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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Cove's Great War Preperations on: August 02, 2009, 06:20:51 pm
I be willing to take some patrols out for ye Sah especially if it be against anything dangerous *a small smiley face is drawn on the parchment*
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Axe of A Yomotsu Elder [Trophy Hunt] on: July 28, 2009, 02:42:36 pm
I were there


3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Elf Hunt Poison Thingies on: February 11, 2007, 11:31:41 pm
A ........ well thought report

(ooc) That was the best report ive read dell you get to write them all from now on *winks*(/ooc)
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 10, 2007, 04:56:49 pm
Well it were a quiet day with nayone around much so myself, Sereant Hrothgar,  and Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana went to em orcs fort, Raiden did lead the patrol and we encounted many of them big brutes but they all fell with much ease to our might!

It were but a breif patrol but we still gathered some 10137 crowns.
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 09, 2007, 06:40:50 pm
A Fine day it was And Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana had been taking myself and some of the lads through some tasks when he decided it were about time to sort out em orcs.

In attendance were myself. Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana(leading), Recruit Marcus, Junior Guardsman Regdar, Junior Scout Garand, Watchman Snudrud, and Grenadier Sereant Vince Valentine.

Well we did head down to em orcish fort south of cove and straight into the fray it were!  We were set upon by one of them orcish brutes and his henchmen but it were no problem for us to deal with them swiftly.

moving into the fort we did a wee bit of recognisance and then we were lined up and our orders explained to us ...... the orcs were attacking the merchants ships!!!!

upon hearing this dreadfull news we set out to the orc's docks to solve this problem, unfortunately there were no ships there at the time.

Having destroyed the dock we figured twould be sometime before they would be raiding from there again and Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana took us back to the barracks.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: REPORT:How to slay a Daemon on: February 08, 2007, 07:32:24 am
Har! A grand hunt Sah, one i was Proud to attend and do my bit.  ye may call on me anytime for one of these hunts!!
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / How to be a Grenadier in Kaldun! on: February 06, 2007, 07:05:23 pm
Well there i was Just sobering up from the wedding when me mentor Demarian Tal'var grabbed me collar and dragged me off to a strange place.

here he gave me some advanced training tips on ....... camping?

after this we worked out a wee bit to loosen up then proceded inside the darkened ruins to find out what were happening.

It were dark down there put we pushed into the gloom until suddenly we were beset from all sides by strange monsters but best them we did in short order.

once the ..... things, were dead we discovered a part of a strange journal on one of them.  after a quick inspection Demarian decided that this might be important so we set out to find the rest of the book.

Long did we stalk through those hidden depths killing foes and gathering fragments of that journal until Demarian determined we had as much as could be found.  The journal was not our only discovery though!

at long last we headed home.  A grand lesson on how to fight like a grenadier and healing this was as well as gathering much important intelligence information.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / To The Gypsys defence! on: February 04, 2007, 07:26:56 pm
Shortly after dawn i found myself gathered near the shrine to compassion with Recruit Aerlyn Talaviir, Senior Grenadier Demarion Tel'var, and Junior Guardsman Regdar.  This were a mission being led by Grenadiar Demarion and here he did tell us why.

With this information we headed down to the camp and checking that the locals were nay harmed set about clearing the area of brigands and such.

We soon learned that a trading caravan had gone missing not to far away and as soon as the area around the camp were Clare we set out in search.

'Weren't long before we found tracks from the caravan and traced em to a savage camp! it were a horrible site but of the caravan itself still no sign.

Eventually we learned that the poor folk of the caravan had been eaten by em savages!  Nothing remained but to avenge them so we made sure to put down all em evil cannabals and then left for home

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Max's Parade Drill on: February 04, 2007, 07:20:06 pm
Led by me Max O'Munpain
In Attendance Recruit Aerlyn Talaviir, Senior Grenadier Demarion Tel'var, Junior Guardsman Regdar, Recruit Richard Reeth, and Scout Kelly  Also there were Nicholi there but i missed ye rank sorry sah.

Well it were a quiet night so i decided that it would be a suitable time to go over some basic parade orders.  I gathered some men to them barracks roof and began.

I covered all the basic orders and then i began putting the formation through its paces to see how well my instructions had been taken on board.

'twere not a long training session but all there seemed to grasp the concepts quickly and there were no need to go over MUCH twice.

All in all i were very pleased, keep up the good work men!
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Max's Recruit Cadre on: February 04, 2007, 02:05:55 pm
Today i did run a recruit cadre

in attendance were ......

Recruit Smudrud
Recruit Aerlyn Talaviir
Recruit Perin
Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var

Overseeing it were......
Sereant Hrothgar

I started out by covering the basics of how to Address a superior officer and then moved on.  All three recruits seemed quiet knowledgeable and able to answere the questions that i did put to em.

