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1  In Character Boards / Old Events / 10th Aug 2018 - 7pm - Tea and Cookies in the garden with granny on: August 09, 2018, 06:16:18 pm
Hello dearies,

I have just moved to Cove (yes, it’s very exciting) and was thinking, I could just die for a spot of tea. I happened to make a few more cookies than is prudent to partake of by oneself and would love to meet some new people. I’m delighted to have moved to such a quiet, peaceful town like Cove.

If any of you would care to join me for tea, let’s meet in the garden north of the gates tomorrow night around 7pm. Bring your best old tales.

Granny Geraldine
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A letter addressed to *smudged* Keres on: August 01, 2018, 11:12:26 pm
Dear cousin-twice-removed,

Geraldine here. How are you? I hope you have been in good health. Annie told me you moved to Cove some decades ago and found the sea air quite agreeable.

You see, in recent months, I have found myself declining in health and, as such, have made the decision to leave my life here in Britain and live the rest of my days in a small, peaceful, quiet town. I envisage this bolstering my constitution and thus allowing me to soldier on as it were. Perhaps you could advise me on the more idyllic locations in and around town.

I has come to my attention that the journey between Britain and Cove is not as simple as a moongate hop, however, and I have not the faith my feeble, old legs will make the trip, beset by beasts on all sides. In this vein, I would humbly ask if perhaps you could send some guard or other help to fetch this troublesome fossil granny.

When I do reach you, I hope to have a nice, uneventful sit down with a cup of tea and some of my famous cookies. I hope you aren’t allergic to delicious treats.

Love and kisses,

Granny Geraldine.
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