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OOC Boards / OOC Board / Selling Medium size house near cove.
on: March 29, 2005, 10:48:06 am
Ok so i left BoC and went of to make my own guild. I'v no need for this house anymore so im giving you guys a chance to get it. It's just below your church next to the sea above that L shape house that the guy wants 25 mill for *Laughs* 25 lol!
Anyway i want 350k for it, if anyones interested let me know on 264-148-825
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Robbery of Cove bank!
on: March 29, 2005, 10:37:42 am
Scarlett, Garret and Elora moved in from their hiding places behind the tree line. Their eyes darted left and right, watching for any sign of the covian guardsmen. Any meeting with guardsmen would surley end very badly for the small gang of thugs. They moved quickly, weapons clutched tightly in their hands. As they arrived at Cove gate Garret took one quick glance around then knelt down and began working on the gates lock, a few secondes later and the lock was picked. The group moved through town as quietly as possible, barley making a sound as they crept through the shadows being cast in the late evening light.
Scarlett kicked open the door and ran inside the bank screaming as she went. Followed closly by Elora and Garret, all waving knifes and daggers high in the air! Jarvis, the bank mannager allmost fell off his chair as the gang burst through the door. A guardsmen stood in the corner of the room, halberd at the ready! Elora readied herself for the fight but the guardsmen suddenly dropped his weapon and put his hands high in the air!
The gang stopped for a moment and laughed at the sight of a brave Covian guardsman reaching for the sky, his haleberd at his feet! Scarlett mannaged to stop herself laughing and demanded the other gang members do the same. Then she turned to Jarvis the bank mannager and demanded he take two bags and fill them with gold coins, as many as he could get in each bag! Scarlett knew the gang would have to be quick, for all they knew a patrol of guardsmen could pass through town. She opened the bank door a notch and peered out for a moment scanning the small town. Lucky for them the guardsmen seemed to be slacking this night. Probably too busy drinking she thought as she chuckled to herself. Closing the door and turning back to Jarvis, who had now finished filling the bags; Scarlett sheathed her weapon and grabbed the two heavy bags from him. Suddenly the bank doors burst open and in ran a dirty looking man, who once realising what was going on turned and tried to run back out.
Scarlett dropped the heavy bags and grabbed the man by the arm, pulling him back inside the bank and closing the doors after them. She then pushed the dirty smelling man into the corner of the room and told Garret to search him for any gold coins he might have.
After Garret had searched through the mans pockets he said lets tie them up with a grin on his face, Scarlett produced three small pieces of rope from her backpack and handed one each to Elora and Garret who proceeded to tie up the three victims.
Two minutes later the gang were heading back out into the woodland on their way to an old deserted ruined building that was near by. Reaching their make shift camp they had set up earlier that day they made a small fire and sat around sipping ale, counting gold and laughing about the days events.
{OOC: Feel free to add to this if you were involved}
In Character Boards / In Character Board / A new home, a new town!
on: February 06, 2005, 03:24:10 pm
Olaf sighed as he left Trinsic for the last time. Discarding his worn red cap and sash, throwing them to the ground near Trinsics main gate. He turned to look at the city one last time. The town truly was overrun with foul scum. Drow allowed to exist in a so-called town of Honour was a joke beyond jokes. Olaf knew he needed to be somewhere where such animals were not permitted.
Olaf travelled for many days before he reached the city of Britton. Such a grand city, so many people! So many taverns!! Olaf spent a few days hanging around the great city walking the streets and seeing the sights, including the two great castles of Lord British and Lord Blackthorn. Then one night sitting in a tavern he noticed a lass sitting alone. He took a slurp of his ale and went over to say hello. After some time chatting Olaf had discovered her name was Elora Carlye and she was an archer from Spiritwood. They also discovered they were both heading to Cove to join the army there! They finished their drinks and agreed to meet in the morning to travel together. Then they bid each other good night.
Next morning they met at the docks. Their task was to find a captain that would take them to Cove by ship. A few hours later and a large amount of haggling they had found just the captain they needed. A trader on his way to Cove with food and fine wine from the Yew area. Sitting on the small trading ship with his newfound companion Olaf smiled to himself and knew he had made the right choice in leaving Trinsic.
Things were already looking better with this fine looking lass at his side. During a three day voyage Olaf and Elora got to know each other well, spending many hours talking, laughing and Olaf occasionally hanging over the side of the ship throwing up after a bad combination of too much ale and no sea legs! By the end of the journey Olaf and Elora were engaged to be married! Olaf had also slowed his vast consumption of ale to a mere ten bottles a night!
Arriving at Cove docks Olaf set about searching for a residence around the Cove area for himself and his new lass. A fine looking building did he manage to find and rent from a local landowner and after a night or two the pair were settled in nicely.
A day later both himself and Elora were signed up to the local militia to begin thier life together as soldiers of Cove!
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Regarding Profanities
on: January 27, 2005, 12:50:42 pm
Yes i agree, i noticed somone saying Feck the other day. It just makes you look a fool who lacks RP ability. Kids play this game too...
