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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Cross Shard Recruitment on: July 03, 2009, 07:29:18 am
I understand that we have a shard that gets picked for it's activity and sometimes it is used to recruit by other shards. It is sad but true.

I have spent the last hour talking to a rep of BoC and we have come up with what I consider a reasonable solution. I will be approaching the other 2 major guilds of Europa as well with these rules.

I commend your rep for working with me to find a solution we all can live with.

I have posted this on our site (ARPC) for the other GMs to see and approve.

Recruitment is allowed at all times at:
- The interiors and roofs of banks.
- New and Old Haven, as well as that entire island.
- In-person recruitment in New Haven.

Recruitment is allowed once a week at:
- Major hub towns like Luna, Britain, and Umbra - Moongates

Recruitment is banned outright in:
- Roleplayer towns.
- Outside of the central bank and moongate area of Luna.
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Cross Shard Recruitment on: July 03, 2009, 05:04:11 am
Some of you may know me and some may not. I am originally from Atlantic and sometimes put in an appearance on Europa. My home is Atlantic and I have had some disappointing news from some of my fellow players there. I have sent ICQs to some of your leaders/former leaders. I don't know if they are still active or not.

Someone has been dropping recruit books at NewHaven and at many other moongates on Atlantic to try and recruit roleplayers from Atlantic. I am very disappointed. We have not done that on your shard as I am sure that I would have heard about it. And I hear that you are also hold recruiting fairs in NewHaven as well. It saddens me that someone would resort to such measures. We have always held the utmost respect for the Barony of Cove and some that have asked about better hours for Europeans I have sent to Cove. Many of your members were from Atlantic and they found you just fine without recruiting.

Please don't do this.

Melody Songbird
AKA Molly Kaldhel, Grand Duchess of Luna
Atlantic Shard
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry maneuvers: on: September 11, 2005, 01:15:23 am
Sentry maneuvers:

Sentry maneuvers:

After an eventful trip to the orc fort where we took down many of them and only took minor casualties we were called back to Sentry duty. I was sent to collect hides and dragged many hides back to the sentry post. I went to retrieve more when an ogre was not willing to let me pass uninjured. I battled it for a long time but it was beyond my skills to bring him down alone.

I returned to the post with what hides I had gathered on the second trip and they already had began to construct the sentry post. I took up position by the front gate. There will be another report later on the subject by someone else. As the evening progressed people switched positions and did their stints and moved on.

When the leader was relieved of duty Officer Joey took over. He and Officers Erik Arkay and Kirk worked with us on some attack scenarios. We guarded the gate against several attacks Learning to stack things on the gate to keep out intruders as well as to keep in those that made it past the first gate. It was very well taught and the others and I learned a lot.

Officer in charge: Joey Lanai, Regular
Assistant Officers: Erik Arkay, Junior, Kurt, Junior

Melody Songbird, Recruit
Delcarakdur, Recruit
Raiden Morana, Watchman

Reported by Recruit Melody Songbird
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report: Guard Duty 9/10 on: September 10, 2005, 08:42:02 pm
Report: Guard Duty 9/10

After training we were sent on forced march to the Cove gate. We took up our posts after setting up the barricades. The duty was uneventful until a citizen exited the city and refused to state his name and purpose for their visit to Cove, an odd sort who refused to utter a word. Unsure if the person was mute or just being coy we allowed them to leave the barricaded area. He proceeded to cast arcane magics. We ordered him to be off if he would not state his purpose. He continued to hang around the barricade for a time then his spell for invisibility must have worked because we no longer saw him.

Then there was another that came by. An elf who was bringing a citizen back home She had freed him from the hands of some brigands who where holding him. After the man thanked the elf for her help she asked us if we knew where she could acquire some apples. She had heard that the apples in cove were quite good. Anari, our commanding officer, escorted the elfen woman, VanQue into the city and left Thomas Sendrich, one of the recruits, in charge.

After they had interred the city someone else came through the gate. We also halted them requiring them to state who they were and their purpose for coming to Cove. This person was wearing odd-looking clothing that covered the face and we could not see who it was. The person said that they were a squirrel and they were looking for nuts then broke through the barricade and ran. We opted not to make chase for we felt it might have been a distraction from our duties.

Our commander returned and bid the elf goodbye and then we broke camp heading back to the barracks on forced march again and were dismissed.

Officer in charge: Anari

Recruits Present:
Melody Songbird
Thomas Sendrich
Roland Dagorian

Reported by
Recruit Melody Songbird
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Training Session 8/29 on: August 28, 2005, 08:14:11 pm
We all arrived at the barracks roof at 04:00 PM bringing full combat gear, bandages, light sources and bedrolls.
Our training leader was Sir Hrothgar.

In attendance were Melody Songbird, Veldrin Ni'harel, Raiden Morana, Feraz, Vince Valentine,  Jenifer Feather, Kal Shadowhand.

We trained did some standard drill instruction and then we broke into teams. We trained healing and worked out team skills. It was very educational.

Reported by
Recruit Melody Songbird

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