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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 04, 2007, 02:36:55 pm
Led by Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit

Attended by Sir John, Guardsman Recruit

After gathering supplies I returned to the barracks and saw Sir John just wandering about. I decided that as it was quiet, it would be a great time to practice Combat Orders.

I decided a patrol to Vesper and back would allow us plenty of time and space to work on Orders, and also give us the chance to check up on the Vesper scum.

After going through basic Line commands with Sir John, we headed Southeast and skirted by the graveyard. Several skeletons, Mongbats, Ogres and a Troll were encountered along the way but we comfortably handled thse threats.

We continued Southeast until we reached the coast and kept off the roads, I didnt know if Vesper had set up patrols or sentries and didnt liken to reckon the outcome of a serious battle with any of them just yet.

We reached the coast with no trouble and followed it until we reached what looked like the main Barracks of Vesper. Only two Militia Watchmen were present, but they were asleep so me and Sir John carefully snuck in and had a look around. It was deserted and looked new and undisturbed. Having found nothing of interest we left.

Sir John then noted another building next to the Barracks and we investigated. It looked very much like the main treasury and stock room, with Holding Cells on the lower floor - they had cells with beds in! I tell you they're soft as muck those Vesper lot!
After another quick search, again this building was deserted, we left before anyone returned and made a safe return to the Barracks.


Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit
2  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Aerlyn Talaviir on: February 03, 2007, 04:41:06 pm
Well where do I start, I know what your all thinking - what in the nine hells is a Half-Elven doing this far East, away from the Wildlands and how did he end up in the Baronship.
Ill tell you the answers to these questions and more lads, now relax and grab some Ale.

First off yes, I am a Half-Elf. Born to a Human Father and an Elven Mother, Cerene Talaviir. I do not know my Father as Cerene didnt like to talk about him much so I thought he musn't be worth wasting my breath or time on!
I grew up in a small Hamlet of Elves in the Forest of Lisadiil in the Wildlands. It was quiet, but seldom peaceful as there were always Raiding Parties fo some Race or another always trying to take the Lisadiil from us - personally, I think they were all jealous as ours was the only 'community' for miles in any direction.
Most of the Hamlet had fighting skills of some sort or another, otherwise Lisadiil would have fallen many generations ago. Only the Elders didnt fight, although there was always a strong aura about them that made you feel that if pushed, they would be a very dangerous foe.

I learned my Swordsmanship and Healing skills from Ehyonna Darknight, a very skilled Ranger that taught me from the moment I could walk. She was very patient as both a hunter and a teacher and over the years we developed such a bond we could almost tell what the other was thinking. We would disappear for days in the forest of Lisadiil yet noone in our Hamlet would worry, they knew we both would be a match for almost anything in the great forest.

I remember one night, we were stalking an Orc Party that had just appeared in Lisadiil, they had just made camp and seemed worn out and ragged. My and Eyhonna circled the camp, just out of range of the firelight, to try and figure out what these creatures wanted. There were only 20 or so of them and yet every single one of them was on guard.
'Strange' I saw Eyhonna hand-code me.
We were just going to leave them this night, as they did not seem intent on harming our Hamlet or the forest this night when we heard the unmistakeable growl of a Timber Wolf, quickly followed by another then by 10 more. Me and Eyhonna were shocked to our souls - never have Timber Wolves gathered in so many numbers before. We both blended into the trees as the wolves appeared and encircled the camp. They jsut stood there, snowling and drooling, as if waiting.
'Why?' I signalled Eyhonna. she only shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

Suddenly a huge barbarian of a man appeared and the Timber Wolves parted for him. The Orcs readied their weapons - clearly they were afraid of this barbarian. He shouted something to the closest Orc in their own language, the Orc just snarled and charged at the barbarian. The Orc swung his weapon at the barbarian, who just stood there. Just as it looked like it would cleave the barbarian in two, several Wolves pounced on the Orc and tore it to pieces within minutes. The Orc didnt even have time let out a cry or anything.
The other Orcs cried out some sort of battle-cry and charged the barbarian. They all met with the same fate as ther first. When the wolves had finished devouring the foul-smelling corpses of the Orcs, the barbarian simply walked away and the wolves followed. Since then I have never seen or heard of this barbarian.

Anyway, enough reminiscing, why did I leave the Wildlands I hear you wondering. Well I simply was not contented with life. Plain and simple, no great mystery. I felt I was meant for more. Don't get me wrong, the life in Lisadiil was great and anyone else would have been content with it, everyone else was - except me. I had always spoke about leaving but noone ever thought I would actually do it, except Cerene. She was the only one who understood how I felt and so got me trained in other skills that could help me survive wherever I went. And for that I am grateful.
I always keep a journal with me so I can chronicle my adventures and hope it will become a source of great inspiration for anyone who reads it when I am grey and old, or passed away.

