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1  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: HUH??? Wow. Thanksgiving origions...twisted on: November 20, 2009, 02:20:50 am
When Legend becomes Fact, Print the legend. Heh
2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: TURKEY APOCALYPSE on: November 19, 2009, 02:09:16 pm
I am locking this post for going off topic of the Giant Panda killer Turkeys! Also because I am spiteful!  Cheesy
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: A grand Covian Victory on: November 18, 2009, 07:41:44 pm
I also have a sketch that follows after the above one. Was a Mighty Dinner....

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: [PR] Kal's Casebook on: November 18, 2009, 03:16:42 pm
A Medical Report on Senior Shadowhand

Dear Commander,

I am Keiran Vale, I just recently returned to Cove after years in Nujelm working on my Medical training. Upon my return I was asked to come and inspect Kal to check his wounds and to also Evaluate his mental stability. I questioned him on his relationship with The Elf Corporal and asked him a few personal questions as well under the supervision of Senior Mela Arkay.

Mental Stability: Standard

Shadowhand does not show any signs of instability and is well capable of rational thought. However I was able to learn that perhaps emotional stress has been at work on his Psyche recently. Apart from being awkward with women I see no mental issues in this soldier.

Physical Condition: Moderate Wounding

Kal suffered from a few stab wounds to his torso, The wounds were sewed up by Senior Arkay and checked over by me the day after. The wounds were not self inflicted  by the angle in which they entered. trace amounts of poison were found within them but was cleaned away before it could cause any harm.

Professional Opinion: Wounds caused through Evading and Self Defense

From what I learned about the night in question from Shadowhand and what I was able to derive from the wounds on his person, I would definitely say that he received these wounds while defending himself. Judging from his mental outlook on how he handles problems and his general lack of emotion regarding them I do not believe he would have assaulted anyone out of anger. I believe the general verdict on my part is likely a overstressed Scout Corporal attacking Kal out of mental anguish and Shadowhand defending himself as he has been trained to. Be the results lethal or not I think it is safe to say that any soldier in the army would defend themselves to their full potential no matter who it was who attacked them.

I Hope this information is useful for you Commander. If The Army is in any need of my medical expertise please leave a message for me and I will be sure to respond.

Dr. Keiran Vale
5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / TURKEY APOCALYPSE on: November 18, 2009, 12:20:38 pm
For those of you who know and those that do not. EA is holding an event for Thanksgiving this year (European and don't know what that is?) Don't worry EA has grasped the full idea of Thanksgiving by spawning giant killer turkeys all over the place. These turkeys hit as hard if not harder than the Harbingers of The Halloween event. The Good news is they are not aggressive. But do not try to attack them on your own...or without at least an entire guild of helpers...THEY WILL KILL YOU.

Just fair warning and Happy Turkey Apocalypse to you all!
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: * A note posted * on: November 17, 2009, 04:34:22 am
*written beneath without a signature*

If she is losing any form of composure we can be assured she won't be embarrased about it this time...
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: February 23, 2007, 04:15:04 am
Wow...It really doesn't sound right when you don't see the whole conversation....To anyone who is curious.. No that was not a sexual conversation at all....
8  In Character Boards / Old Events / (ESCORT MISSION FROM TRINSIC)- Civilian Escort- Feb 22nd on: February 21, 2007, 03:40:10 am
When: Feb 22nd 23:00 GMT

Where: Keg and Anchor in Trinsic

Bring: Armor and Weapons and any provisions you need for a long trip

Two Civilians in Trinsic(though not native of the town) are in need of an escort to The borders of Vesper. They do not wish magic travel and shall be travelling on foot. I have voulanteered a few of our soldiers and myself to help escort them there. Soldiers interested should show up at The Keg and Anchor in Trinsic at the shown time.  This may be a learning experience for some soldiers, as we do not often get Escorting missions.

Signed: Keiran Vale
9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Medical Corp Wants You!! on: February 18, 2007, 11:02:06 pm
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Did i hear someone say "Quote Thread"? on: February 18, 2007, 06:49:08 pm
Tiberius/Oct (01:15 PM) :
Tell them they all have heart disease.
Sin (01:16 PM) :
"Okay Hrothgar, turn your head and cough"  *finds nothing to grab*  "Alright Hrothgar new plan..."
Sin (01:20 PM) :
Can we go with something like "Covian Ass Cancer"?
Tiberius/Oct (01:20 PM) :
Sin (01:21 PM) :
Tell them their asses will all fall off in a week, and plan to never sit for the rest of their life.. They'd be the best army ever
Tiberius/Oct (01:21 PM) :
Sin (01:21 PM) :
The Baron could say proudly "My army is not lazy, for they have no asses to sit on"
Tiberius/Oct (01:22 PM) :
"Since the invention of the ass chopping machine, productive has gone up 200%!"
Sin (01:22 PM) :
Get the engineering Corp on that right away
Sin (01:23 PM) :
Just make sure they go into the machine the right way.. because I think Yew already has a copyright on the Castration Machine

On The subject of giving the army physicals

This is what happens when we have nothing important to do..
11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Hunt to Terathan Keep on: February 18, 2007, 05:35:34 am
Fine Report Arel, I expect no less from you!
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Medical Corp Wants You!! on: February 17, 2007, 04:48:42 am
The Covian Medical Corp is looking for those few who dedicate themselves to the art of Healing. We are seeking those capable of working in the battlefield and out of The Covian Medical Outpost. All those interested in joining our ranks should speak with Keiran Vale or any other Medical Corp Members to arrange a test to see if you are worthy of the red Sash and responsibility of the lives of others!!

