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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A Sealed Letter Adressed to the Commander
on: July 04, 2009, 03:57:59 am
The small soulstone necklace flickered for a moment, then lit up altogether. Its purplish colour were almost as deep as the night surrounding the corpse. A few moments, after the guardsmen, his killers, had departed, a shadow broke off from the others. Lazarus, agent of the Strikeforce of the Collegium, quickly made his way towards the body on the ground. Hastily lifting him up, and tying him to the horse he brought along, he set off for the moongate in Minoc
Odenetheus woke up. All he could see was that face, and he sensed the wonderful, sweet smell of... What, exactly? He didn't remember. He felt annoyed. After looking at himself once, he remembered something about dying. 'Hah! Good thing I kept that necklace, eh?', he thought to himself.
"Wake up, child. You need sustenance to stay awake." The voice was familiar, but he didn't quite remember it. Nevertheless, he knew it was speaking the truth. What kind of sustenance, though? He felt repulsed by the thought of normal foods.
Then he saw him; the small boy, naked, cowering in the corner of the room. Quite cute, looked to be about fifteen, but more importantly, he could smell the vitality flowing through the boy's veins; the vitality soon to be his. Unsteadily getting up, he heard that voice again, and finally was able to associate it with someone. Dulcinea, his representative. Hadn't she mentioned being a vampire at some point? As he pondered this, he also came to the conclusion that this was, at the very best, better than to be reanimated as a mindless skeleton
Quickly following the instructions given, he soon realised what he had done. He didn't care, however. It had just been a slave.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"?
on: March 16, 2009, 11:37:25 pm
Od: 00:19:17: Kas! Describe how roleplaying with me is in twenty words or less. Kas: 00:20:23: Immensely golden? Od: 00:21:27: Aha! Thank you. Goes to quote thread Kas: 00:21:40: Motherfuckers.
On a related note, I have decided to return to OSI. Rejoice!
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Well, it's been fun
on: August 20, 2008, 03:50:06 pm
Sheesh, Kelly! I'm trying to make everyone else look bad so I have a plausible excuse to cut down on my online gaming, stop ruining it! If you keep this up I might even be considered a deserter!
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Well, it's been fun
on: August 19, 2008, 02:59:51 pm
Alright, the time for me to end my affiliation with Cove has come, sadly. I have been stripped of my rank within the Church, as seems everyone else to have been as well, and frankly, after having devoted such a huge amount of time and energy on it, this is an insult. I do not have the interest of working my way up within it again. We've had a lot of fun times, at least I think we have. Throwing people off the roof, drowning people, feeding off pumpkins, branding people, torture, strange tasks and general mischief. Yeah, it's been fun. I most likely won't return to the boards either, since I don't really have a reason. My house next to Cove gates is free for the taking, just send me a PM and I'll hand it over to you. I shall be reachable over MSN, and I might log in now and then on some alts.. That about sums it up! It's been a good three years Take care, everyone Odenetheus out
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"?
on: August 18, 2008, 12:14:37 am
Why capital punishment won't work, and why Camlo ought to be jailed!
- Odenetheus | Ah well. Life's harsh: I have now outlived my usefulness.
Cam - "You want your power sources to be natural? Rub two sticks together": I am afraid so. You now have to be put in a machine I like to call the "Cuber" where you'll be made into small cubes. Then we'll boil those and sell them as children's candy.
- Odenetheus | Ah well. Life's harsh: Ooh! What a delightful idea!
- - -
Later on:
Cam - "You want your power sources to be natural? Rub two sticks together" säger (02:04): We'll just have to eat the whole of Swedish law enforcement.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Plot next to Cove gates
on: August 13, 2008, 10:43:37 pm
Alright, I've just obtained this plot, and it currently stands as Arachnea Wine & Chocolate business, but if you have a better idea, post it here. (Not the one which the cursor by chance is indicating, but the left one.)
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Veldrin's guide to good English, reproduced
on: August 13, 2008, 10:20:43 am
This was written by Veldrin, a former high standing member of BoC., years ago. Please read it. And yes, it's also in the baronship announcement, but no one seems to have read it anyway, so I might as well put it here also!
"English is the most extensive language in the world. Some of us have more trouble with it than others. Being a guild among guilds based for the most part in Europe, quite a few roleplayers in Europa are not native English speakers. Very few of us are English majors in college, so even we from the UK, the US and Canada have a difficult time with it occasionally. This is perfectly understandable and very often condoned. However these mistakes can often make a speaker seem unintelligent or unprofessional.
For this reason I've compiled this helpful guide to words which are commonly confused or misspelled.
