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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Late Night Mission on: December 12, 2006, 08:20:51 pm
Aye! They were a rough tough bunch..bat we showed em good!...I go' meself a souvenier, one of thei' badges!


Xander Laedon
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Character Name Decoder on: December 07, 2006, 12:20:11 pm
 Xander (name is too long with laedon) - Xperimental Artifical Neohuman Designed for Efficient Repair.

Xcorcist-Abducting Nightmare from the Dreaded Enchanted Ruin

Xcellent Adonis Needing Delights and Erotic Recreation.
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Covian Debris on: December 05, 2006, 10:39:11 pm
ruckus sat calmly on the roof of his new home. A night of events had passed and he too was exhausted along with the rest of the Covian army.

One of his idols, a grenadier, was demoted right before his eyes. Undead fighting along side the Commanders nephew, attacking Covian soldiers. And a favour nephew getting off scott free after all the reckus he had caused.

He placed his hands behind his end and interlocked his fingers. Thinking back to the cadre, he didn't understand what had gone wrong.

"Target Jack" He heard Eve command during her Cadre. Xander, an outstanding recruit, responded to the order and attacked Jack along with Hoagie. He stepped off, and Hoagie finished Jack. He wasn't quite sure if he targetted Jack because of the order, or more so because he was fed up with his attitude all night. Lack of respect for Mela during warm up, lack of respect towards Eve during her cadre, and a lack of respect towards women in the Covian army.

After cadre Xander sat calmly in the barracks hall. Jack strolled up behind him and asked if he could have a word with the recruit. After acting oblivious, Xander followed him outside.

"If you ever touch me again recruit, I will kill you. Do you understand me?" Jack starred hard at the recruit.

Before he could stop himself, Xander laughed out loud. "Was simply following orders." He assumed the conversation was over and walked back up the stairs to the barracks. Jack quickly followed in his pursuit. Xander heard the door slam open and turned abruptly. Jack gripped his mace tightly.

"Don't ever walk away from me." he stated.

"Assumed the conversation was over." Xander replied.

Quickly Jack swung at him. The recruit wasn't too sure what to do, he had no weapon, not even a helmet on. Xander took one blow, Jack missed the next. Quickly the recruit armed his weapon and disarmed the Junior. Blow by the blow, the two connected. Xander was a well trained fencer, taught by the soldiers of Britain, and Jack was the commanders nephew. The recruit taunted Jack, knowing the junior wouldn't come out the superior in the quarrel.

Mela came into the room and immediately command the two to stop. Xander quickly backed away, not wanting to stir up anymore trouble. He explained the situation to Mela, and Jack was arrested.

Later on, after Jack was placed on Jail, Xander returned to cove to see several soldiers chasing the Junior around.

"wha' 'appene'?" Xander asked.

"He got out!" someone yelled.

Quickly Xander joined Hoagie and the rest of his superiors in the chase. Suddenly he was caught by a blow. He turned and saw a familiar undead face, the two began to fight.

After a while roughly three undead raided Cove, helping Jack battle the Covian soldiers. A while longer and the undead were taken care of and only Jack was still running around. He heard Jack scoff at the undead, so Xander assumed that Jack wasn't helping the undead, but the undead merely started attacking the Covian soldiers at the same time.

Later on, just before Vince's hunt, is when it all broke out. A fight between Jack and Delc lead to Delc ignoring commands from the Baron and the Commander. He was quickly demoted, and Jack got off "scott free", with a warning from the Baron.

The night finally came to an end, and every citizen of Cove, including the soldiers, were exhausted.
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Cadre, Please sign in thread if thou did attend Thank you on: December 05, 2006, 12:19:11 pm
Xander Laedon - Recruits Guardsmen
5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: The regulators? on: December 04, 2006, 07:07:29 pm
They have good structure and a good purpose..I wouldn't look at it that it's an excuse to pvp...but that it gives them alot of guild to guild rp.
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrol Of Shire on: December 04, 2006, 12:12:57 pm
Bah..Got in a habit of makin' their own thread after I did the sentry. My bad, sorry fellas!
7  Element boards / Citizen Board / Lookin' Fer a Stone Mason! on: December 04, 2006, 04:49:05 am
I'm in need of some stone furniture fer my new plo' of lan' in Cove!. I nee' a large bronze stone table facin' south, and a bronze stone chair!

