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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Sentry Post.. or wrestling ring.. !? on: March 17, 2007, 06:57:46 pm
Are my eyes working correctly, does this sentry have a roof!

Think you were looking for this post *Wink*

2  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Random Madonna Thread!?? on: March 17, 2007, 05:51:23 pm
I go out to the shops and someone wiped the Madonna thread..  I thought that one had potential..  and for those that missed it..!!

The only thing madonna`s good for!..     Parking yer bike!

3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry Post.. or wrestling ring.. !? on: March 17, 2007, 11:46:50 am

  After completing an early morning Patrol I set about setting up a Sentry post at the Baracks..  taking care not to wake up those heavy weekend sleepers.

Post Manned by ; Jack Sinist and Maynard Skulk

Of course upon the completion of my.. generously sized post.. I had to stand back and think..  It looks a bit like a wrestlin ring to meh..  suppose thats some entertainment if we get bored.

4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: March 17, 2007, 11:40:36 am
Dawn Patrol of The Covian Shire

Patrol Leader - Jack Sinist

Attendance - Maynard Skulk

We Set out under the cover of the morning darkness..  but Dawn was soon upon us.  Most slept softly in their beds as we carried out our patrol.. and all was silent as expected with the exeption of a few night prowlers mistaking us for a snack..

5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Trophy Hunt ; The Yamadon! on: March 16, 2007, 08:59:43 pm
Hunt Leader ; Flina Trix - Junior Dragoon.

  I wasnt quite sure what I was expecting when called upto to hunt the beast "Yamadon"
but given our number..  I knew it wasnt going to be a walk through cove..

We set out to the moongate and was joined by Regular Dragoon Kurt.
A fairly easy journey ensued in the eastern lands, untill we were set upon by a pack of humanoid wolves..  they almost had the better of us!!..  but showing a cool head and superlative leadership skills.. Dragoon Trix pulled the group together to overcome the onslaught.

A swift march onwards followed.. to the spawning feilds of the fearful Yamadon!

We were taken by surprise as it struck from the woods.. giving us no time to initiate our hit and run tactic..  but time got the better of the beast.. as we slowly cut it down..

A Final blow saw it laying motionless on the grass in a bloody mess.. 

With the battle over.. Dragoon Trix took the prize of the Beasts Horn.

Guardsman Sinist then sawe us home safely.. where the gold was accounted for and distributed for a good days work.

Hoagie - Dragoon Sergeant
Maynard Skulk - Recruit
Brandy Arrowsnap - Recruit
Jack Sinist - Guardsman
Kurt - Regular Dragoon
Flina Trix - Regular Dragoon (Leader)
Dalamar - Regular Scout

End of report..


Maynard Skulk
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Advanced Barracks Fortification. on: March 16, 2007, 05:44:05 pm

   Given that all was calm in Cove.. i set about creating the ideal barricade for the barracks.. trying to take all angles of attack and manoveres into consideration.

Shortly after I started Deveriath Fae`el turned up and helped to tweak parts of the fortification.

Report Ends..

Maynard Skulk
7  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Sentry post. on: March 16, 2007, 02:50:14 pm

Under the command of Guardsman Sinist, we built a basic Sentry post outside the Barracks.
Fortunatly one o` us knew how ter make crates..  be they slighty off shaped...
The post was manned from 13:00 to 14:30 gmt by Sergeant Valentine, Guardsman Sinist and Meself.

In the absence of any intruders Sir Valentine kept our spirits high with a song about Ale!

Woul` be a shame not te know how the full first verse went!

Nothing else to report as the time past without event..

Though I shall not forget the following for a while..


Maynard Skulk

Guardsman Recruit
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: March 16, 2007, 12:18:31 pm
Patrol of Cove Town:- 16 March 11.40am GMT

Led by:-  Regular Guardsman : Jack Sinist

Attending:- Guardsman Recruit : Maynard Skulk

A Patrol of the buildings of cove was carried out without event, the docks proved slightly more interesting when we came upon an abondoned ship..

Upon closer inspection.. it turned out that someone had left a hefty booty in the hold..  obviously a donation to cove..  so we relieved them of their burdon.

After heading up to the north tower we returned via the main wall.. where a short history lesson about the defences was given.

Report Ends.


Maynard Skulk

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