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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Assult on WRONG (Report) Finshed on: August 01, 2005, 11:51:17 pm
Okdoky Ark
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Assult on WRONG (Report) Finshed on: July 30, 2005, 02:55:00 am
we started this hunt first by a training exersize were we all learned the benifits for healing our allys.  Sadly i could not get any sketches done of this training.  But Heer's a Sketch of us at the start of Wrong

The assult on Wrong was to size them horrid Golem's here's a sketch of the evil contraptions while our brave men and women were fighting one of emm.

But as suspected the Avatar tested us by delivering more enemy than what we anticapated with the evil junka lords, worriers and magesbut we delt with them quickly and swiftly we even imprisoned one of the junka worriers.

We soon relized that nothing could be done to save his soul from eturnal torment and so we put his mind to rest and slayed the junka.  We seen strange sparkly things in Wrong on closer insipetion we found out that it was a teleporter this was rather odd and puzzled some of the recruits including my self.

We soon needed this hunt.

But as i finshed that sketch the group receved a pigeon from Lord British saying what a good job we have done cleansed the area.
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / event that happened to me two day on: July 29, 2005, 02:06:52 am
in mid afternoon myself corliss and other guards men went on a hunt to the dreaded ogre lords.  We made it to the ogre lord layer fine but the avatar gave us too great of a task as this scetch will show you.

but myself and the other bravey guardsmen regained our sences and slayen thos dreaded BEASTS that battle was to intence for me to scetch any drawings.

but as the day went on ye all know how us guardsmen like a drink well here is a scetch of that as well

hope that you enjoy some of the event that have happened on the day for me.
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Light Company Recriuting on: July 27, 2005, 11:44:45 pm
recruit Corliss wishing to join the Light Company
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Attack on the orc fort(report) on: July 27, 2005, 05:13:51 pm
Robert Fripp, Baraz and my self Corliss went on a mission to slay some orcish fellos.  as we progressed through this task on slaying the orcs they seemed to be coming at us in all directions but we held our ground bravley, Robert and myself er knocked out at one point but even still the onslot of the horrid creatures came to a halt.  The finaly at the docks we came across a orc BRUTE! but we sorted him out teaching that orc not to mess with the BoC


Also we raised about 12,000crown towards the church.
NOTE: Other Person in guild Corliss and flanders r my people
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