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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Competition of Covetous! [Report]
on: August 08, 2006, 06:17:47 pm
On this hunt there was to be a twist; each team had to collect 5,000 gold coins each. Whoever did it faster - win's. Yet - while in the dungeon you were allowed to knock out your opposition to retrieve their money; first full team outside with five thousand gold coins win's! Teams stood at: Blue Team: William Little, Watchman. (Host) Mela, Regular Scout. Darcy O'Connor, Guardswoman Recruit. Red Team Ella Doyle, Guardswoman Recruit. Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon. Roland Dagorian, Templi Squire.Arriving at Covetous we were greeted with darkness and the fear of Vincent's fury, but both teams did very well, the Red Team only winning as they caught Will Little at the end and stole the crowns he was carrying (two thousand!). Mela and Vincent did very well, Will, Darcy and Roland were all felled by the opposition at some point. Unluckily for the blue team, Vincent, Ella and Roland were only just the first ones out - both teams having collected over 5,000 coins! After the gold had been collected in, the Guardsmen and women made their way back to the barracks where they were de-briefed and the prizes handed out. The choice for the Red team was either 1000 arrows to share or a mystery prize! Of course the decision came down to the Churchie who went for the mystery prize - which turned out to be three free ales each! The churchie was furious and only accepted the prize for the team if the extra gold was tithed at the Church...
In Character Boards / Old Events / Tonight!! EVENT: Hunt to Covetous to raise gold! 6pm!
on: August 08, 2006, 03:45:37 pm
Tonight Will Little will take a group of Guardsmen up to Covetous on a hunt to raise gold, namely, 10,000 gold coins for the coffers.
On the hunt there will be two teams, the team that raises the 5,000 gold coins first wins. The prize is a 1000 arrows or they choose the mystery prize. Hope to see you all there at 6pm! [GMT]
In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Three Man Army - Hunt Report
on: August 06, 2006, 01:10:38 pm
Hunt to Vesper Attended: Vlad, Regular Grenadier Garak Nightchill, Watchman Will Little, Guardsman Recruit
On this most terrible of morn's we did not know the sheer horror we would face... until Grenadier Vlad told us.We were to travel into the city of Vesper, our near allies...As we walked nearer and nearer to the bridged city I could hear the scream of the locals chased by snakes the size of ogres! Fear struck me momentarily but I walked on with Vlad and Garak into the fray, slicing down generals, leuitenants, recruits and the footmen of their army. We took many of their scaley-hided lives that fateful day.We battled our way past the docks until we heard a terrible scream inside a building, as Vlad kicked down the dicrepid door we all three ran in to a horrific sight. Blood spattered all over the walls, dead bodies sattering the floorboards and on the end of the lizards spear, another human life, lifeless and limp. Without thinking we attacked the massive beast. As Vlad and Will ran towards the creature a blast of searing energy cut through the air over their shoulders and blasting into the side of the creature. After a long and hard battle the Queen was beaten..After this battle we retired to the minimal safety of the bank, and counted out the pieces we had collected. It was a long and tiring hunt, but the three who attended acted like true Covian warriors.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Winners of the Covian Fayre Tournaments!
on: August 06, 2006, 09:43:50 am
 Events include: Grandest Joke of Sosaria Competition The best joker claimed the prize of: A gold necklace Won by: HrothgarThe Arrow of Swiftness Competition The prize for this pristigious event is: 3 Ingeniously Drawn Treasure Maps Won by: MorganaThe Sword of Cove Competition The prize is: Blessed Earrings Won by: Senior Grenadier: HrothgarA Pie Eating Competition The prize is: 20 Diamonds Wony by: Mela!!!