I'll be payin' 10,000 gol' pieces fer the table, and 5,000 fer the chair. The firs' ta get these fer me will ge' the pay!.
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol of Orc Fort on: December 04, 2006, 03:00:13 am
Xander Laedon - Guardsmen recruit
Vince Valentine - Grenadier Sergeant

We ventured into the orc fort on a full scale patrol. The two of us thought we'd check up on our neighbours, due to the above average activity in Cove today. With the attacks from the undead, and the brigands causing trouble, we wanted to make sure the orcs wearnt getting wise.

We were abushed upon our arrival at the orc fort. We hadn't even made it past the outposts. The orc fort seemed realitively quiet for an orc fort. We cut through the hordes with ease. Vince with his bows weakened the orcs, by the time I got to them I cut them with one swipe. The brute seemed to have dumbed his way inbetween two walls and couldn't go anywhere. That was a good sign.

After working our way through the entire fort, even to the docks, we decided it was good enough. We worked our way out and headed for home. Between 5,000 to 7,000 gold pieces were raised for the coffers.

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Patrol Of Shire on: December 03, 2006, 07:15:23 pm
Lead by: Hoagie - Officer Cadet

Attended: Xander Laedon - Guardsmen Recruit

The patrol was quite a busy one. We first ran into a troll, he was quickly cut down. North of the graveyard we came across an undead creature. I was knocked down, but Officer Hoagie fought on. After a while the undead was finally scared away. We continued to patrol the area. The random monster was seen and cut down. Upon return to the barracks, two undead attempted to raid Cove. One was cut down, and than I was knocked down once again. After awhile the other undead was cut down.

10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Arrest Warrent: Locke Da'Ort and Mystery Man on: December 03, 2006, 05:09:43 am
Second victory for the yewians on attacking our barracks this week.
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Apprentice tasks: Xander Laedon on: December 02, 2006, 08:34:06 pm
                                                         Task Two

After many hunts and solo mission's to Shame, I achieved my second level of honor. I will maintain this level, and perhaps further myself in the virutes in the future. Thank's to this task, I am working on compassion. This will allow me to help my fellow Covian soldiers heal quicker after they fall in battles.


Guardsmen Recruit
Xander Laedon,


12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: FREE House inside Cove, Next to the Tavern on: December 02, 2006, 08:22:27 pm
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry Report! on: December 02, 2006, 07:17:09 pm
Sentry built outside of the Barracks.

Lead by:  Xander Laedon


Maria Emms - Commoner
Eve - Watchman
Hoagie - Officer Cadet
Delcarakdur - Regular Grenadier
Snudrud - Watchman
Flina Trix - Junior Guardsmen

I've only been ta two sentry's. This one was full of excitment. Firs' I go' yelled at by Maria for nay helpin' her collect wood! Than a team effort between the two of us constructed an extremely stable sentry. Eve was able to get the crates where I couldn't, sa tha' worked out quite well.

Snudrud, one of the goblin's, go' caugh' stealin' some stuff from Delcarakdur. He claims he didn', Hoagie claimed he saw em, and afte' some debat, Snudrud was chased down by the officer, and regular. 400 gol' crowns were taken from Snudrud for the crime.

Flina arrived and joined us in the sentry a few minutes later. A harpy was able to some how hop the wall, and was quickly cut down by the two of us. Soon after that everyone returned to the sentry, and it was calm.

14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Shame Game Report! on: November 30, 2006, 07:27:12 pm
Ye go' some of the gems! The res' were donated ta the coffers!
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: November 30, 2006, 07:25:47 pm
Patrol to Cove Grave Yard

Lead By: Watchman Averion

Attended by:

Xander Laedon - Guardsmen recruit
Dah'Han - Guardsmen Recruit


Ta remin' the undead tha' Covians run these lands!

We marched ta the undead graveyard and lined up outfront of the gates. Averion charged in first, I quickly followed. Safe ta say more than wha' we could handle was lured to us. A lich, a few gouls, several skeletons, a spector the lis' could go on. Quickly I threw my bandaids on each of Averion's wounds. I couldn' keep up wit' him because of all the undead! Quickly I was over come by the shere force of the undeads magical abilities. Dah'han and Averion fell soon after.

Dah'han returned from the healer's and the two of us pressed on. With Dah'hans grandmaster abilities in poisoning, we worked through the monster's like they wearnt even there.

Righ' aroun' the end Junior Scout Kelly and Sergeant Vince Valentine came ta our aid. I los' me tunic, leggings, arms, gloves, gorget, and shield. I go' some back from the armory though. 2272 gold pieces raised fer the coffers as well! Even with only a helmet and minimal bandaids, the tactical excellence of Dah'han and I prevailed over them nasty undeads!

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