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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Avatarian [Backstory, Part I] on: March 16, 2007, 04:09:45 am
It had been raining all night, and the well-traveled roads had turned to mud, slowing all travel to a near halt. The morning, if you could even call it that, was chilly due to the bloated clouds that blocked out the rising sun. Wagons were struggling through the muck that had once been the King's Highway.

" The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of selfish and the tyranny of evil men. "

An elderly man stood upon a crate beside the road, dressed in black robes. His wrinkled hands waving in the air to emphasize his each and every word. This, of course, was common place in Yew and yet several gathered around to listen. He had been one of the faceless that day, intrigued if only a little.

" Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. "

The 'faceless' man, wore a faded gray cloak over an ankle-length surcoat of white. The hood, naturally, was pulled over his head to protect him from the gentle downpour. Despite the conditions, he was entranced by the words of this 'Shepherd.'

" Taxes.. "

The cleric's words seemed to have faded into a soft droning, behind the veil of rain as the hooded man's gaze shifted towards this new conversation. Could this have been the truth behind the day's traffic. Surely not..

" It's simple, peasant, pay y'taxes an' ye can pass.. "

The voice was gruff, thick with the trademark accent of Yew. The man behind the voice was no more that five-ten, but his face was covered in a thick beard, and his head by a chain coif.

" I.. I.. can'na pay.. "

The guard did not seem pleased, in fact it was quite obvious by the way he was shoving the elder man.

" We protect ye from brigands, all we ask is thirty gold! "

This time the farmer did not respond, merely trembled in fear. The guard moved to grab at the man's tunic, only to have his wrist intercepted by the firm grip of this cloaked individual. The guard, startled as he was, swung his blade towards the offending arm. A flash of light, the sound of thunder, and two men were drawn apart by the force.

" Who are you !? "

The guard demaned in a rough tone, his chipped blade pointed towards the hooded stranger. Likewise, the opposition had his blade drawn, yet it was lowered so that it was pointed towards the ground between the two. The other hand lifted to push the hood back, revealing his face to those before him.

" I am Ser Caleb ap Rhydderick, and you will show this man the proper respect for an elder. "

He was the typical 'Knight in Shining Armor' or as close to it as possible. Sandy blond hair was drawn back into a tail, revealing a pair of light blue eyes. The usual warmth had drained from his tanned features, and was replaced by determination.

" Y'think yer all fancy with your knighthood an' all? Tha' means shite t'me.."

The guard moved to strike at Caleb's sword, a typical mistake. A side-step and a flick of his wrist and the guard went charging through the mud with the Knight to his back. Everything had grown quite as those gathered had turned to watch the confrontation.

" And I will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. "

Another pass, this time Caleb's blade twisted so that the flat was brought down upon the Guard's backside. The footman yelped and twisted, fury written across his face. This battle had already been won. Yet, when he attempted to charge a third time, he did stumble and find himself upon his knees staring down the length of the Knight's blade, it's tip brushing the underside of his chin only slightly.

" And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee. "

The crowd began to shout, darting this way and that as a column of Guardsmen ran towards their fallen comrade. A warm smile soon pressed across the lips of the valiant swordsmen as he drew his blade away.

" Remember these words, Sir. "

The sound of steel sliding against leather could be heard as Caleb's blade was returned to it's sheathe. With a steady hand upon Thunder's bridle he spoke with confidence and conviction.

" Do not, nor slay not, anything that will harm the fair name of chivalry, for only by stainless and honorable lives and not by prowess and courage shall the final goal be reached. "

A singular nod was rewarded at the end of his speech, and with that he mounted his horse, and headed away from the converging forces. Leaving behind a world he had once known and loved, for a life unknown. Three brothers had taught him what it was to be a good and gentle man, and had furthermore raised him to a caste devoted to enforcing this code of conduct. Sadly enough, this Order of Knighthood was a dieing breed, as Caleb had come to find out in Yew.

Thunder rolled above, jarring the young watchman from his daze infront of the fire. Memories.. ones that had been long buried, and had no place in the here and now. He was no longer Caleb ap Rhyderrick.

2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Do you play with Dark Nights? on: March 15, 2007, 09:40:37 pm
I play with Dark Nights at all times, except for major battles; unless ofcourse I forget to turn it off, than I just watch as everyone vanishes.
3  Command Boards / Covian Navy / Re: Potential Naval recruits sign here! on: March 15, 2007, 09:38:28 pm
Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
4  In Character Boards / Old Events / Tavern Night! on: March 15, 2007, 09:09:25 pm

Tavern Night at Cove

When: To be announced.
Where: The Tavern

Everyone within the Barony and all peaceful organizations are to be invited. I am hoping to get a nice turn out, however, I need to know who would be willing to help with the details. More information to come.
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / " The Lost Patrol " on: March 15, 2007, 05:34:58 pm

It was an evening just like any other. After a few drinks, I had decided that it was time for my nightly patrol around the forests of Cove. I brought with me the basic kit for a patrol, and just incase, a few extra skins of... water. As I was traveling southward, the forest seemed to close in around me, and the darkness acted as a blanket. Soon enough, I had taken several wrong turns, and found myself lost. With the flickering light of my torch, the patrol continued.. that was until I could no longer walk. My screams seemed to travel no further than my line of sight.

