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In Character Boards / In Character Board / Guardsman Hunt [Report]
on: August 15, 2007, 10:00:13 pm
Attended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading)Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman Morgan Danuril, Guardsman Recruit Nils Greybeard, Guardsman Recruit Later joined by:Mela, Scout Sergeant Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon Falconheart, Junior Guardsman Kal ShadowHand, Church Servant My mission was to collect gold for the coffers and the Wisp dungeon is known to house many riches plus it gave us a chance to put deadites to the sword. A simple enough task it would seem but alas I knew it was going to be a long night when no sooner had we walked through the portal into Ilshenar, guardsmen started forgetting their orders and wandering off. I warned my party about this before we entered the dungeon but still they paid no heed so i handed out some punishment in the safer confines of the upper level. It seemed the guardsmen had taken note as we worked well to clear a path through the evil sorcerers and undead, filling our packs along the way. Whether it was over confidence or just sheer stupidity who knows, but it was certainly lack of combat discipline, when as we were battling hard against the deadites one of our party charged headlong into the next batch drawing them to swarm about us and overpower the group. We tried to rally several times even with reinforcements arriving from Cove but the undead were now alerted to our presence and many golden ones barred our way. That being the case I called our retreat back to barracks. Our packs were empty but I hope this report serves as a lesson... STAY IN FORMATION!!!Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
on: August 09, 2007, 10:09:40 am
Orc Fort Patrol - Wednesday 08/08/07Attended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading)Garand, Junior Scout Demarian Tel'var Hailing from Luna, the undead are my natural enemy hence why I chose to lead the cleansing of the graveyard on Monday eve and now I have settled in Cove the orcs are my enemy also. I had noticed this duty hadn't been penned in the log nor had I seen the Watchman charged to do it, so I took it upon myself to take Garand and the Grenadier to complete this outstanding mission. We force marched to the outskirts of the fort where Garand received some press ups as punishment for calling me Sir... The Grenadier must have felt sorry for him as he too joined in the exercise. Punishment complete we armed up and headed into the fort. We battled our way efficiently to the docks, slaying all manner of orcs... brutes, shamen, lords, scouts, choppers and plain old grunts. Once the docks were secure Senior Grenadier Tel'var proved himself useful by setting them ablaze. I stuffed the ore we had looted from the fallen brutes in my pack (which I later passed onto Raiden to put in the stores) and we made a fighting withdrawl to the fort gates before force marching back to barracks where I dismissed the patrol. Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
on: August 06, 2007, 05:12:15 pm
Graveyard PatrolAttended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading)Mela, Scout Sergeant Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout (Church Servant)Drachir, Regular Scout Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman We gathered at the barracks and once everyone had their equipment in order we set off to clear the graveyard of undead. It did not take us long to see off what deadites there were and we secured the crypt with little difficulty. I ordered the Watchman and Hoagie to man the doorway in case of a counter attack while us Scouts had a little combat training inside the crypt. Drachir was first to fall, followed by yours truly while the veterans Kal and Mela battled it out with the Scout Sergeant the eventual victor. Having secured the crypt for a good while without any trouble I ordered another sweep to clear the graveyard of any unwanted guests before we headed back to the barracks. Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Perun's Parade Drill
on: April 04, 2007, 06:05:28 pm
Well done on filing the report so quickly Regular Sendrich.
It seems that your small brain not only thought your name was One! when ordered to Sound Off... It can not tell the difference between a male and female Scout!
No wonder Dragoons spend so much time with their horses! *snorts*
Well done to those who attended... The Target! & Charge! Orders were carried out remarkably well.
Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: To all Scouts.
on: March 06, 2007, 10:55:00 pm
Attended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading) Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Garak Nightchill, Officer Cadet Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon Kal ShadowHand, Church Servant. Our task was simple... Head off to Ilshenar, slay some evil magelings and return, alive and with all the nightshade and gold we could carry. We headed out from Cove with a recruit, Franek was his name i think... though he never made it through the moongate to the shrine of Honesty. Another one for the glorious dead? We secured the shrine while waiting for the recruit but we he didn't show we gave him up as lost and headed to the Wisp Dungeon. The upper levels were quiet... Too quiet perhaps, but from all the scrolls and tomes regarding the dark arts we knew we were in the right place. As we headed deeper down into the dungeon things got more hectic as hordes of the evil doers converged on our group. We slew all in our path. Liberating all the gold and nightshade we could carry. Even when undead warriors were summoned against us we stood fast and soon we were ankle deep in blood and gore. *smiles evily* Our packs bulging and sword arms fatigued we made our fighting retreat out of the dungeon, back to the shrine and back through to Cove. We collected nearly 200 nightshade and 21,000 coins - each returning guardsman recieved 4,000 with another 5,000 going into the coffers. Also let it be noted that former Scout and now Church Servant Kal ShadowHand donated his 4,000 coins to the Church coffers. I hope this mission meets with your satisfaction Mela, Ma'am. I may not always be visible but you know you can call on me when needed. Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / Old Events / (COMPLETE)Scout Task Hunt - 7pm GMT Monday 05/03/07
on: March 02, 2007, 12:43:03 pm
What: Scout Task Hunt When: 7pm GMT Monday 05/03/07 Where: Line up outside the barracks
We're off to Ilshenar to do battle against some evil mages. We will prise the nightshade from their cold dead fingers and return to Cove.
I need one other Scout to attend this hunt along with the other guardsmen.
Perun, Junior Scout.
[ooc]I don't know how hairy it will get so don't bring anything you don't want to lose.[/ooc]
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Perun's Gate Sentry
on: February 27, 2007, 07:55:36 pm
Attended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading)Hoagie Grayner, Dragoon Sergeant Marcus, Watchman Jake Just, Guardsman Recruit Arel Mortan, Guardsman Recruit It was quite an eventfull sentry at the town gates. No sooner had we built the outpost that we came across an adventurer wanting to gain entry to the town. I questioned him on his business, which was to earn some coin. I explained the virtues of joining the Covian army as well as serving Cove as a member of the citizenry. I gave him a recruitment leaflet and let him go about his business. Just as he went Marcus thought he heard some screams coming from the shire. I sent Hoagie and him to investigate and they returned with word that a foul necromancer was practicing some vile rites not far from the gates. One of the necromancers minions approached our poisition but was swiftly despatched by the guardsmen on duty. The necromancer then threatened to curse Cove so we sent him packing. We had just taken up our positions again when a deadite threatened the position. We gave chase and brought down the boney beggar with only yours truly picking up a few bumps and bruises. Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
on: January 09, 2007, 03:33:00 pm
*Perun draws a thick line through the scribbles at the bottom of the report*
*nods* I agree, many thanks to my fellows in green for their assistance.
What with the noisy Grenadiers clanking around like so many golems and slowing me down I needed all the help i could get.
*smiles evily*
Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / Old Events / Sentry - T.B.A
on: December 06, 2006, 10:24:15 am
What: Sentry Post At The Altmere When: T.B.A Where: Rally at the Barracks.
We will patrol the shire while making our way to the Altmere outpost where we will set up a sentry.
Be there or be afraid to sleep.
Perun, Junior Scout.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Assignment: Perun*
on: November 28, 2006, 10:09:46 pm
Barracks SentryAttended by:Perun, Junior Scout (leading) Vince Valentine, Grenadier Corporal Hoagie, Officer Cadet Flina, Junior Guardsman Averion, Watchman Amy, Watchman Eve, Watchman Xander, Guardsman Recruit Thomas Sendrich, Retired Dragoon/Commoner This report covers my second of three sentries. I gathered the troops outside the barracks where i had already dropped off some crates with which to build the outpost. I went off into the woods to collect hides while the others built the sentry post. Once it was done everyone took up their assigned positions and were told to look sharp! Nothing much to report... it was pretty quiet until Vince started his damn singing! Eventually he was shouted down and began to go on about how he could have made it as a singer but he had to deliver the Poste as a lad and missed his chance. The barracks safe from attack and nothing suspicous to report i dismissed everyone. Perun, Junior Scout.