Anyway I heard of a small boat leaving the Wildlands and heading East, I spoke to the captain but he wouldnt let me on for love nor money, stubborn bastard! So I snuck on and hid in the cargo hold. For three long weeks I hid there all day and only snuck out on night to steal food and stretch my weary muscles. I had no company, except the occasional banters of Sailors as they went about their business. I ended up alone, cramped yet still eager for adventure in a town called Skara Brae.

That is where Regdar saw me and asked if I was interested in joining the Baronship. I admit I wasnt interested to begin with - I had only just snuck off the ship and spent no more than time than it does to adjust ones pack and I was already being offered to join some organisation, what a strange town I thought.
However, after speaking for some time with Regdar I decided to sign up - the Baronship of Cove had the right ideals and I knew this would provide me with the right opportunities so I followed him to the Barracks and signed my life to them! A hasty decision some might say, but I knew in my heart it was the right one to make.

So now here I am, Aerlyn of the Elven Talaviir family of the Wildlands, Guardsman of the Baronship of Cove and loving every minute of it!
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: February 03, 2007, 04:28:22 pm
Patrol to cover the town of Cove, including Docks, Lighthouse, and surrounding area after reports of shady characters and cargo appearing and disappearing.

Led by
Perrin, Guardsman Recruit

Attended by
Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit
Max, Guardsman Recruit

After returning to the Barracks after a little visit to Vesper *coughs* Perrin informed me of local reports that shady characters were being spotted around Cove and that cargo of a suspicious nature was being discovered. We decided to not only look into this matter ourselves, but also take the time to initiate the Baronships newest Recruit, Max, into the ways of a Guardsman.

We taught him a few simple commands about forming up both in a line and tactically, how to handle weapons and armour and effective ways of communication. After he seemed competent in these skills we left for Cove with Max in the middle of myself and Perrin, just to be on the safe side.

We entered Cove with no problems and spoke to a few citizens who told us that a few moons ago something suspicious had been happening at the docks but nothing more. Acting on this we searched the Docks thoroughly and found nothing. We then searched the Lighthouse to the Northwest and found nothing that indicated anything suspicious or out of character.
Either these suspicious characters had left Cove or were pretty good at covering up their tracks...

Just to be certain, myself Perrin and Max split up and searched each and every house in Cove and again found nothing. Having come up with no evidence we decided to leave Cove and patrol the surrounding area around Cove and the Barracks.
Our search took only a few hours and barely anything stirred, except for a few vile sewer rats and a Headless One on the Northern Peninsula. It seemed too quiet to me and Perrin so we checked the Sawmill and decided to also check the Wall, which is in need of dire repair.

We returned to the Barracks just after nightfall and still nothing stirred, which is strangely odd to me but at least we didnt lose a Recruit on his first night in the Baronship!

We were dismissed by Perrin and congratulated on a patrol well done.

Nothing else to report.


Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Raid on Ye Orc Fort on: February 02, 2007, 08:16:03 pm
Led by Regdar, Junior Guardsman

Attended by Hoagie, Captain
                               Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal
                               Dalamar, Junior Scout
                               Eve, Junior Guarsman
                               Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit
                               Perri, Guardsman Recruit
                               Sir John, Guardsman Recruit

After being lined up by Regdar we were informed that we were to take part in a Raid against the Orc Fort that lies West of Cove. There had been reports of disturbances during the night and it was believed the Orc scum were the cause.

Our little Party headed West towards Cove, passed through the Southern Pass of the mountains, then turned Northwest until we hit upon the road towards the Fort. Already the stink had begun to fill our noses.
As we came upon the outskirts of the Fort, we came across a monstrous creature that I was later informed was an Orc brute. We overcame this abomination, however the noise from the ensuing battle with the beast alerted the nearby Guards within the Fort.

We overcame these Guards and battled our way into the main area of the Keep. The stench of these creatures is overwhelming, im amazed that none of us collapsed such was the smell!

At the centre of the Keep we came across several more of those Brute monsters and countless Orc scum. All were killed thanks to our skill-at-arms.

We were about to clear the Keeps remaining towers and rooms when Regdar was informed of a large Orc group marching towards the Fort, so ordered us to withdraw back to the Barracks.
Heading back a few Scouts were encountered just beyond the Fort, these were dealt with quickly and efficiently, their heads sticked into the ground nearby to serve as a warning to the scum.

Back at the Barracks we were lined up and congratulated on a successful Raid by Regdar, who then divvied up the loot among our number and the Baronship kitty.

I took no loot, as I feel that the Baronship has done enough for allowing this Half-Elven wanderer another chance at life and thus anything I can contribute back I shall willingly give.


Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit
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