The following morning, I found myself on the edge of the forest, with a wide open beach before me. An hour or so passed, or so it seemed, before I spotted a nearby fishing vessel. I paid them what little gold I had for passage to Cove. All seemed to be good and well, until the storm came. Whether the fishermen has survived or not, I couldn't say.. but the isle I woke upon was little more than a monkey-infested jungle.. it wasn't until one night that I just started walking that I found myself back.. on the doorsteps of the Covian Barracks.

I blame the monkies.


Deveriath Fae'al

6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: March 15, 2007, 02:53:25 pm
Patrol of Cove

Led by: Jack Sinist

Attended by:
                     Watchman Deveriath Fae'al

Upon arriving at the Covian Barracks, and meeting with Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist; a patrol was led to the walled town of Cove. This particular patrol was uneventful in that nothing 'out of the ordinary' came up. That is, except a wayward recruit who started to throw magic balls of fiery doom in every direction, occassionally hitting myself and Regular Guardsman Jack Sinist. Ofcourse, the recruit was 'enlightened' in how to treat his superiors.


Watchman Deveriath Fae'al
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Time zone table on: March 13, 2007, 05:30:30 pm
CHARACTER: Deveriath Fae'al/Alaric Stormcrow
ICQ: 249617613
8  In Character Boards / Old Events / COMPLETE - Covian Sentry - Monday 10th of July - 8:00 PM GMT on: July 08, 2006, 05:06:29 pm
Covian Sentry

Monday the 10th of July
8:00 PM GMT

A sentry shall be held at the city walls of cove.  Available Guardmen should rally at the Barracks around fifteen minutes before the determiend meeting time.

Bring your normal kits.


Deveriath Fae'al
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Training: The Fae'al Way. on: July 05, 2006, 05:45:29 pm
Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
Combat Training
First Wednesday of July

Leader: Deveriath Fae'al

Attended: Hoagie
                 Vincent Redfield
                 Drake Reilly

It was proving to be a rather slow evening, and so I opted to show Drake and Kelly a thing or two. This is when Vincent and Hoagie of the Dragoons showed up, and changed my plans entirely. I decided to have them do a little bit of exercise to warm up, three laps around the arena, with the last person to finish to be my volunteer. Hoagie, was my 'volunteer.'

The other three were then ordered to strip off their armor, and prepare to heal eachother. They were doing quite fine until I signaled hoagie to do some fancy moved. Drake fell within moments. This completed my first scenario.

At this point I lead the small class to the Watch Tower in Cove, where I would split Kelly and Vincent off from the rest of the group. I've noticed many times that in battle individuals seem to get lsot in the fray and lose sight of their team. Kelly's Objective was to find Vincent and help him get to the Watch Tower, but she could not unite if either she or Vincent was in combat. Due to the oppositions.. slow progress.. Kelly found Vincent and the two ran into Hoagie and Drake. Vincent's team was victorious.

Finally, I held a last man standing where Vincent made his 'tired' remark of.. "It's not a free for all, it's a All-Against-Redfield." Ignoring such an idea, the battle began. Drake was the first to fall, followed by Hoagie, and then Kelly. Leaving Vincent and Myself. Vincent was the Victor.


Deveriath Fae'al
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Training on: July 05, 2006, 01:31:57 pm
Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
Parade and Combat Training
First Wednesday of July

Upon finishing our Gate Sentry, Regular Grenadier Vlad thought it wise to make sure our Parade Skills remained sharp. Gathering myself and Junior Guardsman Mela on the roof, we proceeded to go through the basic commands of Parade. It was obvious that our knowledge of such was keen, and so Vlad moved onto Combat Training.

First, we were to attack him, yet there was a catch. We had to keep him from falling. Next we were required to attack him, and keep eachother healed. At first, it didn't seem likely, but we went at it again and surely enough; despite several disarmed weapons, Vlad fell.

This wrapped up our training.


Deveriath Fae'al
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Gate Sentry on: July 05, 2006, 12:36:21 pm
Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
Gate Sentry
First Wednesday of July

It was early, and the first patrol of the day was already sweeping through the forest of cove. Upon arriving at the barracks to report for duty, I was intercepted by Regular Grenadier, Vlad. It was his intention to set up a Sentry while the patrol was out. I ofcourse agreed with his logic, and we managed to conscript Junior Guardsman Mela aswell. The building process was started immediatly and took no longer than a few minutes.

