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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The church of Cove on: November 13, 2005, 10:42:07 pm

2  In Character Boards / Old Events / 13/11/05 - 17:00 GMT - Church Mass! on: November 13, 2005, 02:29:48 pm
As the holy father can nay make today's mass
Brother Edmund and myself will be leading today's procession!
As there be a wedding later on in the eve i expect all ye to make your confessions so we may have a truly white wedding!


3  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: 13/11/05 - 18:00 GMT - Marriage!!! on: November 13, 2005, 02:09:27 pm
Il be about if you need a acolyte
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report: Healing station at despise..... on: November 10, 2005, 11:20:15 pm
*roughly scribed report with a few sketches*

Humble acolyte landar here writing a report on todays 'interesting' event....
The grand father Odenetheus decided this evening would be a grand time to try out a new idea to convert the pagans from their wretched ways. By  attempting to reach them in their very own hunting grounds! We were to construct a healing station in the vile dungeon despise to help the wounded pagans in their time of need....

A group gathers while father Odenetheus informs them of his plans

After the fathers plans were clear to everyone, we soon proceeded to the dungeon via some foul rift that a man by the name of Kazuo conjured! However we somehow managed to survive this foul magik the fathers relief....

Once we all checked that our limbs were in one piece we proceeded into the depths of the wretched cave! the place was very dark and dank...to which some heathens seemed to think resembled the church! *mutters*

The group making their way deeper into the cave

After what seemed like an eternity of traveling we finally reached our destination and began the construction of our healing station.....A kind surf baked many a pie for our travels and hoped that the temptation of freshly baked pies would help convert the pagans!

A pagan being lured in by the smell of freshly baked goods

While the militia were engaged in beating the foul ogres back from our humble healing station, a new recruit got a little too carried away in the action and nearly took the cloaked ones head off his shoulders!However unfortunately fortunately he missed....an the cloaked one went on to give the recruit a dressing down!

The cloaked one showing his disproval at the recruits actions

After several long hours of running the healing station we decided to retreat back to the safety of cove as things were starting to turn nasty as the ogres called in re-enforcements...

We suffered a few casualties that evening two of which were foul vermin llama's that were carrying some of our equipment....

what was left of the group at the end of the trip

All in all it were a good experience! we seemed to attract the pagans attention! maybe a few more of these trips would gain us some more converts!

I would jus' like to add how much the father an myself worked this evening.....it were very tiring for us both...


*A crude drawing is attached to the bottom of this letter*

Ye nay worked ard ye pansy cloth men! look! all ye did were eat pies!

Signed Anon
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Church mass Report..... on: November 06, 2005, 07:50:20 pm
This be my first report as a newly appointed acolyte....I pray my report is good enough for ye father....

I helped undertake todays mass with the more experienced acolyte brother Edmund, I would like to thank him for his guidance.
Mass started with a quick prayer to the avatar lead by brother Edmumd which then lead us onto confessions! The humble brother Edmund was kind enough t'let me take the podium for a while.

Many confessions were heard from drinking in excess at the tavern! to using the lords name in vain!
During the confessions even fellow brother edmund was attacked! One sinner attempted to throw a cake at him!
The heathen was soon cast into the jail for his sins!

After mass i stayed behind to clean up the mess while brother edmund retired to recover from the attempted assult.

I even had to clean up what was left of a foul beast that was deposited on the church's entrance!

A special mention ter Vince Valentine for his generous tithing of 2000 coins!

a few Paintings are attached.

attendees fer todays mass....
Gregor Eason
Raiden Morana
Vince Valentine
Olchafa Serper
Grief Dryfh Gry
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