Help heal the wounds of Cove and keep it's people healthy. Through force if necessary!!

Signed: Keiran Vale
13  Element boards / Completed Citizen Tasks / Seizan's Tasks on: February 16, 2007, 09:45:13 pm
  Keiran glanced at the papers in front of him.

"Well, my old friend Seizan is applying for the Corp...I suppose I'll give him a task that is up to his speed"

Task 1: I shall send you to the land of Malas, There I wish for you to find new ingredients for Medicine. Try and find Herbal and animal ingredients for this.. use force if necessary to bring in certain ingredients.

Task 2: Assist One citizen of Cove with an ailment or injury
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Treating Delcarakdur (Medical Report) on: February 13, 2007, 12:50:17 am
I was in the barracks when it was brought to my attention  The Soldier Delcarakdur wasattacked in self defense by his fellow Soldier Conan Darkmoon. I am unaware of details but The result was two wounds on Delc's head. One on the front and anotehr on the back. After convincing the others there to allow me to work o n him I set to work sealing the wounds.

  The first wound was tricky to sew up, as the blood gathered quickly. I wuickly requisitioned the aid of the soldier Demarian to keep the wound clean as I sewed it. Keeping pressure o na bandage on the back of his head we carefully rolled him over to treat the next wound.

The Wound on the back of his head was much trickier than the first. not only was the blood an issue but his hair as well. But sure enough I was  able to sew it shut very nicely. Unfortunately the back of his skull was fractured fromwhatever trauma incurred the wound. I set quickly to applying extremely tight bandages to his head, to keep the bone together and keep the wounds safe.

I gave Delcarakdur some of the sap I collected the night before, it will ease his pain and allow him to sleep later on. I warned him how ever to stay awake for the first three hours after the trauma, as he has a mild concussion, and if he falls asleep he may not awaken.

That is all I have on this matter. I amsure I will write more as I find out the cause of his trauma and treat him again to make sure he heals  properly.

Signed: Keiran Vale
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Fighting Plague (Medical Report) on: February 12, 2007, 05:42:45 am
Leader: Keiran Vale, Commoner

Those Present:
Hoagie, Sergeant
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Marcus, Guardsman Recruit

Performing as task asked of me for The Medical staff me and a few guardsman travelled to Ilshenar's SPirituality Moonggate to begin our search for a suitable Plague Fighting ingredient.

                        Forming at The Moongate before setting out

Our first lead was to find the sap of a Pixie tree. A few leads from healers in Skara told me that the saphas healing properties that might be useful in curing the ailments of plague. We discovered one of these trees to the West of the gate. After Hoagie hurled his axe at the trunk we were able to collect a sample of the Sap.

         The Tree was very similar to a Yew tree

Upon bringing the Sap back to my home I was able to determine it had no properties useful for healing the plague. though it seems very capable of soothing other ailments such as red throats and sore muscles.

Next we decided to setout to my next target, A Cave in which I had heard strange plantlife grew. The Cave was unlike as it was described. Within it were many strange mushrooms that I collected to study.

            These are definetly not for eating!

Upon studying these mushrooms at my home I discovered that they could definetly be used in fighting the plague. I will be keeping a few samples of these at my home for future research. They seem to also have a very strong hallucigenetic effect if eaten, as discovered through feeding them to a mongbat not myself of course. The Mongbat was unharmed afterward so they are not poisonous.

Our Final goal was to travel to The Ethereal Keep. As I had heard rumours that Lord Oak's people had kept many writings they had found over the years. hopefully one of the writings there contained some sort of medical relevance. Getting to the Keep was no picnic as we had to travel through a spider infested cave to reach it's entrance. After trudging our way through corpses of spiders we were able to get to the keep. It took me some convincing to get them to allow us to search. but we were soon going through their collection.

       Not much could be found in their main library, apart from a few Britannian story books

We found nothing important in their library but one of the Ethereal Warriors informed me that the tombs beneath their keep might contain some  information. Though it was dangerous to enter as it was inhabited with the spirits of those tombed there. Disregarding their warning in true Covian Fashion we entered the tomb and began to tear through the Undead creatures that got in our way. We were soon able to find a small room filled with scrolls and books.. One of which Hoagie found that was of great importance.

Thanks to Hoagie's eyes we were able to locate an old Occloan Herbal treatment

The Scroll contained much information on an old Occloan Herbal medicine that is almsot more complicated than most medicines we have today. It is in my belief that this Medicine was created specifically to deal with Plague related ailments and that it can serve cove greatly in keeping our people healthy and plague free!

We soon returned to Cove and I delivered the ingredients to my home for safe keeping. I hope to speak more on my findings.

Keiran Vale
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