So i did carry on through the various different orders, explaining about armours and kit, the responsibilities of a watchman and so on until finally i had covered everything on me list.  At this point i did answere any questions they had and dismiss em.
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Titans? What Titans? on: February 03, 2007, 11:35:57 pm
Well there i was just sitting minding me own business when i heard the bell ringing to summon me to the barracks.  As i lined up there were no one there but me and Mr Regdar but soon there were more pooring in.

Eventually Mr Regdar decided there were enough of us present and he told us what we were going to do.  It were a hunt he did say but he left the choice of where to us and Mr Arkay suggested the cyclops temple needed cleaning, though he forgot to mention the titans was there too!.

Soon we was on our way and it wernt long before we were up to our waists in bodies and our knees in blood.

Once we were sure this outer area were pacified we headed inside.  Here we encountered stiff opposition, it almost seemed these Brut's were trying to keep us from something?

At this point a few more folks did come as reinforcements to lend their might to ours and we continued to push into this fell place scourging it of the evil that resided there.

Battling on we bravely pushed forward and though occasionally someone would lose their footing in the waves of blood and slip over they were soon on their feet again and roaring defiance pushing deeper still.

It weren't long defore we discovered what it was they were guarding here ...... a Balaron!  now this was a challenge worthy of Cove! it were a long fight with people being flung away as the beast spun spreading its wings.  Many a time did someone soar into a wall just to scramble to their feet, shake their head clear and charge back into the fray!

Eventually bit by bit we beat the beast to the floor and with a mighty bellow several mace's and swords smacked it on the head all at once and with one final roar it toppled.

Gazing at the corpse we decided it were time to head home so gathering our gear we started to march.

in attendance were myself, Kal ShadowHand, Regdar(leading), Aerlyn Talaviir, Erik Arkay, Servius Nax, Joey Lanai, and Demarian Tel'var.  in total we gathered a worthy 44428 crowns.  A grand days work ridding the world of evil one beasty at a time.
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Vince's snake hunt on: January 31, 2007, 09:30:09 pm
Well it were a grand gathering for the hunt that lined up outside the baracks but unfortunatly there were many that nay made it as far as the actuall hunt, methinks they got scared!

anyhow we headed out for moonglow where we took a quick jaunt to papua before heading to the layer of the Terathins.

Whilst trecking an old disused road with the aincient paving sticking at all sorts of angles we were assulted by a massive wave of Ophidians!

Overcomming thses foes was a long and daunting task but eventually we faught through to the keep where we bagan to battle in earnest.

wading through seas of blood we decended down to a strange un-natural swamp where sudenly all light was blocked from the sky by the towering bulk of the mountains around us.

After a few startled comments at the depth of the darkness down there we readied our tourches and lamps and continued into the caves under thoughs very mountians.  here all the foes we had encounted above cam at us and more! there were Ophidians and Terathns, drakes and dragons, even nightmares did fall on us from the darkness but no matter what came we stood and battled. we did not run and we did not give in! eventually affter much blood had been spiled we were at the deepest depths of the cave.

Here we stood as wave after wave of foes appeared from the darkness, the screams of the dying mingled with the roars of thoughs still comming and over it all cried out for all to hear "FOR COVE, FOR THE BARRON!"

After much time we cleared the caves and returned home to cove where we pilled the loot we had gathered, a lovely looking pile of gold it were too, some 28738 crowns.

In attendence was myself, Vince Valentine who did lead the hunt, Hrothgar, Tiberius, Snudrd, Dalamar, and Hoagie.

Twere a grand hunt and a valuble training session in the arts of cross healing andlistening to orders, especially Form and Charge.
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A grenadiers training on: January 28, 2007, 08:56:17 pm
Well as Demarian's Apprentice I was taken out on a training mission to tokono.  the first thing he did were to take me to a thing called a dojo and show me some moves.

After a while we went outside and practised healing and such on the local evil spawn!

After some time and succesfull healing we headed back to cove.
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A trip to shame on: January 28, 2007, 08:50:37 pm
Well Mr Arkay did dtake a group of us to shame today. it were a straight forward trip to orient some new recruits unfortunatly i fogto there names but they came ......
anyhow we ran to shame and bashed our way all the road down to em blood creatures.

after defeating one of em we went back to Cove ready for some training.
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Training with Demarian on: January 28, 2007, 08:46:34 pm
Well It were training time again and this one were hard. in atendence were
Demarian Tel'var (leading the training), Erick Arkay, Yue Yan, Hoagie and myself.

The main reason that this was considered nessasery were the performance of the army in the recent battle.

After some exercises we ran down to cove town were we did some more exercise before heading back for the promotions parade.

It were a strenous training and some droped out before it were complete so there names aint here.
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