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1  Guardsman Boards / Completed Guardsman Duties / Re: Scout Britannia! on: May 08, 2018, 05:46:07 pm
Twas a quiet afternoon for scouting...hic

After defeating the foul demon lingering on our very door, it was time to begin the patrol...

Vesperian service is not what I imagined, still, better to keep my wits about me no doubt!

Vesper was quiet, perhaps Minoc would give me more action, or, a drink...or two...

Luna was rather uneventful, and for reasons unknown to me I was starting to get a headache.

It was time to head to Cove.

2  Guardsman Boards / Completed Guardsman Duties / Re: Clear the Graveyard on: May 08, 2018, 03:23:01 pm
Aye, an adventure!

With the duties board filling up, it was time I made a little name for myself.

I decided to venture out of Cove on foot, not because I need the excersise, oh no, but because I had nay idea where the horse master was, nor was I sure those further up the ranks would appreciate my large arse on a horse. Twas a fine day, and I had shoes now, life was grand.

Of course, it had been a while since I had visited Cove, years in distant lands had made my memories foggy, locally the locales were eager to lend a helping hand to a proud member of the Guard!

Upon finding the cemetery, I bellowed our cry and stormed the grounds.

Aghast I was, however, to discover a LICH no less, was patrolling these grounds. I made a break to the safety across the fence, forgetting somewhat Liches have magical powers and cared not for iron spikes.

Mustering up all the courage I had, as  well as plentiful doubt, I held the Lich and his small band at bay,

The fight was long, the Lich had many tricks to stop my healing, alas the Guard prevailed!

Duties done, it was time for more important matters...

scrawls Dalketh over the duty request sign
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