we started this hunt first by a training exersize were we all learned the benifits for healing our allys. Sadly i could not get any sketches done of this training. But Heer's a Sketch of us at the start of Wrong
The assult on Wrong was to size them horrid Golem's here's a sketch of the evil contraptions while our brave men and women were fighting one of emm.
But as suspected the Avatar tested us by delivering more enemy than what we anticapated with the evil junka lords, worriers and magesbut we delt with them quickly and swiftly we even imprisoned one of the junka worriers.
We soon relized that nothing could be done to save his soul from eturnal torment and so we put his mind to rest and slayed the junka. We seen strange sparkly things in Wrong on closer insipetion we found out that it was a teleporter this was rather odd and puzzled some of the recruits including my self.
We soon needed this hunt.
But as i finshed that sketch the group receved a pigeon from Lord British saying what a good job we have done cleansed the area.