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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Character themesong?! on: February 09, 2006, 12:27:37 pm
Kaelith Saddest day by Converge. He's a very sad lonely man, but in an insanely violent way.

Deannor There's no I in f**k you by Walls of Jericho. He's a selfish git.

John Talbot You owe me by F-minus. He's a professional thug.
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Question about the War on: January 24, 2006, 12:43:34 pm
Grd don't follow CoRE RoE.
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Need some advice on how to... on: December 09, 2005, 05:51:13 pm
Erik speaketh the truth. Healing only effects amount healed and chance of ressurection and cure. To be able to cure and res you need so much anatomy to start with though and anatomy also adds to amount healed.
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Need some advice on how to... on: December 09, 2005, 05:06:33 pm
Bandage time is only determined by your dexterity, not your skills. at 100 dex you get 6 second heals, for every FULL 20 dex either way you gain or lose 1 second, so that is one big advantage of high dexterity, 5 second heals at 120 dex are very nice, but you sacrifice alot to get it. Smiley
5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Need some advice on how to... on: December 09, 2005, 11:35:27 am
I like Erik's suggested template, it's quite simple and won't mean you have to rely on pots and if you make a mistake you won't pay heavily for it. If you aren't a very experienced player I'd go for that one although you could adjust it slightly to get more out of the points:

fencing 110
anatomy 100
healing 90 - healing of 90.1 is 100% succeed rate so at 90 it's reliable and you only lose about 2 heal points.

hiding/stealth 80
- you don't go anywhere too quick. I'd keep them at this though due to it being a crammed template already, you need all the points you can get!

ninjitsu 110 - Higher you can get this the better tbh, Death strike is a fantastic move!

focus 60 - you get 1 mana regen for every 20 focus, 1 stam regen for every 10. there are no in between points so only ever put it up in 20s unless you have such an uncrammed template you can afford to jump by 10 for the extra stam regen.

poisoning 70 - poisoning is instantly cured with a cure pot and everyone uses them, I wouoldn't worry too much about what level of poisoning you're doing. only lethal poison is really very worthwhile.

That all adds upto 700, any extra points i'd put in more fencing if you can afford the scroll or more ninjitsu if you can afford it. Otherwise either more poisoning or maybe 20 extra focus to help with mana and stamina. Remember, if you have ML then you have 20 tactics already along with every other skill, so no point in putting 20 random points in a skill. Smiley

Stats wise I'd probably go:

str 80-90
dex 90
int 55-45

That's with 225 stats, if you have more and stat scrolls are super cheap, I'd put more in Str and Dex. With 250 stats I'd probably go:

str 100
dex 100
int 50

basically, make sure you have at least 50 mana and never over 100 str (pointless really). Dex is something that isn't so vital but also very handy to have as high as you can get it. Don't sacrifice str or int for it though! That is a big mistake many people make in the hope of swinging faster.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *a note addressed "To the new Baron or ruler of Cove"* on: November 01, 2005, 07:26:30 pm
Dear Ruler of Cove,

It seems that since the departure of your former Baron, Cove continues to wear his livery and operate as normal. I presume someone else has taken charge and I wish whoever you maybe all the best for the future, but this is not why I write.

A group of Covians marched through Vesper in their uniforms and refused to leave when ordered. Now I know well there is a treaty being arranged and I hope to see a new alliance forged between our peoples once again. For the time being though there is no treaty, but only a cease fire, that means no Vesperians go to Cove and no Covians come to Vesper and there are no hostilities between our people. Until the treaty is signed and agreed upon I expect you to make sure your people follow these guide lines and if they wish to take a pilgrimage, they go round.

I do nay regret my orders, they showed nothing but disrespect to me when I asked them to leave. I had no choice but to have them removed. I hope a valuable lesson has been learnt. Loyalists have caused us much harm over the years, I know this better than most men and will act swiftly to any injustices.

For the future though, as long as we are now safe in the knowledge there is a cease fire, I wish all the best to your people and to whoever I maybe writting too and I trust a peace treaty can be agreed upon.

Yours Sincerely,

Sir Kaelith Anar,
Knight of Vesper,
Captain of the Militia.
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The Future of BoC on: November 01, 2005, 09:42:48 am
It's great to see you back matey. Smiley

I need to find out IG sometime... somehow.
8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Barony or Baronship on: October 31, 2005, 02:08:29 pm
I had this pointed out to me last night, shouldn't it be the Barony of Cove? I never thought about it before but Baronship, the word, doesn't actually exist and kind of doesn't sound right. Undecided
9  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Civilians on: December 18, 2004, 03:19:24 pm
I think thats abit harsh Louise :/

I think adventurers are adventurers or explorers as the person above said.

For example, if I got knocked in destard and a random blue came and ressed me, I wouldn't turn round and say, "Thank you Citizen", I would probably say, "thank you kind sir or m'am or adventurer", cos they are clearly not just a mere civvie in my eyes.
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Regarding the Cove Orc situation.. on: December 16, 2004, 04:03:42 pm
Yeah I think that's the key, you got to keep killing them and keep the spawn at bay. That way the EM guys can see the orcs are being fought off and will more likely end their presence there.
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Civilians on: December 16, 2004, 04:01:49 pm
Yeah I agree you can't just call someone whatever just on looks, but after you have been RPing with them for an hour or so its annoying for them to continue calling you a civvie when you're clearly not. I wasn't a lord or anything, but at the time I was a Knight of Vesper, is that such a high mighty position to accept in RP terms?

CoY is a wicked community and I love the fact its based more heavily on low fantasy rather than all the lords and ladys you see in CoRE and ERPA. But when someone who is clearly from a recognised RP guild comes along and RPs being a humble Knight in need of a place to sleep its a little disheartening to see that they just treat you like any other UO player passing through rather than a travelling Knight in need of some food.

That was really just an example, I guess you're right essentially. I just think you should be alittle more careful when you call people civilians, especially when refering to people travelling in the wilderness, civvies aren't going to be in dungeons, adventurers are  Wink
12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Civilians on: December 16, 2004, 01:00:27 pm
I know its a CoY thing and Grd especially call everyone who isn't part of their RP community "civilians". But I have always found this quite disrespectful, especially to those of us who make a big effort to RP our characters properly.

I remember going to Stonekeep when I had been in Vesper for a long time and RPed myself really, I was travelling through, I had my plate armour on and so on and being called a civilian just seemed to make it all worth nothing.

I have seen a few times on your IC board a few of you BoC calling random others Civilians. My suggestion is that maybe you should call other people out adventuring, "adventurers" or "explorers", and if blues come to RP with you respect that maybe they have a back ground and don't just call them civilian even after they have RPed with you or it seems clear they are off another profession, like mage or soldier or whatever.

Just a little rant. I hope you take it into consideration, I think it would help more people feel involved and hopefuilly join the community.


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