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1  Guardsman Boards / Light Company Board / Re: A Task For Potential Kelban on: August 19, 2009, 12:31:58 am
Well done lad a grand effort and im glad to see ye found a good price for us there. Good work

2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Returning.. on: August 07, 2009, 01:32:12 pm
seems like returning is a trend, i recently came back after 2 years off but i remeber you and there are a fair few of the old BoC'ers around so im sure others will too and personally i think it would be great to see you back with us Smiley

come on home to cove! Smiley
3  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Issues In BoC on: August 06, 2009, 06:50:26 pm
this is a difficult one, in many ways i agree with everyone, yes there should be a period of poliet attempts to teach a bad rp'er how to be better and yes some people never learn so should be removed from the guild, but you have to give them a chance to learn, also more scrutiny may be requiered at the accepting into the guild stage, i dont know how much is done these days but to be honest i think the biggest problem is us.

we the established players should be setting the standard, leading by example but we dont, we have grenadiers runing around infront of the baracks "dueling" and when ordered, told, or sugested that they move it to the arena on the roof they have excuses why not to, we have watchmen backchating officers, juniors arguing with seniors, come on people this is an army that means you should respect the ranking system the same as you would in a real army, you can be freindly with an officer but never friends.  At the same time as a grenadier may not like a scout or an arcanest because they are in a different devision a junior grenadier would obey a regular or higher ranking scout or arcanest yet i have seen incedents of "your not my superior cos your in a different devision" IT DOESNT MATTER!!! a sergeant from the welsh ceramonial forces would still have to obey a luitenant from the scottish ceramonial devison if none of his own devision were around BECAUSE HE OUT RANKS HIM! this is basic milatery stuff folks.

My final words then, if we lead the way the recruits will follow but if we set a bad example what can we expect except more of the same? i will play my roles the best i can, how you play yours is up to you.
4  Guardsman Boards / Light Company Board / A Task For Potential Kelban on: August 06, 2009, 05:02:21 pm
I have a task for ye lad, i wish ye to run a patrole for me in which ye do on ye own to show your ability to work on ye own initative. ye then must take this patrole into the badlands and visit every city there. in each city i am told there are dealers in goods who have a market place near the bank, ye must visit these men and make a full report on what they offer and at what prices so that we may see if any will be of use to help supply our war efforts.  Of course vesper must not know of this so ye must spend much time in the shadows and be in disguise, if they learnt our intent they could cut off our trade routes.

Due to the needs for stealthy movement i would advise that ye only take scouts and potential scouts on this mission. Also i expect a full report on this matter avalible.

5  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: August 02, 2009, 07:13:56 pm
well nothing else has been suggested so im going to get a little intrest up on the ic boards since it seems not many folk read the ooc ones for things like this they just use the babble thread what ever its name happens to be at the time. so no its not quiet just launching in to start gathering things, there will be in game ic meetings then i will set up some events like scout missions for gathering info on prices on things we may have to buy like regs but its no good just sitting here if no one has anything more to say i might as well get the ball rolling or everyone will forget about it and nothing will get done Smiley besides i hate just waiting Tongue
6  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: If you are reading this... on: August 02, 2009, 06:42:14 pm
Bring me back some ToT's Cheesy
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Cove's Great War Preperations on: August 02, 2009, 06:07:03 pm
It has come to my attention that we are in need of many supplies and should we at this moment be put under siege by an aggressor we would be poorly supplied at best.

Therefore i have assembled a list of resources that we must gather in order to ensure sufficient armour, weapons and medical supplies are available to us. for this we require:-

10,000 blood moss
10,000 black pearl
10,000 sulfur
10,000 garlic
10,000 ginsin
10,000 mandrake root
10,000 night shade
10,000 spider silk
10,000 Bandig es (10,000 cloth)
10,000 bronze
10,000 shadow
1,000 each other metal
10,000 barbed
5,000 horned
5,000 spined
1,000 smoke/egg bombs (4998 ginsing 1666 garlic or 4998 flour 1666 eggs)
1,000 shurikin (5,000 iron ingots)
1,000 darts (1,000 wood)
10,000 arrows (10,000 wood 10,000 feathers)
10,000 bolts (10,000 wood 10,000 feathers)
10 kegs greater Conflag (14000 grave dust)
10 kegs greater poison (14400 nightshade)
10 kegs greater explosion (13000 sulfur)
30 kegs (690 logs 210 ingots 315 sand)
1000 bottles (1050 sand)

As ye can see many of the items we need i have listed the raw materials for, that is because we will collect the materials and then employ the citizens of cove to craft these items for us. Cove can no longer afford to feed the pockets of Vespers traders to purchase what we need this only furthers their aggressive stance as ye can bet that be where the profit they make from us goes. we must ensure this trade stays in our own city and so we will hunt monsters the length and breadth of Britannia to bring our craftsmen the finest of supplies that they may provied us the finest of tools to defend our homes with!

To this end we will purchase only that which we as a city can not procure for ourselves and we will take a collection from the worst denizens of these lands to pay for it!

I have many patrols planned that will enable this collect process to begin but now i need your help my fellow Covians! i need volunteers to take up these patrols with me, people to make sure this work continues when i must be about other business of the militia, i need skilled craftsmen to make the many items we require, to mix the complex potions that we use to ensure your safety.

