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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Murder in Cove! on: February 16, 2006, 04:45:49 am
   Adrian Starspan, Guardsman Recruit
   Martyn Ravnthorn, Guardsman Recruit

   Having fulfilled a day of battling the orcs at their fort, I returned to the city of Cove for a short while.  While I was there, I was approached by a man who began rambling about a "new deity over Cove" named Auxil.  Not knowing entirely how to react, I passed him off as a madman... after which I was promptly attacked and nearly killed.  He simply walked away while I was wounded.
   Later that evening, I visited the barracks, and sure enough... there he was, speaking to a fellow guardsman, Martyn Ravnthorn.  They seemed to be arguing as I entered.  Not long after I walked in, the man attacked Martyn, bringing him down.  I did what I could, but he overpowered, me, dragging the wounded guardsman to the roof.  I tried to follow them, and when I reached the roof, the man had slung Ravnthorn over the edge of the roof.  He promptly screamed a warning to the Baronship:  Beware the power of Auxil.  Without another word he dropped the already wounded guardsman from the roof, plummeting to his death.
   I chased the man out of the barracks, giving my last attempt to bring this man to justice... but, once again, I was overpowered.  When I awoke, he had already gone.

   The man seems to be a cultist of some sort, following closely the ways of a deity named Auxil.  He is the murderer of Martyn Ravnthorn.
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