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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Orcish eradication. on: September 10, 2005, 10:25:24 am
T'was a pleasure to be part of this outing.

I must however, make a mental note to open my eyes a little wider when addressing those in charge.

*Adds to Do's and Don'ts List"
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Drachir's 2nd Hunt to Destard! on: September 07, 2005, 11:34:36 pm
*Searches through crumpled parchment for notes.*

Where to begin. My first outing as a Recruit and what an outing it was.

Led by Juniour Scout, Drachir, our eager group set off on the long walk north to the entrance to the fabled Ice Dungeon. Unforseen events had determined that on this occasion, we would not become a tasty morsel for the inhabitants of Destard.

A quick race was organised to the Northern Bridge. As you can see from my novice scribblings, it was Erik who came last, but I suspect Erik was highly sporting and merely gave everyone else a generous head start.

Now, our task for the outing was to slay five of the evil Ice Fiends, a daunting task for any a team. Suffice to say the party progressed swiftly to the Fiends Lair, laying waste to any frosty inhabitants we encountered along the way.

Swift work was made of the wretched Fiends, dwindling their numbers further by five. A quick attempt was made to study the mysterious contraptions and evil items within the Lair itself. Extremely creepy they were, and it was decided not to throw a Recruit into the vortex in this outing, much to my own personal relief.

The exit from the lair proved slightly more fraught and costly, with stronger resistance encountered. But through hearty teamwork and a courageous charge, all attendees made it out safely.

As for the Attendees, please excuse my failure to list them . I can only blame my inability to bring enough charcoal to list their names.

Yours Apologetically,

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