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Anyone need houses in Cove?
on: January 26, 2005, 01:01:22 pm
I know of one or two 7+7 spots fairly close to town. Also im pretty good at placeing houses so if anyone wants help finding a spot near cove ICQ 264-148-825. I'll be happy to spend some time looking with you.
OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: [PR] Kaldorian Assault - OOC Explanation
on: January 24, 2005, 11:29:55 am
Alas I missed the event and im only a new member to BoC but I have had lots of experience with A^K and although I have had lots of problems with them IC playing my Trinsic town guard character {And only IC} I have never had problems with them OOC.
The AGM Cal Soulshadow is a great role-player and deals with things in a mature way, in fact she is very nice to talk to as Gregor said. In fact im surprised to hear of this actually happening and Kaldorians going OOC.
I have learned this lesson before myself. Taking matters into your own hands never brings any good, it just makes your GM and AGM's job and life harder.
Also I think the idea of Surprise attacks is great and something rarely seen in role-play these days due to people getting upset and whinging. Remember we role-play people living in medieval days, life was short and often very violent.
In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Raven Winter
on: January 24, 2005, 11:12:44 am
Name...Raven Winter Race...Human Profession...Monk Age...40's Alignment...Lawfull/Good
Raven was born in Minoc. While those around him spent their time studying swordsmanship or learning the main local trade of mining and blacksmithing, Raven spent his time deep in study of the virtues. Spending many hours reading old books on things such as faith and the higher being. He also spent much time in the local healers building, helping out if he could or praying over the sick and dieing.
Raven soon left Minoc to spread the word of the virtues and wandered to many places. He stood at the gates of Trinsic and studied books in the library of Spiritwood. Preached in the streets of Skara Brea and wandered the lands of Felucca working as a healer and saving any souls he could in those terrible lands of evil and filth.
Raven is truly obsessed with all things religious, the term fanatic fits him very well. He believes all that are against the one true faith should either be burned at the stake or beheaded. He has no time to hear anyone else’s views on religion as he is sure that his faith is the right one. He can often be found trying to convince people that his way is holy and good, ever vigilant of a would be damned soul to save!
Now he settles in Cove after hearing about the gathering of the faithful in the town. And so finally he is not alone in his faith.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: For a Few Gold Coins More! {IC}
on: January 11, 2005, 02:03:37 am
Scarlett finally built up the courage to move from her hiding place after about fifteen minuets since seeing the last guard run by. She turned each street corner carefuly, gripping her dagger tightly in her right hand.
Passing the tavern she could hear roars of laughter, people enjoying themselves and having fun. But this was not fun, the fun part was over, this was just dangerous. Finally she reached the south gate and sharply exited the city.
Arriving home she sat beside her fireplace and began counting her money. She had "gained" a fair amount in one days robbing. She moved over to her bed and lay herself down. As she lay there Scarlett couldn't help but giggle, what fun it had been! Then suddenly a sense of wickedness crept into her mind! She wanted to go back, just for one more! That would be foolish though she thought, "I would get caught for sure!". She pondered on this for a moment then jumped to her feet! "Just one more!".
Arriving in Trinsic and getting in through the almost allways unguarded south gate she crept around the city. Taking cover in the shadows as soon as she heard anyone approaching, anyone of them could have been a guard, this she knew. She reached the area outside the jail and stood on the bridge serveying the people, some involved in idle banter, some on there way this way and that. Luckily the guards seemed to be of somewhere patrolling.
Then a woman caught Scarletts eye. She was hurrying along with a young child beside her, walking toward the inn. The place where she had mugged that Tabbitha woman earlier. The perfect place for muggings, nice and quiet. Scarlett moved through the crowd with haste to catch up to the pair. She followed the woman and child into the inn and, producing her trusty dagger, proceeded to order them to hand over their gold.
Once Scarlett had yet another pouch full of shiny gold coins in her hand she bid the pair good day and set of with haste toward the gate. Reaching the gate she stopped in her tracks for a moment, there standing at the gate was a guard. But he seemed busy with a feline looking woman. And so Scarlett crept by the guard and off into the night.
In Character Boards / In Character Board / For a Few Gold Coins More! {IC}
on: January 10, 2005, 10:24:57 pm
Scarlett held her breath as hard as she could. From her hiding spot she could see first Samuel, then Wedge then after him Illuge running by. She couldn't be captured now, not after such a good days mugging! Suddenly they were gone again and she let out her breath with a slight smile.
Four out of five wasn't a bad score, the forth attempt at a mugging had failed when a man had turned the corner to see her holding a knife to a woman's throat! She had to flee then. Shame she thought to herself that she had to use violence and take down the victims of two of the successful muggings."The fools should have listened to me and not resisted!" she said quietly to herself then shrugged. She didn't really care if she had to hurt people or not, she reasoned that it was a necessity of the trade. At least she was a few pouch's of gold better off!
Scarlett shook her head slowly, she knew she should have used her mask in all the muggings, now she would have trouble escaping the city let alone being able to come back any time soon!