Upon finishing the barricades, Mela and I took our positions upon either side of the Main Gates, while Vlad stood beside the gateway to the Barricades. The time, as a result of the Patrol and the Sentry would prove to be rathe uneventful, yet enlightening in the field of 'Quick Barricade' construction.


Deveriath Fae'al
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Training on: July 01, 2006, 01:16:50 am
Covian Army Training

Commander: Vlad, Regular Grenadier

                 Mela, Watchman
                 Kado Gael, Junior Dragoon
                 Vincent Redfield,
                 Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
                 Olchaffa, Officer Cadet of Light Company
                 Drake Reilly, Guardsman Recruit
                 Kelly, Watchman
                 Nicholi, Officer Cadet of the Dragoons
                 Nathan Algren, Guardsman Recruit
                 Perun, Junior Guardsman
                 Thereza, Guardsman Recruit

Vlad took the lot of us, at the time it was on Mela, Myself, Vlad, and Drake; to the roof of the Barracks where he proceeded to test our Crosshealing abilities. Our objective was to keep Vlad from knocking all of us out. Four attempts were made, never did any of us fall; which is more than I can say for my mentor.

After this, we were ordered to the remains of the Covian Docks, where a call to all on-duty soldiers was sent out. Several more people met up, and we would split into two groups. Perun and I were the commanders. The first scenario, Perun's team was able to sneak in and get our flag; however, the second scenario, we were able to ambush them from behind, scattering their forces. Quickly they fell to the superior tactics, with Kado being the last of them to fall.

Finally we finished up with a free-for-all, which turned out to be more like a Dragoons-vs-all. I am not sure who won, since I was encumbered in a sea of iron-arm Dragoons, and by the time I woke up everyone was gone.

In any case, it was a good training session. Well done, Vlad of the Grenadiers.


Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: June 30, 2006, 09:10:42 pm

Patrol to the Cemetary

Cove, for once, seemes to have grown quiet tonight. However, there is an old saying that goes something like this: 'Beware the peace, as a storm shall follow.' And so, taking this bit of wisdom to heart, I decided to make my way towards the cemetary. Over the past several weeks I have been treking every which way through the forest, as to memorize each detail. It is my belief that such knowledge will come in handy if ever an enemy should attack. This time, I headed along the coast, and hooked around Altmere road, circling around the cemetary and striking from the east.

I spent quite some time quarreling with the skeletons, zombies and ghouls. After barely defeating a lich, I decided that this patrol would come to an end, and so I returned to Cove's Gates, to make sure they were secure.

I collected 7,000 gold upon this Area Patrol.

Alaric, Guardsman Recruit
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hunt to Covetous Mines! on: June 28, 2006, 06:41:58 pm

Hunt to the Covetous Mines

Commander: Matthew, Guardsman Recruit

                 Erik Arkay, Grenadier Captain
                 Joey Lanai, Dragoon Sergeant
                 Vincent Redfield, Junior Dragoon
                 Mela, Watchman
                 Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
                 Nathan Algren, Guardsman Recruit

It was a quiet evening, upon returning from Patrol with my Mentor (Vlad) I was summoned to the Barracks by a pigeon. It was then that I learned that we would be going on a hunt, to where I was not sure. Guardsman Recruit Matthew was in charge of leading us, and it was at that point I knew it would be a long day.

Several members of the Garrison arrived, and lined up. Immediatly after we were told we were to be hunting spiders. Naturally my mind snapped back to my 'adventures' in the Covetous Mines. Ofcourse, that is where we went.

Many creatures were slain, from mere Harpies to Spiders to Liches. All in all it was a basic yet required hunt. The undead had been given to much freedom, and now.. they're going to spend some time pulling themselves back together.

5,000 Gold was collected.


Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Task; Blowing Off Steam on: June 27, 2006, 02:32:58 am

I, Deveriath Fae'al, have seen many despicable things in my lifetime; however, very few match the desperation of these 'men' from Yew. Not to long ago, the Covian Barracks was assaulted by dozens of men, while undaunted by our opposition; We were few, and it took much effort to scramble what forces we had. Amongst the chaos were a few Covian Citizens running for cover, yet the Yewian Forces showed no quarter, knocking down citizen and soldier alike. Minutes seemed like hours as the remaining covian units skirmished numbers three to four times their own. In the end, there was nothing but the sound of a retreating force, and the moaning of wounded.

This.. was a very aggrivating sight indeed. And so, I decided to blow off some steam. Later, I gathered what supplies I deemed necessary and ventured toward the Shrine of Sacrifice. I came across such creatures as Ratmen and Golems, yet none seemed to match the chaotic villany of the Yewian Forces. Nonetheless, I spent the rest of my night chopping away at whatever crossed my path.

Upon this venture, I collected over 14,000 crowns in the name of the Barony.

For Cove!

- Signed,

Deveriath Fae'al, Watchman
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