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1  In Character Boards / Old Events / Hunt to Kill Rat blokes that killed My Mentor 8:30PM GMT 05/05/2008 on: April 30, 2008, 07:00:21 am
Righto lads

i have return from the wilderness to find my Great mentor Vince Valentine
was killed by those ghastly Rat men so i propose a hunt tonight to the rat cave to give them a right good kick in and seek some revenge. all who are coming meet 8:30 GMT at the barracks

Regular Grenadier
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Absence on: March 27, 2007, 10:28:17 pm
Sorry for absence chaps and lasses i have just taken on a new shift and it been making it hard to get on but working out slowly but surely to get on alot so see you all soon and up the GRENAIDIERS AND THE WORKERS

3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: What is your RL profession? on: March 27, 2007, 10:25:28 pm
Network Managment in a large Telecomunications company
4  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: It is time to say goodbye on: March 27, 2007, 10:21:59 pm
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A Note To Falconheart on: March 03, 2007, 12:38:09 am
Grand Work Falconheart and a great report I can see you did quite well from all the Sketeches now lets get to task two done and your home free

i need to see those items

regards Salidin
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry on Minoc Gate on: February 24, 2007, 01:52:23 pm
Sentry on Minoc Gate

Commanding Officer: Salidin Regular Grenadier

Guardsmen in attendance:
Hoagie Senior Dragoon
Mela Arcky Corporal Scout
Jake Just Recruit
Jack Sinister Regular
Eve Junior Grenadier

We set out at dawn for a sentry at the minoc gate we got to the gate and cleared the area of people i  ordered hoagie to create the Sentry and the rest to go out and collect hides and wood to built it we all set about our jobs in fine spirits i was luck enough to have under my command Eve a fine Grenadier who was doing her job and duties in a fine fashion

After we was all set up we took positions and stood on guard it was a very quiet night we sang some great songs  and then day broke and we all returned home

Regular Grenadier

7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry on North road on: February 24, 2007, 01:27:14 pm
Sentry on North road

Commanding Officer: Salidin Regular Grenadier

Guardsmen in attendance:
Demari an Senior Grenadier
Mela Arcky Corporal Scout
Dalamar Regular Scout
Jake Just Recruit
Jack Sinister Regular
Kal Shadowhand  Regular scout

After noticing there was many undesirables lurking around town i noticed they seemed to be coming from the north road direction so i set out with a team to stop these people getting into our great town we headed out of the barracks and up the north road once we had got just passed altermere i told the lads and lass to start to build the Camp Demari an the fine grenadier to charge of building the Camp and i sent out the rest to collect logs and hides

After he had just about to finished i ordered the scouts to guard the front entrance and the Rest to the back

After sitting there a while we was attack by a load of Brigands which tried to storm the sentry we dealt with then in good stead then we was repeatedly attack by tis strange floating beast which kept disappearing and attacking from behind cowardly thing i thought then there was a second way of Brigands and a sneaky one managed to get pass our defences but myself and demarian soon made mince meat of him and we all left for home

once back at the barracks i quickly dismissed the warriors and they went about there business

Regular Grenadier 

8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 24, 2007, 01:18:24 pm
leading  Regular Grenadier Salidin

Marcus Watchman
Kurt Regular Dragoon
Falconheart watchmen
Marcus Kobra Recruit
Jack Junior Guardsmen
Brandy Arrowsnap Recruit 

Location: Cove town And Lighthouse and Shire and clearout of the Graveyard

We all left for town to take a good look and secure our great town on entering i Left falconheart to guard the gates and sent Kurt on his trusty steed to check out the lighthouse and sent the rest of the lads to clear the town of rats and to check out any suspicious characters and question them of why thy were in our great town and what was there business after this we patrolled through the shire and to the grave yard where we set up camp for a while and set about these unruly undead and give the a good cove what for we returned to the barracks and i sen the lads on there way

Regular Grenadier
9  Command Boards / Completed Assignments and Classes / Re: Assignment: Salidin on: February 22, 2007, 05:03:16 pm
After getting Erik's task i set out the very next morning to carryout this task i headed for minoc moongate and new i had to head for the Honesty shrine when i arrive a nasty imp tryed to put me under his spell but my Crossbow soon showed him not to mess with a Grenaidier . I ventured on through the woods Master Vince had told me to head for the juka Town and it was at the other end of that when i cam to the Bridge just out side the town there was A Juka mage but it seem to have a strange gold covering to i made haste like a Dragoon and ran as fast as i could into the centre of the town i finally found the path i was looking for and head straight down till i came t the entrance

I went inside and slow progressed down the path i was told there was some strange goings on in this path so i progressed with caution .The path seemed to wided and suddenly i was set about by some sort of family of pixies they did not attck mind but just circled me then there it was there was three my Avasary for the day i instantly threw a grenade into the pack and sent them running in flames i quickly charge in and began fireing with my bow i drop the first and then the seconed and then third who pretty much gave up after seening awsome power i told Erik i was the best archer in cove .

After delving threw there things finding 300 arrows and three of the bows Erik asked me to get i qucikly made my way out and back into the town i use a few invisblity potions i knocked up while in the pass to get me passed all the guards and a gol chaos dragon and then head for Eriks house to give him me trophys and wears i had found the quickly head for the tavern for a stiff drink to calm me nerves

Regular Grenaidier
10  Command Boards / Completed Assignments and Classes / Re: Assignment: Salidin on: February 21, 2007, 10:57:55 pm

just seen me task i will head out first  thing in the morning and the job will be completed asap


Regular Grenaidier
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Early Morning Patrol on: February 21, 2007, 10:05:49 am
Leading  Regular Grenaidier Salidin


Vince Valentine Grenaidier Corpral

Location: Cove town And Lighthouse and Shire

Vince and myself woke early and decide to go on a early morning patrol of cove we first entered the town  and had a scout around making sure all was in order and te bank staff were all happy asking about any suspious charcters about evey thig seemed well we then attened the lighthouse and i sent in Vince while i held the door to take alook about all was clear so we proceedon into the shire while walking amongst the woods we was set about by a lich and his skeleton bodyguards but the was no match for the Grenaidier team We then had a quick race home and decide to get a couple of hours shut eye before carring out some more duties

12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 21, 2007, 02:03:08 am
Leading : ~ Regular Grenaidier Salidin

In Attendance : ~
Watchman Falconheart

Patrol Location : Patrol of town and Lighthouse

Myself and Falconheart left the Barracks on a patrol of the town we found that all was calm in our great town but there seemed to be quiet a few rats about so we pursued and killed them we then Journey to the lighthouse where we sat and gazed out to sea to see if any lerking ships of pirates but again all clear i ordered him back to the barracks where he was dissminssed


13  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Sentry Minoc Gate 20/02/07 17:30 GMT on: February 20, 2007, 06:16:34 pm
Had to reshedule this for 22/02/2006 17:30
14  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Early Morning Patrol Each day 9:30 Sharp on: February 20, 2007, 06:15:50 pm
This is am

(OCC i no  but some do nights and go on i was hoping to catch them just a idea)
15  In Character Boards / Old Events / Early Morning Patrol Completed on: February 20, 2007, 07:25:02 am

think we need to start each day with best foot forward so i will be running a early morning patrol each day this week so whoever can attend get yourself to the front of the Barracks for 9:30 Sharp with regular Kit and Parade arms are a must


Regular Grenaidier
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