Common Confusions
advise/advice advise: verb, to give advice. I would advise you to keep your gold in the bank. advice: noun, a helpful suggestion. If you ask old Eddie, he can give you some advice on how to farm corn.
affect/effect affect: verb, to cause an effect. Will the rain affect the water level of the lake? effect: noun, a result of a prior action. The orc invasion had a negative effect on the Covian population.
dependent/dependant dependent: adjective, to be reliant upon. Cove trade is dependent on the economy. dependant: noun, one who is dependent. A child is a dependant of her parents.
dye, dyeing/die, dying dye: noun, a substance to change the color of something. Get the hair dye from the cabinet, would you? dyeing, adjective, to be using dye. Mela is off dyeing her hair again. die, verb, to stop or cease to live. I'm glad Steve Irwin had to die doing what he loved. dying, adjective, to be in a declining state leading to eventual death. Hurry and get the bandage! He's dying! Note: Yes, UO did misspell the title of the "dying tub."
lead/led lead: noun, a type of metal. My pencil lead broke., also verb, to be in charge. Could you lead an expedition force into Dungeon Deceit? led: verb, past tense of "lead." I led a hunt just yesterday.
of/have of: preposition, being or originating from. This is a matter of the highest importance. have: verb, to own or possess obligation to. She had to have forgotten the gold in her house. Do you have any extra? CORRECT: "That's what we should have done." INCORRECT: "That's what we should of done." Tip: Just think of it in the present tense. That's what we have to do.
prove/proof prove: verb, to confirm or validate. I can prove that dragon ate Ryan Greystone. proof: noun, evidence. I have proof that the Baron murdered Hrothgar.
there/their/they're there: adverb, specific location outside close proximity. The Barracks is over there. their: adjective, possessive form of "they." That kid is their only hope. they're: contraction, "they are." They're going on a hunt to Destard.
were/we're/where were: verb, past tense of "are." They were already here when you arrived. we're: contraction, "we are." We're going on a patrol to the orc fort, want to come? where: adverb, specific location. Do you know where everyone went to?
Common Misspellings Correct spellings in bold.
A lot, two words, not "alot."
Because, not "becuase." Tip: Just think "Beca Use."
Cemetery, not "cematery" or "cemetary." Tip: All e's.
Coming, not "comming."
Definite, Definitely, not "definate" or "definately." Tip: The root word is "finite," which is pronounced like "fye-night."
Disappoint, not "dissapoint" or "disapoint."
Embarrass, Embarrassment, not "embaras," "embarras," or "embarass," etc. Tip: Two r's, two s's.
I, always capitalized. Not just "i."
Independence, not "independance." Tip: All e's.
Necessary, not "neccessary" or "necesary."
Occur, not "occurr."
Occurred, Occurrence, not "occured" or "occurrance."
Patrol, not "patroll." Note: The word does have two l's in "patrolled" and "patrolling."
Sentence, not "sentance." Tip: All e's again.
Their, not "thier." Tip: Just like in the number "eight," the "ei" has a long "a" sound.
Tomorrow, not "tomarrow," "tomorow," or "tommorow."
Until, not "untill."
Weird, not "wierd."
Writing, not "writting."
Octiovus, not Octavius, or Octivous, or Octiboibous, or Octopus, Octipopsalot, Octagon, Octotoevious etc.
British/American Spellings All of these spellings are correct.
Armour - British Armor - American
Centre - British Center - American
Cheque - British Check - American
Colour - British Color - American
Cosy - British Cozy - American
Defence - British Defense - American
Dialogue - British Dialog - American
Draught - British Draft - American
Favourite - British Favorite - American
Jewellry - British Jewelry - American
Learnt - British Learned - American
Liquorice - British Licorice - American
Mould - British Mold - American
Moustache - British Mustache - American
Mum - British Mom - American
Programme - British Program - American
Sceptic - British Skeptic - American
Speciality - British Specialty - American
Terrorise - British Terrorize - American
Traveller, Travelled - British Traveler, Traveled - American
Yoghurt - British Yogurt - American"
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Suggestions Please
on: August 13, 2008, 10:06:55 am
I'm voting for Take's plan B. Hell, I know I'd be interested on joining the market on one of my alts, and it's easier if the stalls are premade. That way you could even more or less permanently hire a stall, eh?
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: ( HOUSE REVEALING )
on: August 13, 2008, 10:03:43 am
Everyone knows the only guild with a perfectly (il)legal excuse to use it was mine. But just 'cause it makes sense doesn't mean it's good! House detecting ain't good unless you have guard dogs (Which are to be in-game present) or something equal! Oh, and I hate assassins. Loathable bunch *Whistles* Oh, hello there, Kal!