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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Old screenshots on: July 30, 2006, 12:51:20 am
Yup...thats me and my pal Hoagie...Smiley
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Gate Duty on: November 09, 2005, 06:08:06 pm
Around 6 p.m. November 9
Me Don Vito
We set up a gate to patrol the entering and exiting of Cove.

As we stood there for about 30 minutes. Nothing interesting happened. A couple of Rabbits was spotted and that' about it. But if something did happend, without Judas, me and Karn would have had trouble.

But just incase men or animals came to threaten the great city of Cove. We had some interesting words from Judas.

We kept Cove safe for that part of the day. Thanks to Judas and Karn. FOR COVE!!!!!
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: November 09, 2005, 12:27:35 am
Patrol of the Orc Fort

Men: Delcarakdur...Watchman
Me, Don Vito...Guardsman Recruit
Ben Radau...Guardsman Recruit

Well it started off as a normal patrol..Odenetheus took us on a patrol of the orc fort. He thought we should learn that healing is our friend and made us take off all armor but kilt,sash, and boots. He also decided to build a Orc pile.

Odenetheus had us standin' around most of the time doin' nothin, in our kilts.
Odenenetheus also got a piece of Ben's mind.
I also got in trouble for "getting out of form" which I did not and was threatened to be reported.Thats it.

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: November 08, 2005, 07:08:15 pm
Patrol of the Orc Fort
To show 'em Orcs whose boss

Men there:
Judas Deibeau..Senior Guardsman
Me, Don Vito..Guardsman Recruit
Akira..Guardsman Recruit

It started when we had a weird visitor that only spoke yellah. Then Erik told me and Akira to go on patrol. Judas met up and took control of the situation and Delcarakdur came as well.(ooc)didnt reinstall my pic taker(ooc)Judas slayed the Orc brute to show it that Covians will never fall to them. After slaying a bunch of Orc mages, Bombers, Scouts, and just plain ol' Orcs. Akira and Delcaradur had to flee. I guess they couldn't take the hits nomore. And Me and Judas finished up a bit and then Judas lead me home.
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