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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Kiyoshis Downward Spiral (Part Ich)
on: November 29, 2005, 09:43:03 pm
Kiyoshi picked up the quill with his good hand and began scribbling in the strange book he had been given, his mind began to wander to the battle earlier that eve
They had targetted him first, they knew his face from his past battles, his arm had been shatterd and his leg sliced open for a human this would take weeks to heal but for a dunpeal a few days tops, Kiyoshi wonderd if the guards would notice, how fast he healed, how he never seemed ill and the fact he hardly ate.
This was the least of his worries for now though, as he was limping back to his lodgings in kazuos house he had been surrounded by undead creatures, he swang feebly with his walking stick but was overpowerd quickly, "We are nysss here to hurtsss your, Wesssss wantsss to help youssss" and with that the creature had slid a book into kiyoshis backpack, kiyoshi was having none of it and with his last ounce of strength he mutterd an incantation and the creatures skull shatterd with this kiyoshi collapsed on the door of his room.
He awoke several hours later and took out the book, he recognized it from a past encounter it was used by the bone magi he had fought but before he could never understand the words, now they were as clear as day. A master of both living and dead magics thought kiyoshi and he grinned and began studying the book.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Ore gathering
on: October 13, 2005, 07:34:26 am
I was bored with nothing to do, so i decided to go orc bashing and after exploding a few orcs a strange sight caught my eye an orc at least 20 times as big as the other i knew this could relive my bordem and it did for a while till it was brought down by more explosions, however i found something in the sack it was carrying Shadow iron ore and lots of it to much for one man to carry, so i dragged it to a safe area and hired two pack mules to collect it and have it deliverd to the stores.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Character Help
on: September 29, 2005, 07:27:49 am
Its really worth getting a stat scroll, even with something like a +15 which arent much at all now you could get your stats to something like, 95 100 45
In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Kiyoshi
on: September 15, 2005, 09:54:26 pm
Kiyoshi was not so much brought up as he was dragged up, born into a war mongering clan in the frozen wastes he spent his youth fighting off attacks from marauding monsters and the undead that plauged the lands however his childhood was cut tragically short when a large force of undead attacked his small village, he was one of the few to survive as he was out on a hunting trip learning to use a bow with some of the older samurai.
Kiyoshi was left to wander the lands alone until he stumbeld upon a small clan of samurai within the forests of yew, he eagerly applied and soon started his position working the rice fields, however it was clear by his actions his past was not so easily forgotten for he would regularly end up picking fights with others, his natural anger and lust for combat led him into the zengun a division feared for their bloodlust and short tempers here he prosperd and soon rose in rank, he was then selected to accompany the daimyo to tokuno where he would join the elite kenjutsuka, many years passed and so did many wars kiyoshi was the right hand man of the leader of the kenjutsuka when tradgedy struck again, the daimyo was assasinated and the clan fell to ruins however this was not the end of kiyoshis bad luck as he was bitten by a ronin in service of the kotodama, he began to change and thought for sure he was going to die, but this was not to be an old man found kiyoshi and helped him stop the change though it could not be reversed.
Kiyoshi followed the old man to cove where he now serves as Kazous bodyguard, His transformation made him quiter and less easy to anger though it came with some consequences as he still suffers the hunger for blood that any vampire will and although he can stand sunlight he cannot last long in it before he must again seek shade.
Kiyoshi is a largish man standing around 6 foot and being solidly built, his eyes are a pale read and his hair a spikey red assortment, his fangs are always visbile when he is not wearing his mempo, his face is clean of scars as is his body the only scar he has is two teeth marks on the side of his neck.