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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trials: Estory and Grimsson on: February 04, 2005, 10:56:05 pm
Intelligence report of the Orc Fort:

The Orc fort as we all know lies just south of Cove, if it wasn't for the mountain between the Fort and Cove itself we would probably be able to throw stones at the orcs from our walls!

The first part of the Fort to note is the watch towers that lie just beyond its entrance, they are high up and can see past the mountain and so a suprise attack from the land is almost impossible.

I used a mask of orcish kin to disguise myself. The foolish orcs didn't even realise I was still wearing my Covian uniform.

There are two entrances into the Orc Fort, one at the front and one at the back. The rest of the fort is surrounded by primitive wooden barricades, which maybe primitive but are robbust and high. This barricade is impassable and for the most part is built out onto the border of the island which stops you landing troops anywhere but the docks or out the front of the fort.

Both entrances are suprisingly lightly guarded, only a few guards out the front watching for invading forces and no guards on the dock. The main hive of orcs, and even some huge orc giants is at the centre of the fort. If forces are seen attacking the fort these orcs could easily swarm to either end of the fort to form quite a formidable force.

By my reckoning the best time and place to attack would be as dawn in the docks. The orcs often feast late into the night and an attack at day, dusk or night would only mean lots of ferocious orcs ready for battle, the later the worse almost! Early in the morning most are still sleeping off the previous night or too tired to be keeping a keen watch. That added to the fact they never guard their docks, or not very well at all, means it is the ideal strike point to entre the fort.

I hope this report satisfies what is required of the intelligence report of the Orc fort.

The last mask of Orcish kin is proving hard to get, but hopefully within the weekend I should have it and thus finished all my trials.

2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trials: Estory and Grimsson on: January 29, 2005, 05:08:34 pm
Trial completed - Cleaning then entire Barracks!

It looked daunting at first!

But as I got stuck into it and broke it down into sections I found it more managable

Once the main part of the building was done, many hours had past and it was time to venture into the cell area. I doubt I will ever forget this experience...

After sweeping, mobbing, dusting and polishing every surface in the building I was read to collapse but the satisfaction of making this building look clean and respectable once again made it all worth while, or did it..

One more task awaited! I must now make a tactical report of the Orc Fort.
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Recruit Trials: Estory and Grimsson on: January 28, 2005, 01:08:39 pm
Reading through the list of trials again Bors rubbed his forehead trying to stimulate some thought. Fighting Orcs day in day out had produced 1 orc mask, the gold was collected and the bandages were gathered. His skill as a warrior still wasn't enough to get into the Orc fort to make a thorough report and just the thought of cleaning the entire barracks made him feel sick.

"By Loki, what do these devious Orcs do with all their blasted masks!", muttering to himself as he searched the corpse of another dead orc. It would probably be some time before Bors's skill as a warrior would be sufficient enough to fulfill the final trials.

Trials completed:

- 10,000 gold has been collected#

- 2000 bandages have been gathered
4  In Character Boards / Character Profiles / Bors Grimsson, son of Grim Ceorlsson on: January 22, 2005, 05:40:54 pm
Name: Bors

Age: 20

Stats: 5'10". Very broad and strong stature. Clearly of Norscan decent.


Bors, the eldest of three, was brought up in the woods around Cove, with his brother and sister , by his father, Grim. His father moved into down from the northern mountains above Minoc after warring tribes of Norsemen began to threaten the safety of his children.

Being a proud norseman Grim brought his children up and taught them much about the pagan gods, Thor, Odin and Loki, Bors especially showed really potential as a warrior and he taught him in skill at arms and wrestling.

When the Orc invasion of Cove came Grim took up the sword and shield and aided as best he could in the occupation which eventually took his life leaving his three children to fend for themselves. Bors was the only one to remain in Cove, the other departed, seeking life elsewhere, Bors doesn't know where they have gone.

Bors is proud of his heritage and will always introduce himself by his fully, Bors Grimsson son of Grim Ceorlsson, although the new god he has encounted in the militia confuses him, but maybe with time he will grow to understand and maybe favour this new god more?
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: For Recruits - Cadre Roll Call on: January 22, 2005, 05:29:25 pm
*Marks an X*

Bors here sir
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