the undead territory. After trudging across the forest i became lost from the group and was endlessly wandering through the woodland insearch of my teammates only aided by the screams and yells of them. I later arrived and found my self dead in the middle of the undead territory, i quickly drew my weapon and shield and slowly pased forward keeping a close eye out for any deadies. At that moment i was attacked! a mass of spells hurteled towards me, i managed to keep my composure and battled for quite some time with the mage... untill he fled into the distance. After patching up some of my wounds i walked through the crypts and was confronted by a large creature wielding a mace, he was definetly undead oright. We battled through the crypts and were pretty evenly matched untill Kal appeared out of know where to lend a hand. We tryed to talk to the creature to find out why he had attacked our town but was confronted with babble which i couldent stand! so i attacked, we battled again untill he finally dropped.. After later examining the corpse we had discovered that this creature was quite an important deadie...

Think of this as a little revenge for all the people who were killed in Cove earlier today, im sure there will be lots more revenge too come.
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: August 04, 2005, 02:44:01 pm
Patrol to Eastern Covian graveyard, Thurdsday 04 August.

Party leader: Robert Fripp - Guardsman Recruit

Seamus - Guardsman Recruit
Garand - Guardsman Recruit
Erik Arkay - Guardsman Recruit

Drachir - Watchman, also joined us later.

This small party was particulaly tight and kept well too orders and formations, i was especially pleased with the obedience of the group. I think all these recruits have a great potencial and will one day make great warriors.

Gold Raised for Arcanist/Miltia Coffers - 5000.

10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hunt to Fire Dungeon. on: August 04, 2005, 02:31:10 am
This hunt was started by Ysabelle. She belived that there was a Arcanist presence growing inside the Fire Dungeon.

The covians who attended the hunt are as follows:

Warriors, Team leader - Ysabelle.

Cor'Ari Ta
Clovis Exsanguis
Robert Fripp

Arcanists, Team leader - Arc.

Julius Estory
Veldrin Ni'Har


We began outside the dungeon as a battle of leadership writes was held between Mayoress, Ysabelle and Arcanist Seargent Arc. The quabble was mere and sorted out within seconds. The decision was too split the teams up into two sections, Arcanists and Warriors.

We ventured inside feeling the intense heat of the moltan magma that runs right benieth our feet and all around us.

The first disturbence we came across was in the form of a small slime, quite strange the sutff... anyways. We continued through the large endless dungeon comming across a varietly of hound type monsters. 

We wiped the blood off our swords and kept are selves close, as we ventured towards a small rope that we would have to cross. After amazing amounts of ballance we came to the other side. The threat on this side of the dungeon was quite larger, i must say.

We were approached by a large group of fire elementals who began throwing spells at us almost immedietly! we formed tightly and took care of the beasts.

After venturing through the dungeon for quite some time we came across a passage way that lead through to the Lost Lands. We carried on moving through the vast desert slaying all evil we came across.

After a small journey across the desert we came to, what looked like a mirage! this tropical swamp in the middle of a desert? it dident seem real too me. The journey was ended here, after cleansing the area. We returned to the barracks and collected together our gold and herbs.

11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Ryans maze hunt! on: July 27, 2005, 05:13:44 pm
After this Journey(that was a hunt, in its own right) we arrived at our destination. We stood outside the Dungeon, know as Shame and begin preparing ourself for a quest that would take deep into the second level of the dungeon.

We ventured through the various passage ways filled with Earthern Elementals, and Scorpians. After a vast amount of slaughter the group prepared themselves for a trip through a black style, wytchy gateway. This gateway would bring us out on the second level of shame, the level which contained the so-called Tressure Map, Ryan was looking for.

We made our way south, past various elementals including, Dull and Air. The group managed to handle the encounters on the second floor quite easily, allowing us too keep all covians alive. We arrived at the second Wytchy Gateway and ventured through it bringing us to the third floor of the Shame dungeon.

This level would really test the group, as the poison elementals can sometimes pull some fast spells from out of its sleeves.

After we lost one Covian to a poison elemental we started to clamp down and started quite a strong formation which would take us onto the palce where Ryan thought the Tressure Map was hidden.

We arrived at a dark, small fortress which was belived to be the holding place for the tressure map. The place was guarded by an abundance of dark mages making it tough to get up to the second floor of the fortress. After quite a while securing the place we began to search for the tressure map which Ryan belived to be hidden here.

After some doubt, and time the Arcane Sergeant Arc, came across the map hidden in a dark bookshelf. After the map had been safely stored we proceded back to the barracks for de-briefing.
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: July 20, 2005, 06:40:53 pm
Patrol Log for Robert Fripp.

Time: 7.00pm GMT
Location: Yew Graveyard
Reason: Reports of infestation of undead moving further and further from the graveyard.
Leader of patrol: Col'Ari Ta, Watchman.
Attended: Robert Fripp, Col'Ari Ta.
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