Cove Needs YOU!
8  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 30, 2009, 02:50:25 pm
as it stands at the moment i am just waiting to see if there are any more edits to the list needed so i will give it a day or so to give people chance to post then if no further edits to be done i will be putting up the first post "Cove's Great War Effort" hopefully with some of Faden's amazing images (if you haven't seen them you really should take a look they fit in beautifully!) and getting this rolling, i like the idea of making the recruits drink the poison too but not sure about out of date nightsight they are bad enough for tripping over there own feet already what if it sends them blind? we will be surrounded by drooling dummies ............ nevermind Tongue
9  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 30, 2009, 02:43:11 pm
yep thats why we are getting 10,000 bronze, shadow and barbed primerily then assorted numbers of other raw materials. due to the preference for exeptional and so recycling and such i didn't want to put a specific number on the armour produced just gather the resources and make as much as possible from them was the general idea.
10  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 30, 2009, 04:49:35 am
as for the intergration i hope they do to but it would probably have to run through once first to see how it goes to see if its worth making it into requierments though of course i expect the reports will still count toward the report writing aspect of promotion as will leading any of the gathering events count towards any promotion aspect for leading patrols where the patrol type is not specified
11  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 30, 2009, 04:28:36 am
greater explosions i'll add np the bottles are made with alchemy and a glass blowers book from the gargoyl city for the skill using sand as resource i belive just looking into how obtainable this is to see if that is better than buying them. how many bottles would you say would be a reasonable number for explosion and conflag perposes?
12  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 30, 2009, 12:49:32 am
right so heres what i have so far

10,000 blood moss
10,000 black pearl
10,000 sulfer
10,000 garlic
10,000 ginsin
10,000 mandrake root
10,000 night shade
10,000 spider silk
10,000 cloth (16667 wool ish)
10,000 bronze
10,000 shadow
1,000 each other metal
10,000 barbed
5,000 horned
5,000 spined
1,000 smoke/egg bombs (4998 ginsing 1666 garlic or 4998 flour 1666 eggs allowing for 66.6% fail rate of gm alchemist/cook)
1,000 shurikin (5,000 iron ingots)
1,000 darts (1,000 wood)
10,000 arrows (10,000 wood 10,000 feathers)
10,000 bolts (10,000 wood 10,000 feathers)
10 kegs greater Conflag (14000 grave dust allowing for aproximatly 40% fail rate of gm alchemist)
10 kegs greater poison (14400 nightshade allowing for aproximatly 80% fail rate of gm alchemist)
10 kegs greater explosion (13000 sulfer allowing for aproximatly 30% fail rate of gm alchemist)
30 kegs (690 logs 210 ingots 315 sand allowing for 5% fail on the sand from gm alchemist with glass glowing ability)
1000 bottles (1050 sand allowing for 5% fail rate of gm alchemist with glass blowing ability)

anyone want to modifie any of these numbers?

*amendment one*
added greater explosion and empty bottles
13  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 29, 2009, 11:59:49 pm
That would be excellent if there are enough lockdowns at such an open area and apreciate the offer for goods but i really would like this chain of events to provide everything for itslef more is better Smiley
14  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a huge series of events, help needed on: July 29, 2009, 07:56:13 pm
that would be an easy answer but as i say this isn't about easy, infact some case's the harder the better, its about creating events to gather the resources, rping the entier life cycle of the resource productin through to finished product in the covian supplie requerments, generaly filling out life in cove with a little more flesh and substance Smiley in general giving us all something to pull together on as a comunity. so with bandages for example we can all use a spinning wheel and loom but in rp terms that is a skill most folk wouldn't have so we can gather the wool or pick the cotten with many a *rools in the mud trying to keep the sheep still whilst shearing it* and "this reminds me of my batchalor party!" etc then rp with going to see a civvy to get the resource turned into bandages, haggaling over price for work done, generally everything, the full life of cove not just patrols and battles
15  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Planning a hugh series of events, help needed on: July 29, 2009, 06:54:45 pm
nah reagents are easy thats just a matter of money and a little time, scout mission to fell go around the faction vendors find the cheap one to get the prices then money from all the other missions take back to fell in the bank stand stealthed next to bank with bank box open buy all the regs then check price at the bottome, put that much in your pack and click accept so money is in your pack too short to be stolen then regs go into bank.

remebering there are 3 reg vendors each with 2 piles of each reg for sale restocking every 10 min ish and when they restock its double the amount of regs for sale so even if you have to build them up from the  bottom thats 20 per pile 2 piles 3 vendors so first round is 40 of each reg from each vendor or 120 of each for the round, 10 min later repeat to get 240 for the round of each reg giving you 360 of each, next round its 480 of each reg total of 840 ten min later its 960 total of 1800 of each reg maxes out at 999 per pile and just keep buying, its a little boaring maybe but gets us an amount in that is worth having and excuse for two rp trips to fell instead of hours beyond belife killing varius mage monsters for a few hundred of each reg after it all which might cover one mage's use for one battle

personally i did this a few years back before i went away from the game for a bit to buy the regs to train inscription from 0 to gm on one of my non boc chars so you can imagen how many i bought and didnt really take very long, the vendors are normally fairly well built up already cos people are constantly buying from them cos they are so cheap. i used althy to do the buying as he can stealth and spent the time waiting for them to restock training my poisoning. i recently niped to fell to check this was still aviable option and whilst there are now many groups of faction vendors instead of only one it seems that only one set has the cheap prices making for some nice rp going from town to town, checking prices etc,

yeah 10,000 each arrows and bolts is fine by me Smiley also any alchemists know what regs etc are requiered to make conflag and poison and how many for the level potions we need so we can add those to the list we need to buy so we can figure out how much gold we need to raise? how many wood we need to make the potion barrels etc? once we figure out the list of things to make we can slim it down to a list of what we actually need to gather
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