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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / On Holiday! on: February 18, 2007, 12:52:45 pm
Just to let you all know I have't vanished, I was whisked away on a surprise holiday WOOHOO!

Should be back in game within the week xx
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Not About on: February 05, 2007, 05:35:55 pm
Welcome back Sal!
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: To all Scout Recruits. on: January 30, 2007, 05:16:03 pm
*an elegantly written letter is on your desk*

Dear Mela Arkay,
         Whilst I hold upmost respect for your status and achievements I must bring to your attention that I am not a potential recruit for the Light Company.

         Although I am indeed more than adept at both concealing my whereabouts and moving unnoticed, I had never planned on becoming part of your division. Or any other division if I am to be honest.

        My plans are to prove my worth to Cove by becoming an Exploring Officer, or even Hardened Guardsman, remaining as general as I can, learning enough about each division that I may assist each as required at the time. I feel that, having ambition to become a Captain some day, I feel that it would be in my best interest to remain this way.

My sincerest apologies,
Yue Yan Min
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: sig crafter wanted! on: January 27, 2007, 10:40:13 pm
Thanks Qom for the siggie


5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Your opinion on the guild! on: January 25, 2007, 03:47:41 pm
Yes but the main point is *I* don't have the leasure of plenty of spare time to write lots of reports. My life is way to busy now. And it's only an opinion after all.
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Your opinion on the guild! on: January 25, 2007, 11:30:38 am
Well when I first joined BoC I had loads of spare time and I really enjoyed being part of it. It's one of the most continously active guilds I have been part of.

I left UO for almost a year and now that I am back I have considerbaly less time. I still enjoy training, hunts and parades etc but the one thing that bothers me is the sheer amount of reports. I understand that the militia is based upon real foundations but I would rather not have to sit and write a report about a training session, taking up time that I could use rp-ing.

(edit)  It has also just occured to me, Yue Yan is from another culture and whilst she speaks the language of Cove she doesn't necessarily know how to write it. Yet not writing reports holds me back from promotion.
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / sig crafter wanted! on: January 23, 2007, 11:36:10 am
It's about time Yue had a siggy, I got the actual artwork done but I don't know where to start making a sig.

Can anyone do it for me?

p.s. The image will need shrunk as it's rather big, but I *love* it
8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / ADULT IMAGES INSIDE!!! on: January 21, 2007, 10:08:34 pm
Now that I have your attention ....

I have a proposition for you all. Yue Yan was away for a long time because she was rescuing her mother and sister from danger. This is where you come in.

I'm looking for someone to play her sister. Since not to much is said about her sister, it's a blank canvas for skillls and what not. The only things that are set in stone are that she is 15 years old. Noble born. If a fighter, she will be reluctant at first, as it's seen as a male occupation in her home lands. She is oriental so dark hair makes sense as does an oriental name. She is from the Land of Feudal Lords so may struggle to adapt to Covian ways, she may however embrace the sudden freedom allowed women (being in her teens and all).

If you read my character profile on the boards there is a very slight family history there if you wish.

If someone fancies a challenge, how about their mother? She will probably be around 40 and full of eastern wisdom. She will treat her man as her Lord and most likely be very set in her ways and struggle to fit in. Again she may embrace her new lifestyle but one fact is firm here. She loved her departed husband very dearly and would defend his honour with her life.

Both Characters have the surname Min. If introducing yourself formally you would put this before your own name for example. Min Yue Yan. All members of the family hold their honour highly and are very loyal to their ancestors.

For more info or to let me know you want to do any of these, please contact me on

235 984 281   (icq)
9  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Cove Has Legs Again!! on: January 19, 2007, 03:14:38 pm
well big story was typed up and ready to post but I timed out and lost it, watch this space for the re-write xx
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Cove Has Legs Again!! on: January 18, 2007, 01:08:45 pm
It's official!

As of January 18th 2007, at 13:52pm Cove has legs again.

(That means i'm back!)
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Good News & Bad News on: May 02, 2006, 11:42:06 am
Did you remember to feed and water the hamsters? those little things cause chaos in my pc when i forget. Doh!
12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Unseen Events on: May 02, 2006, 11:38:34 am
I'm afraid I haven't been on at all for a month or so now, perhaps a little more and for the forseable future, I will be unable to play Ultima.

I finally got updated too *sigh*

Rest ussured, everyones favourite legs will be back on display as soon as is humanly possible!
13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Admin Update? on: March 19, 2006, 06:34:59 pm
Don't want to sound like a nag, I know things are going a bit slow but thats been two weeks now and I still haven't been updated!
14  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Admin Update? on: March 09, 2006, 09:16:41 pm
Made watchman on sunday 5th, got the new title, attended training and a battle with Kaldor since I got promoted, but my admin page still has me as a recruit waiting for promotion. Is there something extra I need to do?
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report : Second Covetous Hunt on: February 28, 2006, 10:53:14 am
When: 27/02/06, 22:35
Where: Deep Inside Covetous

Commanding Officer: Jenifer Feather, Regular Scout

Guardsmen in attendance:
Raiden Morana, Regular Highlander
Regdar, Junior Guardsman
Dalamar, Watchman
Leloo, Watchman
Yue Yan, Guardsman Recruit

It didn't take very long to pack up the Sentry equipment. The wails were becoming gradually louder. I shuddered as we lined up and performed a kit check. back home the undead were a terrible thing indeed, and apart from a few skeletons, I had yet to 'meet' the Western Undead. We followed the wailing to a tunnel that was pitch black inside, carefully yet slowly we entered, lighting up our torches. It was then that we were attacked by another horde of harpies and this time the headless ones were with them! After taking care of our attackers, we noticed an expensive looking and apparently abandoned pair of trousers ...

The horrors of the tunnel didn't last long however and we were soon out in the open air again. Our enemy now seemed to be hordes upon hordes of skeletons. Scouts for the Liches no doubt, as suggested by Jenifer. We hacked, shot and slashed our way through the pathetic creatures, becoming rather confident in our skills. That is when we reached the Lair.

The ancient rusted doors groaned in agony as we edged them open enough to slip in, eyes wide, adrenalin rushing and weapons ready, we advanced. Huge booming voices seemed to be warning us to go back. Voices that apparently came from nowhere!

Not easily deterred, we formed up and headed in. The Liches proved to be rather, tough. More than we had to drag our comrades outside and stick some smelling salts under their nose. It was during one of these many assaults upon them that I was bitten. Filled with rage, we took stock of the situation, reassembled and went in for a final showdown. And won.

After we got back to Cove, I apparently took very ill. It seems the bite had affected me more than I was aware. As this report shows, the Churchman and Guards there must have done something right, for I am still very much alive.
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